I got kicked out of the gym for filming slut's ass. Some whiteknight behind me noticed it and started confronting me. Obviously I just told him to fuck off, but then another faggot got involved and asked what happened. The s o y boy whiteknight cuck explained what i did and the other faggot said ''if that's true, it's not cool at all'' Then the staff got involved. I got tired of insults and just deleted the recording and left. Then I got notification and now I'm kicked out of my gym. What now?
Kicked out of the gym
Other urls found in this thread:
Lol based whiteknight
Just stay out of any and all gyms retard, youre obviously there to be dumb fucking faggot rather than train.
1× barbell throat drops
ive always wanted to get on gym fail videos, what are the dumbest exercises i can do?
I can picture OP wearing basketball shorts and mouthbreathing into his phone, recording some thot while everybody else in the gym, including the soiboys and thot, were actually training. Jog on, shitbag
I understand that maybe I shouldn't record dumb sluts, but can they actually just kick me out of my gym? Could I sue them? They have no proof that I actually did anything.
wow based and redpilled
You can’t look at ass at home?
recording a woman in the gym is going to make her extremely uncomfortable. i'd be surprised if they didnt kick you out
Sounds like feminist bullshit.
>a private business can't kick me out for actively bothering other patrons reee
Fuck off, Radio Raheem.
You’re a fucking moron tbchwy
Recording someone without their permission is prohibited in almost every gym contract.
I guarantee you spilled your spaghetti and either directly or indirectly admitted guilt.
Be a better person and get a home gym so you don’t burden others
you dumb op
why would you record some bitches ass
okey but what about those films?
Should have raped them to assert your dominance.
Being a lifelong virgin is tough cut him some slack
everyone believing op without even asking for the video as proof
we reddit now
Incline bench press.
Please be real.
Find another gym.
Problem solved.
>incline bench press
>not decline bench press
Not a virgin. I've had lots of women.
Read my post again. And I'm only asking what should I do. Do gym owners contact each other? Also I hope nobody except those involve will ever know about this.
Steinborn lift
They don't need proof. They're not trying to send you to jail, just prune the degenerates from their gym. Private businesses can pretty much do whatever the fuck they want. If you're black or can convince them you're gay, you might be able to sue, but other than that you're sol. Try not to be so fucking gross at your next gym.
Why would you want to sue someone for kicking you out for something you actually did? Just accept you were in the wrong and move on with your life, you dumb fucking sperg, stop making my species look bad.
Sounds like sjw bullshit but whatever.
3/8 gr8 b8 m8
>no h8
>this thread again
>literally filming some girl like a creep
>get called on it
Cool story bro, how about you not be a bottom of the barrel desperate creeper? You know you can go online and look at porn at literally any time, right? Just do that instead of picking some random thot who's just trying to work out.
Good, don't be a creep.
Homegym master race
Women, especially ones like this who only go to the gym for media attention are gains goblins
>some random thot who's just trying to work out.
Either you've never been to a gym or you're a faggot. They all dress like sluts. They are literally asking for it. They want to breed. But no. When some male who wants the same - to breed, does something, he's automatically a pervert and rapist.
Serves you right creep, consider yourself lucky that phone didn't end up in some of your orifices.
>all these whiteknights
Bunch of faggot r*ddit refugees. As for you, OP, you got caught and now you pay the price. Make it less obvious next time, moron
Op you come across as a fag, not a man who fucks men cause that would be less gay, a stupid, fragile and cowardly americunt.
There's nothing wrong with being a creep just don't be a fag about it
>Goddamn budabudabuh
They are literally there to work out, I'm sorry you're stuck in this mental trap of thinking everything is about breeding or that you recording someone has any likelyhood of getting you closer to breeding, but reality is you are some sort of sperging creeper who was justifiably banned from the gym. If you're really interested in the girl go up and start a real conversation, you retarded shut in.
You’re an idiot my man. Take a break from the internet for a while
>Foreigner who only trains biceps and wears sunglasses detected.
Why don’t you cry some more faggot
>imagine being this much of a white knight
He's not a white knight, you're a sociopathic degenerate.
Now flip the scenario and have a 5’11” MMA volleyball chick film an attractive gay 5’9” hipster twink’s ass while he does dumbbell rows with 20 lbs.
would she get kicked out of the gym?
Say your musilms. Me and my buddies hit on white girls and film them. They dont do shit cuz we're arabs teenagers lol. White girls should be fucked by us
I had this happen too bro, except I blatantly filmed in front of the chick’s husband , who I knew was there
Just stay away from the gym out of respect, don’t nose around, just take it in stride and don’t act out. It probably won’t affect your rep that much if you’ve been a good member and citizen
You are now the creepy prevent at the gym and yes all gym owners communicate with each other.
They will put your picture up at the front desk and under it it will say "do not let enter "
You're done you autistic weirdo
>imagine being such a sociopath that you think filming some random chick is acceptable behavior
You deserve it you creep, someone should have decked you
He clearly said that he deleted the recordings. Learn to read, dumb fuck.
You are a dumbass. Good on the soi boi who had the balls to confront you and funny how you as the big man just fucked off like a whiny ass bitch.
would have confronted you purely to see you stutter and sperg out
To all the white knights in this thread- what is wrong with being a psychopath if in doing so, you never hurt anyone or pose a real threat to one’s life, property or well being?
why tho?
