Is back extension a good exercise? It seems like something that can end up crippling you for life.
Is back extension a good exercise? It seems like something that can end up crippling you for life
If you use reasonable (little) weight and good form then they're great for strengthening your spinal erectors which is wonderful for long term health
The back extension is primarily a glute and hamstring exercise. Erectors are just stabilizing.
Klokov recommends warming up with them every day (which translates to every day you squat/dl, I believe)
one of the comfiest back exercises desu
I always do 1 set after deadlifting with light weight and high reps
whats the proper form
I've done them a bit earlier, but they kind of hinders the progress of my deadlift so I've stopped doing them. If you keep your back straight you hit your glutes more, but if you bend you hit your back more.
cause you're a faggot and dont focus on your back but rather you use your legs to pull yourself up.
have your legs relaxed and focus on your lower back on the positiv part of the movement.
I just use it for warming up my lumbar before squats
Its one of the most important exercises you can do. World recordholder raw Bench (738lbs/335kg) and Olympic gold medalist giving their opinion on this glorious exercise. my OHP significantly increased after I started doing them as warm up every workout
fucked up the links
I always get lightheaded and want to puke after doing these. What am I doing wrong?
its the weakness leaving your body
One of the most based exercises you can do.
But what does Jeff Cavaliere think about them?
I use to do these with a barbell with like 135 on it because Pete Rubbish told me to. You'll blow peoples mind by doing this with MORE than a 45lb plate, inhumane.
And yea do them with a straight back and yes that'll make it more of a hamstring/glute exercise instead of a "neat I'm butchering my lower back exercise."
have you tried breathing?
Maybe you have inner ear issues/vertigo
Does the same thing happen if you roll your head around or do sit ups?
How does it hinder deads
I've always had back problems because of scoliosis and when I started doing these gosh darn i feel great. The titillating pump from this throughout the rest of the day is godlike. Try it out on leg or back day, works your whole posterior chain. Start at bodyweight then go up from there