People think this is natty

>people think this is natty
What's the point in staying natty when you can just roid and get self-righteous when people call you out?

Attached: natty.png (787x817, 755K)

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as someone who genuinely just enjoys lifting and being in good shape, I enjoy the natty journey.

I know the gains I build in 5 years, are gonna be stacked on top of the gains I build today. this month. this year. not some fucking needles and pills and bathtub cattle growth hormones.

putting your own health at risk for the sake of vanity says alot about you. at the end of the day, I'll never lose my gains because I earnt them. the world could go to shit and I could be forced to live innawoods and i'd still be swole because I didn't use IRL cheatcodes


There isn't a point in staying natty.

You don't have to shoot Costco-sized family packs of roids either. It's not some binary thing. You can do just a little, keep your cals reasonable and end up looking like the type of guys women drool over

so, when are you turning 20?

Is staying natty really that bad? What's the point of strict diet and carefully crafted exercise for years when some DYEL will mog the shit out of you after 6 months of half assed training and burger diet?

why do I care that much about my appearance?
im here to better myself.
sure its nice to look in the mirror and see a ripped mofo, but if I know that mofo is half fake I don't really see the point.

Most roiders aren't committed to keeping it going and drop it after a year, because they wanted an easy way and quit when it stopped being easy and convenient. The hard core roiders will eventually lose the means to get their much needed ass needles and look like shit eventually. Stay natty and don't try to maintain something that is inevitably temporary.

That's where I'm lost. I get that if you get gains beyond your geneitc potential you will lose them but would a beginner roider basically get 1+ year worth of training in 6 months? Wouldn't they be able to keep it after they get off juice?

No. Study after study shows you lose steroid gains once you return to natty.

I sought out roids for the vanity, but I stayed cruising for the good feels. Testosterone is a wonder drug for me. Makes me feel awesome and I get no sides from it. I would inject test even if it didn't help with muscle gains.

What? From what I've read it seems that a cycle of steroids can have long term lasting benefits to strength and size.

"Our data suggest that previous strength training might be beneficial later in life, and that a brief exposure to anabolic steroids might have long lasting performance‐enhancing effects."


Wrong, severe natty coping (and I’m natty)

It’s 2018 nigger
If he identifies as natty we must respect his status

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Nice pasta mate

Attached: 1497055690801.jpg (500x500, 30K)

Post body faggit
>he won't

Attached: b9a.png (680x798, 264K)

>manlet in gym is fuckin huge
>low bf, tank physique
>skull crushing nearly 200 lbs
>"I've only been lifting for 6 months"
>"I have Crohn's so I can't eat as much as I should"
>"I'm pretty inconsistent with creatine, but making sure you get your protein is always good"
>"It's easy for me to make progress because I'm short"
the normies actually believe he's natty

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roiding invalidates all your gains, you will always be seen as a skinny skeleton on roids and not a trained natural guy

This desu.

It should be a crime to claim you’re Natty when you’re not

Lol what a faggot. Cmon bro just accept the scrotum look girls love that shit.

Attached: 5C1953B9-80BA-4B07-B80D-26D6C06012F6.jpg (1000x1200, 280K)

I'm not against roids I just understand why they lie about it.

*dont* understand

jesus that's an old pic

based pac working you marks into seething shoots

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