How's your mental health?

How's your mental health?

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I've been lifting over 2 years and just now realizing I still don't like myself all that much so pretty bad I guess

No one but me and a bunny in a two-story home for 3 months after having spent the last 5 years of your life sharing every breath with another person that loved you. I'm getting a little wonky.

pretty bad and only getting worse but i'm trying to get better (it doesn't and the effort makes it hurt so much more)

Literally as bad as it could be without hallucinating/ hurting myself. Given I’m quitting Xanax cold turkey.

>just texted "you do you, i do me" to my exgf
>she wants two weeks of no contact because apparently she can't think straight when i'm around
>we've been on and off
>she's told me she had sex with someone else
>told me there's someone else who told her he loves her

feels liberating

you gotta taper off benzos, you can't quit cold turkey
if so, you were never addicted

I would if I had any more. I’ve been way too dependent on them and honestly I know you can go into a seizure by going cold turkey but it would beat having to stay awake through this shit

Caught in the beginning of a depression cycle.
Anxiety through the roof and keep dwelling on the bad feelings despite knowing better.

Speaking with this girl, we've been on one date and now she's treating me like a rug, I can't stand it. I'm gonna drop her.

>cannot focus on anything for more than a few minutes, even things that I used to enjoy like video games or movies
>no matter what I cannot sleep for more than about 6 hours, even on the weekends when I don't have a care in the world
>having trouble remembering whether something actually happened in my life or whether it was just a dream

>now she’s treating me like a rug
I know this feel user

Improving, which is frustrating because I'm not doing anything about it. I'd rather claw my way out of that depressive hole than just have it vanish one day.

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It'll be back. It comes in cycles.

I'm unsure about my purpose in this plane of existence. This make me a little anxious.

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>how's your mental health
Not really something I care about, so either really good or really bad.

Strong. I want to become greatest man alive and nothing will stop me

Dug myself out of a year long insomnia-fueled suicidal period of my life. Got a gf and sleep is like when I was a kid so I'd say my mental health is at an all time high right now.

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Good luck.

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We’re all gonna make it brahs

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meanders around
been pretty good lately tb h

>caved in and texted after that

oh for fucks sake

On the decline, been out of university since June and no job yet. Had some interest but nothing yet. Don't know how people do it staying at home, at least I've started been going to the gym since then and making some alright progress

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I keep telling myself I'm happy every day and it seems to work until I lie down to go to sleep and get a rush of depression and suicidal thoughts. Luckily, I just fall asleep before I can act on any of these thoughts. Morning routine is the same every day so my brain is in pretty much auto pilot mode. Idk how sustainable this is..

> Had serious diet, lifted
> Lost weight just fine
> BF % increased rather than decreased
> Somehow managed to only lose muscle

So yeah I'm on the verge of suicide.

Diagnosed with Schizoid personality disorder
>No friends
>No interest or hobbies
>No useful or relevant skills
I had suicidal thoughts years ago but I could suppress them with therapy and medication. I'm about to finish college. It took much longer than expected. Everyone I knew has finished and I'm still trapped in the same circle. I'm not getting anywhere in life. That makes me anxious. Now I only leave the house to go to the gym, but that doesn't produce as much pleasure as it did before. I have recently thought of killing myself but I can't bear thinking what it could do to my parents, specially my mother. It would break their hearts...

You can't describe it in words. Unironically, you have to live it.

I can relate. You will make it!

silly goose

she immediatly asked if i blocked her

You’re a faggot I’ll tell you that right now buddy

every night when i lay in bed i think about how utterly useless our existence is and the more i think about it the closer i get to a panic attack. whenever i feel that coming i just turn on npc mode.

elaborate please
i know she's going to go on some fuck weekend with her new guy
and i do not care

Not great.

Been trying to keep my relationship afloat and put the work in, but the gf went to get a bridesmaid dress the other day and lamented how she doesn't have someone "passionate enough to spend the rest of her life with her". While I'm putting in all this work to try and connect with her and getting nothing back. Feeling super fed up, might have to dump this trash heap soon. I've been wanting to trade out for a short cutie gf anyway, not getting locked into a marriage trap with some pumpkin spice sipping basic bitch. Western 20-something women are complete trash and do not deserve husbands.

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You sound like a real treat. I can't imagine why she's not interested.


