
Do you guys do anything to ensure good sleep?

I think I barely got an hour yesterday and I'm pretty sure it killed anything I could have gained from that day's workout.

I'm not sure ifI should attribute it to the workout I had 2 hours before I tried going to sleep or if it's just generalized anxiety keeping me up, but any kind of supplement or advice that could help is appreciated.

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i smoke weed till i pass out i think its messing with my sleep help me op

Melatonin supplement 30-60 mins before bed
Try 3mg and go from there

Drink more water buddeh

Dont do that

I cant sleep when its hot out

When I have a quick shower before bed and I sleep better.

Why not?

Yes. Here's my advice.

* Don't go on my PC or smartphone an hour before going to sleep. If you really need to, have blue light filters (e.g. f.lux) installed on both.
* Open the window 30-15 min before going to bed so it's properly cool and ventilated
* If you can't sleep or need to readjust your schedule fix my schedule, take 500 mg Tryptophane. If that doesn't help (which is the absolute exception), take 5 mg Melatonine as well or a magnesium tablet
* Want to get up earlier? Set your alarm 30 mins earlier everyday, not more
* Sleep AT LEAST eight hours each night, nine is the optimum if you're not a complete couch potato. People who claim to be able to get by with six hours or less have not been doing it for long and/or will have serious health problems
* Drink more water buddeh. I don't know how many times I woke up just to get something to drink
* Change your bedsheets every three days or every week
* Don't expect to sleep well when you're drunk
* If you're living in a noisy dorm, get some proper earplugs (I use -36 dB because my neighbors are cunts) and never use one pair more than twice for quality and hygiene reasons
* Alternate sleep cycles like everyman, uberman etc. are a fucking meme. They might be suited for certain professions but not for you. Miss one nap in uberman and you WILL crash
* Tired during the day? Drink one cup of coffee or black tea and go straight to bed for twenty to thirty minutes. After this time, you will feel reasonably well rested from the nap and the caffeine will reach maximum concentration in your blood serum
* Your naps should never exceed 40 min. After that time, your first R.E.M. phases start. Waking up in the middle of them makes you feel worse than before
* Don't overdo it with caffeine. Sure, a coffee in the morning is nice but when you need one to function, you have a problem
* Energy drinks are bad. Too much caffeine for your own good. Long-term consumption fucks your heart.

That's all I know. Godspeed.

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If you use it to sleep every night you will get to a point where you can't sleep without it.
t. former stoner

This is not how melatonin works, user. It is literally your body's very own sleep hormone.

ty wise user, saved

That's not an argument. If you supplement your body's very own androgenic hormone (testosterone), your balls stop working too.

Yeah I sleep like shit for about 4 days then I'm so tired fro lack of sleep, college and training that I get one night really long deep sleep then I'm back to square one

this is up there with "just be yourself"

Basically what's worked for me is sleeping on my side (as it helps with sleep apnea), not drinking too much water before, eating a big meal an hour or two before, leaving my phone alone and reading books

Have a nice fuck and you'll sleep like you smoked a huge blunt.

Thanks, man, really appreciate that advice. The big takeaway for me is the tryptophane, I'll try that!

not really an option right now

Maybe somewhere down the line I'll start using that one.

The goal is to fix the biological clock, one week of melatonin won't break shit.

I know, I was just arguing that "it's your own sleep hormone" isn't valid. For the rest I absolutely agree with you.

I sleep on my side with a pillow between my legs, 2 pillows to level out my head, while hugging another pillow.

Seems to be a good strategy as it’s cleared up my hip and low back pain

What time do you go to bed?

Quit weed mate, trust me. Your quality of sleep when you smoke a bowl before bed is pretty bad, and you wake up groggy as hell. It will take some getting used to, but sleeping sober is much better. Godspeed m8


take some magnesium supplements

I read a book written by Dr Matthew Walker called Why We Sleep. According to him, Melatonin should only be used for jet lag and shift work. He also said that in those instances, you're better off going without.

I usually go to bed around 23:00 wake up around 6-8

When I'm not up all night staring at ceilings

I'll look into this. I have a family history of restless legs syndrome, and IIRC magnesium can help with this so maybe there's some kind of causal link there.

originally I was just here to laugh at all the mental stuff that goes on here, but damn, you guys are so genuine, I'm starting to like this board

I have found white noise like rain or thunder playing on loop to be extremely effective for preventing me from waking to disruptions.

