Im depressed and my test levels are in the 300 range. Will taking testosterone injections cure my depression?
Im depressed and my test levels are in the 300 range. Will taking testosterone injections cure my depression?
how to get prescribed testosterone
Dont dose your own shit. Get TRT from a doctor.
I've always wanted a shaped mind.
probably not
they wont fucking give it to you in australia if youre at 300
Doctors trt protocols are fucking retarded. 1g test u every 12 weeks for example
My T was at 289 when I was 24 and despite giving my doctor a couple studies that backed up why I thought this was low (because the reference range included 70 year olds who were shown as having similar test numbers) he still wrote back to me saying it's within the reference range so there's nothing wrong
>shaper mind
come on
what age did you hop on T?
Almost certainly not. Do you have a gf? It will make you insane horny to raise your test past natural levels. Like retarded. When I was on cycle last time with no gf it made me more depressed, I was like a typical angry lonely teen going through puberty with nobody to fuck x2
Does everyone you see doing shit tons of test here in the /fraud/ threads seem like they have had their depression removed for good? i rest my case
Haven't done it yet. I accepted his decision back then but I'm getting full bloodwork done again this week and if it's repeatedly low I'll be looking at my options
Hrs right.
Just because you are at the low end of the reference range doesn't mean that you're levels are unhealthy.
you dont know what youre talking about
I mean, you can't spell "your", so I don't have high hopes for your grasp of how testosterone interacts with the male body.
That said, I wasn't exercising then and I didn't have an active life or job. Now I run and work as a manager in financial services and have cleaned my diet up, so we'll see where I'm at - I'm not expecting a wild increase though, just a baseline from which I can plan my next move.
you should always do what benefits you, not necessarily what your doctor tells you to do viewing your treatment from his own perspective
if guy on left loses weight + works out he will be guy on right
yes this might be cope
hows your mood though? if you have constant low mood and motivation id say go for it
>Does everyone you see doing shit tons of test here in the /fraud/ threads seem like they have had their depression removed for good? i rest my case
Honestly it should be legal to kill doctors like this.