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growing complacent

gf left me

and i feel more and more like my feelings are going away

Thanks to lifting and sprints I have ridiculous amounts of cognitive energy that go to waste because a lot of my work revolves around work which is sedentary. Ironically this sort of creative energy is exactly what i needed when I went to open mic nights back in 2010, I gave up on that right before I started lifting 4 years ago. Now I have a twitter account posting non-sequitur absurdist shit that zoomers love like:


Retarded, gay shit like that has netted me just over 10k followers. The only entertainment I consume is 80s sitcoms, classic British whodunits like Midsomer Murders, MDE videos and CumTown podcasts.

Apart from the odd anxiety I'm feeling good. Pretty obvious if I told all this to a quack the heeblover would get me on the pills. Really helps keeping a strong social circle with highschool friends for around 12 years now

Same situation for me. Bought the engineering meme, and now I've been looking for a job for almost 2 months. I also haven't gotten laid in like 6 months. I honestly feel pathetic. Lifting has been keeping me going, but I need a win.

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my emotions are all over the place
i got rejected by this girl i grew to like and im getting over it now but some hours i just feel like absolute shit

you sound cool bitch what's your tumblr account?

Still pretty depressed but I have been at lower points. I even have a job interview tomorrow maybe it`ll get better if im forced to be around people regurlaly again.

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Do you actually not understand why she doesn't like you?

Did you even read my post? Clearly not as you're projecting some past trauma onto me. Calm your tits lady

My mental health is SHIT.
In the last few years the only times it’s been good is when I was on holiday. Which means it must be one or more of these reasons.
>being with friends
>less Jow Forums / internet / tv
>more cardio exercise (hills in Spain, snowboarding on mountains etc)
>less stress
>more sunlight
I wish I could feel that good all the time feelsbadman

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getting worse with each passing day

I know that feeling, you genuinely need to make massive shift, as obvious as it is

no great, mostly anxiety, although considering where I live and where I train it's not too surprising.

My ex just texted me she needs 2 weeks time off
Cause she can't think straight when i'm around

She told me that there's someone else who told her he loves her
And she told me she had sex with someone else

She just wants those 2 weeks to give the time that guy right?

Not if I get there first user, good luck

Great work user, stay strong, if it ever gets worse again remember that it can get better as well

Yes we are

Endure for them, but most importantly for yourself

I guess I'm okay.
Things are mostly okay in my life and improving.
In new to Jow Forums but I am making progress, although slow.
My gf says I'm bit of a psychopath and co-workers call me a freak every now and then in a joke-not-really-joke kind of way.
Doesn't really bother me so I'm letting it slide.

My OCD switched from religion or cleanliness to morality and acceptable thoughts. So not very good.

Declining, I fucked my shoulder up with a dislocation and my lifting capacity has gone down. A year of hard work was crushing for me


You two are done

Austism isn't a mental health problem.

Stop texting your ex bruh.


there's still unfinished businees between the two of us
i am, now

I thought having a gf would cure my depression and it hasn’t really helped
I’m pretty sure I don’t love her and she confesses to me pretty regularly that I’m the only one that can comfort her and that I’m a great bf
She’s broken down in front of me like 4 times and told me this but it’s otherwise okay and it’s nice to have someone to hang out with that isn’t just a friend and since there’s nothing awful I’d feel really bad about ending it

I’m gonna try 3pl8 weighted chins today though I think so that’s cool

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How long?

>not interested
>is actively bitching because user won't marry her
>not interested

Try reading before spewing used tampons everywhere

>might be a schizoid
>can't make new friends, old ones drifting into the rest of their lives
>after last rejection, gave up on women
>engage autoreject mode
>unconsciously doing everything in my power to die alone, even when I try not to.

I'm fine, how are you?

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>there's still unfinished businees between the two of us
I hope it's to get back some money she owes you because you're better off without her.

Pretty good, i am a vegan, so everything functions better.

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Oh no, not fatique. Whatever shall I do.

i.e. attraction
but i'm not betting my life on her decision to go back to me
and after all i have to choose to take her back if anything

There's no unfinished business.

Hard next

Go fuck somebody else.

she told me drunk that she misses me, that she regrets sleeping with that other guy, some blabbering about how bad of a person she is
and tells me i can always kiss her, when she's sober

Sometimes I feel really fucking good and then I feel really fucking sad but for no real reason. Like nothing changes but my moot goes apeshit. Kinda sucks.

