>good face, body, height
>mentally ill, near schizo paranoia
Good face, body, height
are you me?
>good face, body, height
>Depression cycles.
>good face, body.
>manlet, 5'9.
>mentally ill, ocd, adhd, aspd.
I'm the napoleon complex incarnate.
>7/10, 6'4
>Legit diagnosed aspie
You ever wonder what it's like to be an alien living on a planet of humans?
thats a perfectly average height my friend
how do you tell if you have autism? is your thought pattern a lot different than the average person?
>tfw ugly as sin
>pretty decent mental health
Do any you guys wanna trade, I need an excuse for looking like this and mental illness ticks the right boxes for me
you cant be that bad unless you have like deformities, besides if youre huge and freaky you can just be 'the monster'
The villagers shove fire in the monsters face, monster doesn't like fire. Plus you assuming I'm huge is very wrong I'm dyel as fuck
Do we have a deal then. My alright mental state for your fucked one
Asperger's is pretty much unique to the individual so symptoms will vary, which is why I think it was a crime to relabel it as ASD in medical terminology.
As for having a different thought process, my interactions with and observations of other people's behaviour has led me to believe I perceive the world in a completely different way from others, which makes me very incompatible with other people.
>Jow Forums
>body dysmorphia
umm you can have it but i want to keep my face!!
i feel this way too. nobody ever understands my thoughts. im really curious to know if i actually have it now
Haha of course a deal is a deal after all user.
Everyone fucking perceives the world in a different way stop being an uwu snowflake, NPC
>finally normal weight for the first time in my life thanks to Jow Forums
>finally have self confidence due to escaping skeleton mode
>severe bipolar disorder and ADHD, keep forgetting to take my medication so I have breakdowns every couple of weeks which keeps fucking up my grades every semester
I'm getting real sick or this, I'm either going to kill myself or take a bunch of LSD and quit my meds and try to become MC Ride.
It's a possibility, Asperger-like symptoms can appear in normal people, because it's not a clear cut, easily recognizable condition like Down's Syndrome, it's more of a genetic gradient spread throughout certain groups of people.
You could look into getting officially diagnosed, but I understand that it's not feasible for most people.
>thats a perfectly average height my friend
I appreciate the comment but I'm from scandinavia.
>let me tell you all about how your disability isn't real bro
>warrior skull
>perfect frame
>mentally ill
>21 and khv
>0 friends
>barely leave the house
iktf man, too many years of reading e-stats and comparing myself to fake natties
n-no please..
dont end yourself man. in a way we have been blessed with deep thinking abilities, if you can find a way to apply it you can excel ez
ah okay i guess that is why it's called a spectrum huh. I've always felt different in thought but i never show it in my actions or speech so I'm not sure if anyone would believe me
oh.. well if you ever come to the states you'll be taller than the national average friend
I feel your pain fellow 5'9 scandi-bro
fuuuark.. we're here for you man. i hope you find someone
That's part of the reason why getting diagnosed is difficult for a lot of people - the condition doesn't always manifest in obvious ways.
I was lucky personally because I have many antisocial tendencies and proved troublesome for teachers in school as well as for my family growing up.
>if you can find a way to apply it you can excel
The only applicable skill I've got is art, but my attitude towards its is quickly becoming unhealthy.
Thats great. Some people can only wish to have any artistic skills like myself. Just remember EVERYTHING is temporary, don't do something permanent to fix what may be temporary. Also if youre serious about wanting to help fix mental illness, you may want to look into psychedelic treatment i know its pretty unorthodox but i was able to cure myself of pretty bad depression through the use of psilocibin mushrooms.