What kind of workout/diet would you recommend?

What kind of workout/diet would you recommend?

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High test thread?

I'm game

Strong curves + caloric deficit

Fork putdowns 5x5
Eating stops 1x3
Snack drops 15x3

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cock insertions to failure
cock and cock products

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holy shit i remember that.

haha this is absolutely accurate

the my cum diet

oh look
the fat tumblr girl posters are back

Me want milkies

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Read the sticky, but I would adjust it to -750 to -1000 Cal's a day, until you don't look fat. I would run this for a minimum of 8 weeks.

Exercise, start with cardio and some machines for 4 weeks, to get your tendons and connective tissue stronger (with minimal risk) then you will be ready for free weights (but get someone to help build a routine with you).

You have a problem with fat people asking about weight loss on Jow Forums?

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>3x12 you grinding that hairy puss on my face
>3x12 milkers in my mouth
>3x10 doggy dickings
>3x10 riding my dick
>3x12 sucking my cock (woman’s version of mewing)
Great for facial aesthetics
>5x5 on your side pussy slurps
>5x5 reverse cowgirl curls
>30 minutes jogging
The jogging isn’t 100% necessary, I just threw it in to help with the love handles

Dis dick

the absolute state of this board.

>getting rid of love handles
They have a functional purpose user. You’d be squandering the product, haven’t you ever plowed a bitch to oblivion by grabbing her handles and damn near dislocating her hips?
And here I thought you were a patrician.

Tumblr fatties are the ones spamming/taking steroids

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Your ass in my face
My penis in your vagina

It's a pic taken from the internet, whiteknight

You look at pictures of fat women on the internet?

Are you fat or pregnat?

There is no way that OP is real. Look how she's clutching that fat like it's her finest feature. And you dont get that massive by accident. Obviously someone went on tumblr and found pics of a fat activist to bait us

what do you use the internet for?

What an elaborate conspiracy.

Ever heard of reverse image search? Are you retarded?

Nevermind I figured it out

Maybe someone wanted weight loss advice but didn't want to post their real body?

Can someone upload it on photoshop and reverse it for me so I can search it?

5 reps x 3 sets of cock swallows, 20 minutes of motorboating, then 5 sets of 8 reps bounce on my dick

Squat on my dick 1x10000

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ŴListen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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Thicker than a bowl of oatmeal

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Pre or post op?

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don't need to workout, just stop eating

>fat activist

could you not

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Goodbye no fap...

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yeah i know

ew. OP is 60 times hotter than this stick figure slut.
more milk cows ITT

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bounce up and down on my boner. when i give the word, turn around and eat what squirts out of it.

okay, this one's too big

lazy prick

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why the fuck would anyone want a fit chick?
fucken gross

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no, really, she will die soon

imagine your test being this low

youre a stick arent you? you must be a stick.... you spent years talking down to milk cows

I know more about milk cows than your "physicians".
let me tell you a secret.... something they wont teach you at the doctors... stick girls ENVY thick girls.

because any moment could be their last, everything is more beautiful, more meaningful.

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still better than these other queers

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no, i'm fat
also a guy
and if not the risk of dying i wouldnt feel bad about liking fatties

high test confirmed.
BRPPPPFT imagine the smell as her flesh cements itself around your face, making a perfect mould, trapping that smelly smell, leaving only your nostrils to fill.
imagine the boner, I would cum the second her gooey domain perched herself square on my mug.
i would eat and be full. drink and never thirst again

what fucking smell, nigga
she smells like skin hopefully

Fat truly is the fetish of the future. Imagine a world where all fat related illnesses have been cured and we can love lard to our hearts content without guilt.

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like week old pheromones and stale discharge, and crusted solidified pussy sweat and her nummy colon spurts


we're into different things mate

it'd be pretty sweet

Well I guess this isn't a weight loss thread anymore.

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g-guys, stop posting these pictures. My dick is pressing against my pants...

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skinny bitches GTFO.
i cant even get hard by looking at any girl under 20%bf

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The best shit

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Yeah no kidding. They can't even make my dick twitch.

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This is a good level of fat.

If you guys are genuinely attracted to these whales, why aren't you fucking one instead of posting pictures on Jow Forums? You must realize how easy they are.

max test

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You can’t cure fat related illnesses if they’re caused by fat itself without removing them.

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i was ok with the other ones, but this one is 100% disgusting, when the belly is bigger than the tits and wider than the hips is time to stop mate

link to thread anyone?

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look at her pelvic ponch, its so fucking sexy.
it forms a beautiful valley, more fertile than mesopotamia

I just pulled a slampig because I need to get laid
fuck life, bros.

This thread


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my dick until pregnant, cycle after every child x 5

can any femanon out there explain to me why youd want to be skinny and basic?

Sit on my face x f

There's something wrong with you.