Sinful cheat snacks

Itt we Post our most lusted after cheat meal/snack combos

For me, it’s budlight and cheez its

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pizza and pizza

yas if im broke its non diet soft drinks

The greasy kebab is the king of foods, fight me

Either a donair or a chinky meal from some questionable joints.

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Mexican food. Especially breakfast related stuff like chilaquiles and enchiladas.

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Fuck that looks delicious. My half brother is a customs agent in Vermont and goes to Montreal frequently. He says it lives up the hype.

Chilaquiles are God tier

Green apple rockstar is my vice

beer, haribo cherries or wine gums

Last weekend I kinda had a relapse.. I felt so bad I fasted for 3 days, now I'm back to normal eating schedule and shying away from the alcohol.

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This and delirium tremens beer are always tempting me

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Keep going man. Relapse is not a failure. Good work getting back on the right path

WOOF. is that all from one or two nights? this picture actually made me realize that even though I still feel like a worthless pile of trash I've actually come a long way from the worthlesser pile of trash I was a number of months ago. So thanks for that, user. Nothing like taking a good 80 or so empty beer cans out to the dumpster at once to make you think about what a degenerate you are. Preserving my gains gives me a reason not to do that anymore

I know that feel. Bringing 80-100 glass bottles down 3 stories to the dumpster last semester was a serious pain in the ass and made me reconsider things.

I drink cans now.

I went sober because fuck alcohol stealing my gains and extra calories lol
I drink the Blue xduranace ones with bcaas and creatine in em(yes thats really how its spelled)
California bros im guess, every mexican dish is a just pure gut expanding mass i ahte it its so good.

All but a 6-pack was 1 night. I had the last 6-pack left over and a big ass hangover, so I drank it and fell back to sleep.
Yeah, the shit's miserable

Cheddar cheese. This shit is like crack.

Spicy bistec ranchero

do people seriously unironically enjoy drinking bud light? people cant seriously be that fucking gross right?

Is that poutine leaf bro?

Beer and doughnuts. I love beer and doughnuts.

Fuck beer and doughnuts.
>buy 6 tall bois for sipps throughout weekend
>drink em all Friday night
>buy some super delicious local sugar coated apple jam doughnuts as a treat after leg days for beating PPL for another cycle
>eat them all on the drive home

if cheezits go on sale buy two get three free I'm fucking myself. a pizza once a week. eating out mexican and alchohol like once a month. once a year i get a big bag of sour patch kids or sour brite crawlers i then eat anywhere from 5-18 every other weekend.

Hot damn I can fucking smell that poutine through my screen.

On low carb an swore off that for now. Feels esti tabarnac man

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Poutine and about 6 rolling rock beers