Haven't seen a goal body thread in ages

haven't seen a goal body thread in ages

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>Putting bumper stickers on a Ferrari.

Attached: da0e6b2898e9b853f6a95e5d62e0f9bb-sexy-men-hot-men.jpg (640x640, 61K)


Can i get lats like those only with pullups?

i want to lick him

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Yes, if you juice.

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Based and redpilled

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>tfw not being 6'7

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Am I the only one who thinks his biceps are disproportionately big?

this and pic related are just so generic for me

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Is it a tumor? Did he died?


fucking insane body, i'd say that is my goal aswell, perfect traps and abs

Attached: goal.jpg (750x1334, 63K)

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Buakaw is a god.

how do i unlock lee sin mode

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Except not black

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Everyone I know wants that Goku or Broly physique
For me it's either Buu or Vegeta

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