Any Jow Forumsizens ever get itchy, rough and leathery balls...

Any Jow Forumsizens ever get itchy, rough and leathery balls? It seems to get better if I put some eczema cream but doesn't fully go away. Any tips frens?

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If I don't put on any cream, these white bruises start showing and they get itchier. Been going on for a couple weeks now.

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kys sage reported

Bro what the fuck.

How does this not fit in fitness and HEALTH?

Dude go to the doctor. Ez as dat.

Coconut oil. Moisturizes, anti bacterial/fungal properties. Dick silky smooth

I will when I get back to Europe, I'm stuck in gay Mozambique atm. God I hate this hellhole


Will get, thanks fren

Been there actually.
1) clean up your diet. coffee fucks my psoriasis up. Try drinking only water. Alcohol, wed wine especially, has been show to just wreck your skin.
2) humidifier is your friend
3) lotion lotion lotion
4) wear a fabric that doesn't feel rough on your skin. people always say nylon is bad, but i feel like its way better for me than fucking cotton.

It'll get better bro.

Saved. Thanks itchy balls bro, hope it gets better!

Doesn’t look like the herps
It’s probably a yeast infection lad
I dealt with a nasty one after some thot that didn’t brush her teeth properly engulfed my nut sack
Go to the doctors and they’ll prescribe you a fungal medication, a medication called triamcinolone, and a powder medication called nystatin
Do it quick cause that shit is gonna spread and fuck your asshole up as well if you don’t get on it

>humidifier is your friend
no, warmth and humid areas encourage microbe growth. if OP just had dry skin i would agree. but since its persistent he probably has some sort of mild fungal infection. go get over the counter antifungal cream.

Probably some jock itch bro. It happens. Try some cheap athlete's foot medication because its the same shit, but jock itch cream usually costs a few dollars more.
I get athlete's foot all the fucking time and I occasionally have accidentally spread it to my nads.

>Do it quick cause that shit is gonna spread and fuck your asshole up as well if you don’t get on it
Truly a wordsmith, user.

actually laughed out loud to this holy fuck

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It's not health anymore

Both of these. Was banging with this older fat broad raw and started to notice the same with some shedding a day later. I put coconut oil on my junk every day after a shower and it cleaned up. Also stopped fucking her. It got kinda bad, but haven’t seen it for a good month now. I don’t think she had yeast infections, but its possible. Bacteria is a motherfucker. It sucks cause she had some fat tiddies, but oh well. She didn’t like getting tit fucked, and that was one of the main reasons I started dealing with her. I need to find a new milf, bros.

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>be me back in June this year, 250 pounds of pure body fat
>start HIIT and eating right
>quit vidya
>quit smoking cigs and weed
>only drink water now
>hit plateau at 200 pounds
>month passes, still 200 pounds
>start fasting and keto
>stop fasting and keto after I reach 157 pounds and 34 inch waist
>from 36% bf to 17% bf
>no real stretch marks or loose skin thanks to fasting
>sit down to take a shit today
>a-are my nuts getting wet?!?!
>literally have to hold ballsack while I shit now or if I decide to piss like a woman in the morning.
No one ever tells you about this part of losing a lot of weight. Why did fasting tighten up my skin everywhere but my ballsack?
I have a date this week from Tinder for the first time too. Real QT asian. Do you think she will be uncomfortable with my low hanging fruit basket? pic not related.

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I hope this is pasta

What lotion are you talking about ?
Not OP but I got the same shit more or less for like 1 year, I tried all sorts of cream I also tried aloe vera, nothing worked. It's not itchy but all red... Im gonna try stop cofee.

No fucker, this is my real life right now. What exercises will tighten up my sack??

hahahahahahaha holy shit sides are in orbit

just fuck girls doggy style and youll wrecking ball their clits they love it
my balls hang low and girls love em

Sounds like some kind of fungus, go to doctor or try one of those it cremes

You have athletes foot on your balls

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>wrecking ball their clits
I feel like they are low enough that I might over shoot the clit entirely and slap her in the stomach.

fast for a week

They make underwear that helps. google separatec if all of the other options don't work. the underwear separates the cock, balls and your thighs in order to increase airflow. that ruins the environment of fungi.

wow. real talk, if you need to retract your balls the put a can of cold red bull or an ice pack next to then. cold showers work too. the skin contracts like crazy.

Holy fuck dude i actually lol'd, please post picks of this super sack