Hello welcome to gnc how may I help you?

>Hello welcome to gnc how may I help you?

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>no user try this protein powder its "cleaner" (more calories double the price taste like shit)
>no user that preworkout has creatine, get the 70 dollar galvanized
I absolutely hate the fucking employees that work there

>the whey isolate will be much better bro.

i avoid this place like the plague because i'm scared the employees will try to upsell me on bullshit and i won't be able to say no because i have social anxiety

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>not buying supps online to avoid human contact

Never gonna make it

>Y-you t-too.
>I n-need b-b-benis enlargement p-pillz.

>just a multivitamin pls

GNC products make me sick. I don't know what it was, but anytime I'd use any product from them I'd feel nauseated and get a headache.

>still going to brick and mortar stores to buy overpriced supplements
>not buying in bulk online
When you buy from a store like that, you're paying a tax for; the employees, the rent, electricity, marketing, commercials etc.

offtopic, can anyone help me find test cyp online thanks

>work at GNC
>always do my rotations early so I can pull and hide the stuff that's getting marked down for expiration
>take that pool of products and push hard to sell it to customers half off
>still get original commission % or PM $ value

Seriously though, their regional level management is all doughy based boys. The average store employee is 1) not knowledgeable beyond the handouts and 2) too stoned to care.

GNC salespeople are the equivalent of a porn website with 100 livejasmin popups that prevent you from getting to the video you actually want

The worst is
>What can I help you find?

Or some variation thereof, because there's no way to respond without sounding like a dick. The only reason I go in that shithole is if I forget to order something on Amazon before I run out

kek. that staysafe pic

If you get anything but the occasional snack at GNC you’re a grade A retard no offense

I literally only come here for pic related.

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Uh, can I use the key to the restroom?


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>avoiding human contact
You are never going to make it.

My guess,the aspartame they use in the products. It effects a segment of the population in that way.

How much after commissions do you make user?

>because there's no way to respond without sounding like a dick
"What can I help you find?"
"[thing you're looking for]"
wow that was hard

They DO have some bretty good whey flavors, tho

Honeslty... you’re kinda right, I really like their chocolate flavor more than gold standard.


Not when I know what I'm getting and can walk over and grab it in a millisecond and be ready to check out

>Oh yeah my man. Do y’all have NeoBolic 7 testicle formula? I hear that mess blows your anabolism sky high. I need to be juicy and thicc my dude on a dai-lee basis, baby please

>Got most of the stuff for pic related at gnc
>the cashier knew what was up
>really awkward experience
>"we have zinc too if you need that, its a great supp for men"
>u-uh no maybe next time
>never go back

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"Nothing, i already know where what i want to get is, thanks for asking"
Was that so hard lord autismo?

Fraidy cat. Why does it bother you that she knew what stuff you were buying for your sexual functioning?

One employee in my towns gnc is awesome. Even saved me some jack3d years ago after it was banned.

i wunna be a fat fuk like u men. gimme sum of dat kreatyne.

Do you have any Jack three D?

>>Got most of the stuff for pic related at gnc
>>the cashier knew what was up
>>really awkward experience
>>"we have zinc too if you need that, its a great supp for men"
>>u-uh no maybe next time
>>never go back

Sounds like she was keen

Really based

Most stuff sold in the store is shit
Salespeople will aggressively try to convince you it's not shit
Good stuff will be massively overpriced

>Buy my fish oil and "GNC" multivitamin
>it'll raise your Test levels I promise :^)

Besides being a bit more expensive what's wrong with whey isolate???

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hi how much melatonin will kill me and can i buy that amount

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Idk about where you live, but in my city, bang is at literally every gas station

Former GNC homo here, sales associates make minimum wage + PM, which is promotional money that certain brands pay for selling their product. They're also only allowed to work 29 hours per week max to avoid providing them benefits.

I started out as a associate worked my way up to senior store manager had 7 stores under me. The average GNC employee is half retarded or half stoned. The management are even more retarded and care way too much about dumb shit like selling chewables.

Ultimately left to work at a tech startup. From what I understand GNC has changed a lot of their KPIs so the associates aren't as pushy on GNC products but promotional money is still a thing.

Connor looks like that ?

>T-thanks I was just leaving

Fucking google + meso rx or dark web

y...you too

why food in the US is so fucking cheap, it's not fair ;_;

They literally mark shit up 25% over online or Walmart or some other general purpose store how are they in business.

Why are people at GNCs always swole?

because they know what they're talking about bro. Just buy the $50 creatine, he's natty bro, i swear. and be sure to try this $80 preworkout that tastes like sand. It works bro, i swear.

Sorry, I meant to walk into the supermarket to buy actual food

>I'd like to buy some zinc-potassium supplements
>Oh, why do you need them?
>.....to sleep better

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Vitamin shoppe is better.

I don't get it. Does potassium help with test or something? That's news to me.

Honestly I really want to go to a supp store and ask for penis enlargement pills now just to see the look on their face.

would you buy a diet book from a fat person?

they're both shite. and if you walk in and don't know exactly what you want/assert yourself they will shill the fuck out of whatever they aren't moving or shill literally whatever the fuck their boss decided they should shill on any given day. Fuck supp shops. fuck em all