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Try to go to bed at 22:00-23:00 at best, dismiss thoughts for the next day, otherwise call a psychologist for an appointment if the thoughts bother you too much.
Sleep tight user.

I've never slept better than when I was younger and was doing 9 hours of hard manual labour a day.

Maybe you faggots who claim to have bad sleep aren't actually tired enough?

Enjoy fucked up hormones

it downregulates natural melatonin production and you will end up needing it to get to sleep. thats why they only give it out for chronic insomnia

>Sleep AT LEAST eight hours each night
>just sleep bro its not hard

This honestly. How the fuck can anyone sleep 8 hours? I mean, even disregarding me having to get up to school, by the time I fall asleep I have seven hours left and even then I usually wake up naturally before my alarm clock.

Total darkness. Blackout blinds with blackout curtains. If you can see your hand with your lights off it's too bright.

Chill room to 65F or lower if needed.

No phone or electronics in bed

>just go to bed bro, just close your eyes

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Anyone else who has no problems falling asleep but still feel like shit every time they wake up? I don't remember the last time I woke up with energy.

Google the Navy 2 minute sleep technique. Helped me last night

I never have had trouble sleeping but have been taking melatonin for years off and on sometimes for months at doses of up to 30mg. The only reason I take it is to get to bed a few hours earlier than usual to max gains. Never had a problem when I stop taking it, I just sleep for 8-9 hours before waking up instead of 9-12 hours.
Enjoy making less gains faggot.

people will say a bunch of shit like light, dar, relaxation... I've tried everything, used to stay awake for 3 hours, often would only fall asleep at 4 or even 5am.

just do wim hof's breathing when you're in bed. you'll fall asleep halfway set 3.

>Do you guys do anything to ensure good sleep?
Theres no one thing
>Workout 2 hours before bed
Yep, this is a possibility
Also a possibility
>Any supplement
Yep, might be.

Keep an eye on your caffiene in take, try to work out earlier, meditate, get cardio at least a few times a week, consider seeing someone about your GAD

depends user, my doc said to finish working out max at 8pm, because your body is still active after working out. But who knows if that's true, i got both generalized anxiety and panic disorder and it keeps me sometimes up till 5:30 am fast heart beart etc.

some things that might work:

- melatonin 2-5mg an hour before sleep
- no looking at screens 30 minutes before sleep
- anti-anxiety (oxazepam, not very strong medication but does the job taking the edge off a bit)
- if you cannot sleep make sure to get out of bed and do something, read, listen to music just make sure to get back into bed if you are sleepy dont push yourself, give yourself all the time to fall asleep

if you got anxiety, were in this together if you want add me on discord

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I have difficulty developing a consistent sleep schedule. Everyone generally agrees you should go to bed at the same time daily and wake up at the same time daily. But my shit wagecuck job makes me work wildly different times, and the schedule is different every week. Some days I'm at work all afternoon until 11, some days I work 9-5, some days it's 6AM to 4PM. Often I work from from noon to 11, and have to be back at 6AM the next day.

I'd love to sleep from 10-6 or something like that. But on some days, I'll be working at my bed time. On other days, waking up at 6 would make me late. I just can't get a stable, consistent, reliable sleep schedule and end up tired or energetic at the wrong times, and I want to change that.

What is your natural schedule? There are 2 times 12 hours apart where you will be wide awake. Offset from those 2 times by 6 hours (approximately), there are 2 times when you will be either fast asleep or drowsy. Figure out your times and don't fight them. They will change naturally on their own as you age, but you can't do much to alter them.

When it is time to wake up, don't hit a snooze alarm or anything like that. Immediately turn on the brightest light you have. That will help set your sleep rhythm.

This has been me the past week, thinking of her, its hell

I'm the guy who wrote this wall of text. This is absolutely doable. I am currently writing a thesis and working on the side, all while still getting eight hours each night. If you're still in school and complain about not having enough time, I can tell you you're not using your time correctly.

Some nights just don't go too well because I get haunted by my past failures

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i can sleep without melatonin fine but i take it because i can almost never have dreams (or dont retain them) without it, is there an alternative for fixing that?

Yes. I always have a small journal right by my bed. The first thing I do right after I wake up, even before getting out of bed, is writing down what I dreamed about. We tend to forget most of our dreams within the first ten minutes of waking up and a "dream journal" is really helpful. Some people also say that it's supposed to help with inducing lucid dreams but that doesn't really work for me.
I read somewhere that if you do not have dreams ever, that's supposed to be a sign of some kind of mental illness. I think that's nonsense, though.