But you did jackass
You were breaking social rules by taking video of someone without their permission in a PRIVATE business.
You also broke the rules of the gym.
Why are you such a moron?
And I ask this as a socially inept kind of guy, who got verbally abused, bullied and shit on , in a way that was reinforced by passivity of adults and teachers, growing up. I am compassionate on some levels, but I am aware of the abuses that lots of people face / participate in and ones like OP’s pale in comparison to those that I and many others received as children and adolescents
I’m not OP. People frequently take videos and pictures of themselves, friends which have others in the background, against gym rules, and aren’t kicked out for doing so until it is a man taking pics specifically of a woman. Flip the equation and have a big, muscular woman taking photos of a gay twink she finds attractive. Will that be treated with the same level of concern?
What?that's not true at all.
That blonde twitch streamer got kicked out of the gym for streaming her workout.
She was a woman
this, but OP should have been discrete let's be real
people at my gym routinely bring tripods to film themselves lift, they show the footage to an instructor to discuss form, put it on youtube, etc.
That’s one example, but generally, what happens when a man does what OP does, or at least what does most of society expect to happen to guys who do this? They probably expect what this guy said to happen-
Now, that being said- any time a girl clamors over chad / a male and films him without his permission , she ought to be treated the same way.
You may argue that men implicitly cause a perceived threat of violence on women in all situations and that thus, women ought never be held to the same standard. But threat of violence is a criminal/legal matter, no? Unless legitimate threat and motive can be proven legally, leave that out.
And personally, for a woman to film me, out of attraction, if I knew that it wasn’t occurring to cause a particular loss on my part, I would be thrilled
And I am sure they are against a wall or no one is walking by in the background.
If they are I'm sure if someone complains they won't be doing it anymore.
Also, not for nothing,there's a huge difference between filming yourself working out and filming a girls ass like a pervert.
>creeping out like a faggot and taking videos of people to jerk off to or possibly post online
>n-not hurting anyone
This is what psychotic betas really believe
>taking pictures of yourself and friends that just happen to have people in the background is equivalent to literally taking video of some girl so you can creep on her ass any time you want
You are damaged if you really think these are the same thing.
People do this weird piece of mental gymnastics all the time. The core concept: that people shouldn't make others uncomfortable by filming them for sexual purposes without consent. Certainly, the male/female predictor variable in people's subconscious value system is not perfect: it's based on induction and you can make up weird edge cases. However, this has nothing to do with refuting the core moral judgement I outlined above.
She absolutely should.
they usual film right in front of the squat rack with a mirror in the background. people routinely walk between him and the camera, and nearly the entire weight section is visible through the mirror. no one's complained as of yet, and it's been going on for the 3 years i've been going at least
of course, that's why i said he should have at least been a bit more discrete. then again he's clearly a creep, so it was a matter of time he was going to get busted obviously
Working out does not fix being a brainlet. My condolences to your family for having birthed such a failure of an offspring.
>tfw creepy op has gone off to cry and wonder why he is broken inside
Just kidding he's going to go online somewhere else and blame the sjws and liberals and women for not letting him film some girls ass without telling her like some weird creeper
I'm still here. I'm not afraid especially of some strangers online. And fine. Next time after I'm fone recording, I'll tell the girl that her ass has been recorded.
Yea that's going to end well.
You are afraid or else you wouldn't have erased the video because a couple of s o y b o y s confronted you
why are you still thinking this is okay, this is absolutely not okay. You're going to get arrested or your ass kicked
Dude. I’ve got an idea for you OP.
If you do continue what you’ve been doing, start paying the girls to let you film them, then selling the videos online and take a cut of profit for yourself. Wham, bam, thank ya ma’am. Consensual and profitable
Now you know why it's not cool to white knight.
You're completely retarded you know that?
I hate it when thots and roasties come into the gym because they're distracting, and here you are validating their workout choices in their tight fitting clothes by filming them.
Fuck off
Nn outfit, no matter how skimpy, is never an intitation to rape. Get a life you creep
If it were my gym I’d kick you out too.
It really is nothing personal, it’s just a liability. How would my business look if
>someone catches you taking unsolicited buttpics
>witness complains to the staff
>staff relays the complaint to management
>management doesn’t ban you
I have no incentive to make exceptions for some chud if it means risking a lawsuit on myself or my business.
Home gym masterrace btw.
You're retarded man. I hope you cook enough spaghetti to refill your pockets after this
>They are literally there to work out
You're just as retarded as OP is.
Just to make thinga clear. OP is a complete shit stain on society, and you are too by thinking this way.
Holy-fucking-school-shooter Batman.
Waste of dubs desu.
ur a retard
please tell me this is you
Post the videos you faggot
The Chad Permittance Postulate-
If any non criminal behavior reasonably described harmless performed by a Chad would typically be tolerated, then that behavior must be tolerated when performed by non Chad
op did nothing wrong.
kys and learn english.
Yeah, dude. You straight up have no case unless you are gay or a minority. I used to bring like 2-4 new girls to this coffee shop every week for dates, and after 5 months, the baristas kicked me out for misogyny. I'm not kidding. I tried to fight it, but they can basically deny you service for whatever--again, as long as you aren't gay or black (which could easily turn into a civil rights case depending on how you felt about it).
Recover deleted image and post it here you ass
Based and redpilled
Also checcd
How do I make a convincing black then?
You could much more easily pretend to be gay. Identity politics are a hot topic