I feel like my brain is like clay, I can mold it into whatever the fuck I want. When I was 15yo I felt bad that other kids had preferences towards girls, so I decided I'm gonna like blonde girls. And ever since I'm obsessed with blondes. At one point I decided I'm gonna be gay, so I was gay for some time. Then I decided I'm not anymore, and started having wet dreams with women again and gay thoughts disappeared.
My friends tell me my personality has "phases", that I change a lot every now and then, my mannerisms, speech and all that shit. I also have minimal decency and no sense of shame, I could do the most obscene shit and not feel bad about it. With morality it's the same, I don't like seeing people hurt but wouldn't feel one bit bad if I stabbed some thug on the street.
>hurr durr edgy, you think you're a psychopath
No, I'm really emotionally sensitive.
I used to have a really strong identity crisis when I was younger, felt like I have no predefined personality.

It's depression.

Tell us how!

I'm empty inside, save for the wandering voices of the dead. Shadows guide my hands, my eyes look to a hope of darkness shredding me apart that I can die with a swiftness to suddenly relinquish some of my innocence that has been taken from me. One kind lie. I guess my writing experience is getting on.

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My research is going to shit and i have 2 more years to go in my doctorate. Lifting and playing football is the only thing holding me together mentally. Thank fuck i got some work done initially. Still riding on that work for a year.

I want off the weed ride

if you're here its obviously fucking terrible.


Stop smoking.
If you smoke socially, watch out for alcohol. I used to smoke 4-6g everyday with a friend of mine, and when we stopped we went full alcoholic.

im a little past 3 years and ive realized that lifting will never help my mental health

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It's been okay. I've been gymcelling for a few years now and for the most part I'm content. I think about suicide often though.

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Get rid of all your shit. Weed addiction is psychological, and it's not easy to quit when you depend on it. But things get much better when you do, trust me. Haven't smoked in months.

I've tried to drop it many times already... I've ran out of my last stash so I'll be able to hold off until the weekend (no buying on weekdays) and then hopefully the withdrawal will be over and I'll be able to find motivation to do something more worthwhile.
I know but it's just so good to smoke a joint after a good workout...

Don't do it man. I know smoking after lifting gives you a great body high but it's not worth it. Unless you're vaping it's terrible for your lungs and it's also not as safe as everyone claims for your mental health desu

That doesn't work because I am vaping...
Eh, I'm gonna try regardless. How about limiting it to twice per month for starters.

The flaw with her is that she assumes passion is a constant ingredient to a happy relationship (this is actually the flaw to most modern marriages) instead of being content with the "cooled" aspect to your relationship. Don't marry will most likely end in divorce.

t. Social Psychologist

If you're smoking it infrequently it's not that big of a deal, but make sure you exercise as much self control as possible. I know how easy it is to fall into a routine of smoking daily. From personal experience I can say that the urges will go away after a week or so

Better then a year ago, got the girl who thinks I'm the sexiest thing alive and wants to train with me, looking to get my weapons licence and get a better job. Mentally im fucked but atleast im being positive about it all.

I don't wanna kill myself every day, yet I feel incredibly hollow. Like there is absolutely nothing pushing me besides gym and vidya, the latter of which I am getting tired of. Been unemployed for 2 going on 3 weeks now (soon about to change by the end of this week), and I've been utterly bored out of my mind finding things to do. I know this is a result of suddenly having ample amounts of free time, but I honestly can't say things will change by next week whenever I start working my new job. Thinking on writing or fucking with clay sculptures, but even then I know those wouldn't fill the void. I have no idea what I want to do except lift and fuck. Also, been very prone to wanting to drink hard liquors for the past 2 going on 3 weeks. Took some Everclear from my parent's house, chugged it on a Saturday night, and have been craving something to make my nights semi more interesting.

> she assumes passion is a constant ingredient to a happy relationship
how to overcome that?

Very bad I had enough and went to my Doctor about it and got nothing but laxatives and a finger up the butt.

Seems like you've become a little bit passive. My suggestion to you is most importantly stay away from the bottle and/or drugs. They will only make things worse. Secondly, find something you're passionate about and pursue it. If you enjoy art, practice your craft outside of work and see if you can monetize your skills. Another thing that would help is joining a club for something you're interested in. If you enjoy reading, join a book club. If you're interested in martial arts, join a muay thai or bjj gym. This way, you can develop a skill and meet new people. Good luck man.

probably going to kill myself sometime this week. nothing makes me happy. gotten over the fact that it'll hurt my family.

Nigga you haven't tried everything. Quit your life and go and work in conservation looking after baby turtles and shit. That's what I did for a year after a failed overdose. I came back to civilisation and now I'm a dentist lmao

really bad.
self-esteem and confidence is ok but I'm somewhat batshit crazy, anger issues, hate the mankind, women. gays and get irritated by most things.

do a little lsd first just to be sure

Bad but getting better. Had anxiety out the ass, learing how to get back in control.