
Is being able to run a marathon considered a Chad feat, Jow Forums?

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Its only chad if you didn’t have to train for it

I am 35 and you would be surprised to see how many people i know who have facebooked running a marathon since high school. It's always the fat kid who you know was eaten up inside by it trying to post how he made it and shit.

but they still look so bad, you can be a middle aged man and have a fat face and still run a marathon


its one thing to be fit and healthy but training to run 42km seems kind of pointless
im not trying to be the best at running

you could say the same thing about squatting 3 plate or getting ripped abs

running before lifting crew.

warms up the muscles
gets bloodflow going
gets you in the mood for lifting

I only do like 35-45 min of cardio before my workout so I don't use up all my energy.

people admire abs and muscles. nobody gives a fuck if you look like a good runner, unless you’re 50+ years old


Mentally chad but physically basedboy

Fucking filter

I could run a marathon but I don't want to.

You probably can't.
42km is no joke.
Perhaps you could run the kids marathon which is like 3km

Nah I definitely could, I run, I just don't want to run a marathon

I see running 42km is quite pointless.
You just need to be able to run 10km, like most heavy weight fighters, and that's enough.

Doing a marathon is easy, loads of people do it each year, old people do it, fat people do it, people who haven't trained for it do it,people who wear shitty fancy dress do it
The real challenge is doing it in a certain time.
Running a marathon means nothing. Running a marathon in under 3 hours means something

Skelly shelly

This is like saying weightlifting will automatically make u arnie

You are an idiot

Doing a real marathon (sub 4:00) is no joke

You aren’t comprehending the distance properly

5k 10k or spints today?

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Interval running.
Give me 15x(90 fast, 30 slow)

B-b-but that's not what I asked

I used to run quite a lot. Long distances. Nowadays I strength train 3x a week and run 4x a week in the mornings on non lifting days. I t's good to have cariovascular endurance and it's good to be strong. Marathon running is an extreme and is'nt a cood indicator of overall fitness. My self esteem and confidence went up, when I started to properly strength train.

>it's another slow long run day
I'm starting to like them, fuck speed.

no, but being able to ride a motorcycle is

Mate, can you polease post your weightlifting stats?
Because i have no idea how you can do 35-45 minutes cardio before a serious lifting session.

what's the weight lifting equivalent of running a marathon?

Doing 10lb dumbbell curls for 2 hours straight

i only run 4 km 3 times a week

You are just unfit

This board has no fitness

It’s just lifting things

Look at the fuck in that photo. Does he look like Chad to you? Does pathetically hobbling to the finish line with shit covered noodle legs sound alpha to you? Go lift. Wanna be lean? Play a sport.

No. Just completing a marathon is easy mode since most give everyone enough time to walk it. The marathon I ran yesterday, an older lady power walked it and finished it in 6:30. I've been injured and done nothing but crosstraining with just swimming and cycling for the past 6 weeks and completed it in 3:58. If you are new to running, you can do it with three runs a week, with one long run per week.

That's a great exercise, but I prefer 10x(4min fast, 1min slow).

It's more of a borderline destructive addiction

If you do it once or twice a year, it is not really. People forget things called "off-seasons". Runners are prone to this the most.

I used to do that and my lifts were shit, you're deffo dyel.
Always cardio after weights is a golden rule.


idk about him, but I run a 10k prior to the gym and lift 175/255/375/475@180

>inb4 dyel

running to train for something like boxing or rugby is pretty chad

just running nah

but id say the same about lifting if you just lift for the point of and do no sport thats pretty sad too

I have not be disparaging, but you are. And i question why.

If you are doing seriously cardio, for 45 minutes, this leaves you about another 45 minutes of glycogen in your body. And i have no idea how you can do serious weightlifting with that.

So, please, post your weightlifting stats, or at least tell us what you lift for. for sure it cannot be either hypertrophy nor strength, because it's impossible that you do 45 minutes cardio before resistance training.

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Not really. It's better than nothing but a sub 11 100m or completing a full length triathlon or iron man is far more Chad in terms of enduracne events

Post body and stats.

