My girl suffers from no ass syndrome

and doesn't work out. should i get her doing squats like an ig thot or is there a more optimal choice? (lunges?)

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The optimal choice is to dump her and get yourself a brap hog.

>a thread died for this.

her pussy is god tier tho and she is extremely submissive

>ig thots
you do realize 80% of em have some kind of implant?

get on with the flat ass and concentrate on yummy milk jugs

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Based and redpilled.

Instead of trying to change your woman, change yourself. Then you can dump your woman and get a hotter one.

if you overall look better than her, yeah get her to the gym. otherwise you have no reason to complain you fuck, be happy to have a gf at all

Some girls just have no ass, is she English? QT Crossfit bunny at the office has a great body, respectable lifts and no ass.

holy fuck the neckbeardism
let me elaborate
she is 8.5+/10 aryan anime tier submissive fuckdoll breeding material with godlike pussy
worth investing ass training time to get her over 9/10 level
fuck your threads on ss gomad

if she's not imitating your personalityy in the same way a child would, she doesn't even like you so you might as well ditch her and learn how to be a man before you end up joining the JUSTice league

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idk if you're gonna see this, but I have some bro science for you.

>spank and squeeze her ass

like every time you walk by her, every time u fuck. feed her, but take her on walks, treat her with love, but you gotta stimulates her buttcheeks. it will make it grow, trust me dude.

This is the only good advice. Feels good to see her try to be more like you.

pics or gtfo

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not if you hate yourself, then its a special kind of hell

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she is going to the gym with me today hence asking about optimal training routines

Post a pic cuck

Dump her. You don't deserve her.

does she have an asshole? everythings fine then.

But if she wants to be a brap hogg she should actually do ss

You're a fucking faggot dude, get off this Kim Kardashian NPC bullshit vision of beauty and learn to appreciate tits which are way better. If she gets some ass for her efforts then that is cool but throw her away so she can be treated nicely by a fine gentleman.

How big is her benis?

My gf was 5'7 and like 98lbs, I just cooked every night and encouraged her eat a little more after the gym and female fat distribution did the rest.

8.5/10 with "no ass syndrome"


Post pics or gtfo. Let's see how much you're suffering from oneitis


>incel delving into roleplay

>anime tier
So trash then?
Off yourself or post proof

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Can we get an actual routine for this stuff? My girl has the same lack of thicc

> asses weren't attractive before Kim Kardashian
atleast try pls

It won't grow automatically, but maybe it will make her subconcious and she'll start working it out.
Like spank her ass and then retract your hand and then pretend to hide a disappointed look.