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i usually watch an episode or two of the joy of painting with bob ross and drink tea

Sure, if you don't workout, throw away your social life and get ready in ten minutes in the morning. Even putting schedule aside, I just can't fall asleep in 10 pm. I'm not physically capable.

I take Trazadone as needed. You need a prescription for it, because its technically an antidepressent. But its not habit forming, so doctors aren't as afraid to give it out as they are for something like xanax. Especially if you're under 30.

It doesn't put you to sleep, but makes you stay asleep. You don't wake up unless 8 hours have passed or the house is on fire.

run a cycle of mk 677 pussy

How do you sleep on your side without hurting your shoulder?

Just put away your phone and close your eyes, it's not that hard

coffee has more caffeine than energy drinks

if you live in urban areas or have any light pollution near you at all i recommend getting room darkening curtains. will keep your room cool and dark giving you good sleeps.

I had a traumatic brain injury as a child from a drunk driver hitting me on my bike. As a result I have had super insomnia for half my life.
After trying every prescription and over the counter sleep aide the only three that I stick with are CBD oil, 10mg marijuana edible, or 2-3 shots of vodka or whiskey in a liter of water immediately before hopping into bed.

I took Ambien for a while and felt like I was sleep walking through life. Trazodone and benzos and every other prescription drug had a hard drop off when it wore off and none of the over the counter shit worked.

Honestly, dropping 3 shots of vodka into 1 liter of water and then chugging it immediately before getting into bed is my favorite. Sleep aides basically work by slowing down your brain, which is what alcohol does. Take a low dose with a lot of water and hop into bed and you’ll sleep like an angel. I don’t care if it messes with my sleep cycle because without it I don’t even have a sleep cycle.

On paper, yes. What energy drink manufacturers do not consider is the amount of Guarana. It contains caffeine itself but does not need to be declared as such.

>Sure, if you don't workout
Nope. I work out first thing in the morning for about an hour. Doesn't affect me at all.

>throw away your social life
Not necessarily. If you mean workdays, then you're right. I reserve the weekend for meeting friends.

>get ready in ten minutes in the morning
That's an overstatement. Taking the shower and grooming into consideration, I don't need more than thirty minutes from my bed to the door step. If you take five minutes the evening before to pack your stuff, you save lots of time the next morning.

>Even putting schedule aside, I just can't fall asleep in 10 pm. I'm not physically capable.
Granted, you need some time to get used to but after your first week, it gets easy and after the second, it becomes a habit. It's the same with any other habit/lifestyle by the way (working out etc.). I usually get up at 4 am, work out, study in the quiet morning hours, then go to lecture, work, get back at around 6 pm, study for like an hour and go to sleep at 8 pm.
If it works for everyone I don't know but you sound word for word like I did a year ago, so what works for me might work for you, too. The key to good sleep is managing your time effectively and that is a matter of knowing what to do and setting priorities.

yes that makes it possibly even worse, giving your body its own hormone makes it stop making it on its own, or at least reduce production... maybe read about taking testosterone sometime, same principle.. your body WILL stop making it.. luckily the body is an amazing thing and if you stop it for a while it will revert back, you might suffer in the meantime tho..

Melatonin and blackout curtains and no blue light a few hours before bed and lower your AC temp

>it's not that hard

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Not to mention, the bed is for SLEEPING ONLY (and sex, but who are we kidding)!
Don't lie in bed engaging in a passive activity like watching TV or stuff that generally wakes you. It's really comfy to have a cup of coffee underneath the sheets, but it's not wise to condition yourself to think about coffee and bed together.
Do calming activities 30-60 minutes before bed. That means dim lightning, little physical effort, and generally relaxing. Don't play a match of DotA, watch the newest action movie or argue with your family. Reading is fine, but don't read stuff you need to remember like college books. Philosophy is OK if you're not a brainlet.
Don't drink a lot of water before sleep, waking up to piss and that is no fun and it messes with you since you probably turn on the bathroom light and fucks up that part.

One is that it stops the production, but you also raises the normal amount. So when you stop taking supplements, your hormones wont necessary drop down to pre-supplement, but after the withdrawal raise it towards the new normal, thus giving you a better long term health.

glycine and magnesium.
lifestyle factors and sleep hygiene are more important though.