I dunno man, I ran 25km with no training for the jokes of it. But I have naturally always been a decent runner/fit

I lift so I can beat up police and be a white savior so the darkies tell me, "You ain't so bad cuh"

yeah Ill accept that

>being able to run a marathon

but I'd say sub-5:00 in the mile is pretty chadly

It doesn't count if it takes you 5+ hours. Even 4+ is pushing it, and I wouldn't consider someone fit if they weren't in at the very least low 3s.

you sound quite vapid


>good looking but bad at running

is there a worse feel everyone expects me to be quick but Im slow as fuck Ive never even smoked or anything

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10 km is enough

It becomes almost impossible to run a marathon if you don't do it under 4 hours (too tired, joints start to hurt too much).

Used to run 5k in 20 mins, now I try to concentrate on my gains so I don't run anymore. Fuck running 42k though.

My long runs are 19 miles, I ski 50k races serveral times a year, I have a pretty good idea of what the distance is and know I could easily do it in under 4 hours,

>my body is so unathletic and unfit that i cant fathom being strong after a short time running

brb soldiers do this all the time cus they are actually fit

>t. unfit person

see first response you unfit fag

>durr im gay its all about looks pls post ur jooicy body

none of you are interested in fitnesss. You are just interesting in lifting

>you have to be a specialized endurance athlete tier to be considered fit

fuck off

You are a bait and you probably probably weak.

the real running starts at 30km

brb not poasting lifts OR run times

>soldiers do this all the time
t. neverserved

>nobody gives a fuck if you look like a good runner

Sure - that's why running events can draw in participants numbering the tens of thousands and can get crowds of tens of thousands lining the streets for the event.

But of course because you say so no one cares.

Well that settles it then

Not that user, but: do the 5k in interval fashion as described.

>friend brags on Facebook all the time about being a runner
>look up 5k results, he ran a 31:30

based slow long bro

what would be considered a good 5k time for an amateur? 25min?

Soldiers literally do this tho you fucking larp or remf

Soldiering is all about endurance and being strong enough to carry your kit and others

Why would you deny reality

>he’s right il call him bait

Fuck off you unfit cunt

You probably get winded walking up the fucking stairs

I could literally make it up

It proves nothing you incel In this boards eyes that’s fi

That’s better than average but the average is unfit

It’s good if running/cardio isn’t your main

>that's why running events can draw in participants numbering the tens of thousands
It's not because of how they look. Disgraceful reading comprehension.

120kg squat x 8
Don’t bench
Chin ups with 30kg is my working set

I can do at least 100 press ups in one set

Run up hills faster than you
Run marathon faster than you (you probs can’t even do one like most of this board)

1.5 mile in 8 minutes

This board is a fraud

Nothing to do with fitness at all

It’s just gay people looking at bodies most of the time

People on here can’t believe that one can be fit and look like they are strong which says it all

HURR durr this guy is bashing people fitness HE MUST BE SMALL HE MUST BE SMALL


>press up

sub 17

>Bataan Death March, April 9th, 1942. Colorized

>reddit spacing intensifies


t. DYEL skinnyfat

Yeah bro running is super Chad all the girls love that shit.

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>It's not because of how they look.
You sound like a woman.

>demanding standards from a Somalian bean management forum

>doing things cause girls like them

cucked and bluepilled

Incel Virgin that’s so low test he doesn’t even want to try for girls lmao.

Doing a marathon in a good time is a big life achievement. The training for it is brutal. 20 mile training runs aren't easy every week.

No, chad could probably just say he ran a marathon and people would believe him.
Only he doesnt have to lie cause hes chad

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>the cuck runner
>the chad swimmer
enjoy fucking up your knees you skellys

>I ski 50k races serveral times a year

>I let gravity pull me down on a hill on sticks, I know about running.


>hey look I can fuckin uhhh... run for a long time

Real cool man

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How long did it take you?

>Park next to my house is almost exactly 5k

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>But you won't post body

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dyel post body

Which is better for weight loss? Fast running or far running?

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post body, or you're lying one million percent confirmed

Is this a new pasta?

If you're new just focus on running at a speed you're comfortable with for however distance you can maintain. A good 7 minute and under mile run for 3+ miles is a pretty good standard, and one most posters here cannot achieve.

My routine is a 4 mile run, then sprints until I'm spent, but still have enough energy to workout the next day if need be.

But be warned, pure sprinting is for idiots, and a light jog and or walking for miles on end is only for the weak not able to run.

>bro i wanna lift weights but I don’t wanna get too big

Stop trying to get other men to post their bodies gayboy