I quit Weed 2 weeks ago and I just can't get to sleep.
I tried all the sleep hygiene bullshit but it doesn't help.
Any former stoners with solutions?
I'm thinking about getting Melatonin and CBD to ease my insomnia, there is definitely an issue with my brain.
>inb4 stop drinking coffee
I don't consume anything with caffeine besides chocolate.
Cannabis Withdrawal
give it time u fuckin pot head idiot. i'm like 6 months pot free and i'm still feeling anxious all the time like i 'need' something to do or 'need' to feel something different. sleep started getting better after a few months and when i started doing a lot of cardio and lifting. tire urself out during the day and it'll be easier.
the difference is I don't really feel like I need it, no depression, no anxiety at all, the only issue I have is sleep and stupid pot head 'friends'
I want to quit weed because it makes me unproductive and I never have excess time.
I only smoked for 4 months straight, so there isn't too much damage
You're posting here. Do you exercise? If not do aerobic exercise 45 minutes a day. Drink more water. Stop eating chocolate for now. Stop eating refined sugar in general.
Get shit accomplished. Clean. Do something to feel good about the day before you go to bed.
Also try diphenhydramine. That shit always knocks my ass out.
I used to have severe insomnia i know how miserable it feels man. Hot showers help too.
/fast/ing is the greatest way to fix your body, do some research and /fast/ safely
cranberry juice and more cranberry juice helps
doesn't that stuff lower test?
I do, I forgot to mention that I lift and this sleep deprivation is making me lose my gains slowly still a novice though.
I already did fast 2 times for 4 days once in february another time in july, really don't like it, I always lose too much weight eventhough I'm already at 10% bf
I have been clean since 31 July and i use melatonin before bed. Exercising regularly helps me need sleep and falling asleep is easier. I eat very large omnivorous meals before bed to get that additional drowsiness, too. And if i have extreme difficulty, i drink celestial seasonings sleepytime extra tea. It has valerian root in it.
I have the same problem when taking breaks. Swap to alcohol for a few days, really sends me to bed. That being said, I'm surprised its still taking this long to adjust for 4 mos.
CBD gummies really help me sleep.
Hey I am here to help you. I know all about this. First thing you are gonna want to try is DOXYLAMINE SUCCINATE...Should be able to find it at walmart or any pharmacy, sold as SLEEP TABS, do not get diphenhydramine, it is horrible. If that doesn't work you can try dextromethorphan + doxylamine, and if that doesnt do it you are gonna need some phenibut or benzos lol, preferably temazepam.
For how long though? That doesn't sound very healthy
Im going to go smoke a bowl and go sleep like a baby
A week or so. No big deal. Once you get a good night sleep, it is often easier to sleep the next night.
Where did you get your weed from? If you feel withdrawal symptoms it was likely laden with opioids or some shit to make you addicted. Weed should NEVER feel addictive, i've smoked weed regularly and stopped for months up to a whole year without batting an eye. Also illegally obtained hash is most likely the substance laden shit you're addicted to.
very unlikely since I don't have any other issues besides insomnia
there are many other people with this problem after they quit weed
I’m inclined to agree with this user, I smoked for 6 months daily and recently quit with no issues what so ever, might have been something in the weed
Unless OP was smoking hash there would be no incentive for it to be mixed with anything because he would notice.
No, cannabinoids fuck with your GABA/glutamate along with all sorts of other shit. If you are very heavy smoker and quit you can get severe insomnia, sweat profusely, total loss of appetite, etc.
I smoke weed every day and I have never ONCE pretended that CBD is "not psychoactive." Have you ever gotten fucked up on CBD stuff with minimal/no THC? You're even MORE DESTROYED than you are from THC. At least I am, and I don't think there's anything magical about my nervous system that would make it so.
Melatonin always gave me super unpleasant dreams and restless/groggy sleep fwiw, but after weed and GABA-ergic downers it was the most effective thing for my insomnia. If you just need to be knocked out for some reason, it works. Although again, by my understanding, it does so by resetting the body's circadian rhythm, not because it magically has downer properties or something.
I smoked every day for three or four years
Use varied between 1-2 ounces per month
Took a ten day trip abroad and experienced zero withdrawal symptoms
Of course I had a shitty time because I went to Britain, which is a depressing and shitty country, but I had no more trouble sleeping there than I do here.
Your first 10 days after being daily are rough. After that you're going to feel like a new person. Just hang in there, you are going to make it.
CBD alone doesn't get you high retard. I drink CBD tea and all it does is relax my body and face muscles and make me feel calm.
Half the people in California don’t realize their weed is covered with mold/rat poison and other chemicals and always act surprised when their little bungalo tier dispensary gets raided and shutdown lol
Just a heads up OP: when I quit weed about this time last year (5 month daily smoker) I had similar insomnia. Then I began to develop symptoms of mania, and eventually became psychotic. It’s pretty rare so that’s probably not what’s happening to you, but if you begin to feel extreme elation, urge to take crazy risks and have lots of fun, start calling people late at night out of the blue, having racing thoughts, etc you should go to the doctor.
get fukd son
You proved my point retard. Good god I'm glad I don't use THC id this is what it does to you
Unironically read the book Quiet Your Mind and Get to Sleep. I had massive anxiety and insomnia after quitting pot (was a daily smoker for the better part of a decade). Another drug will just mask the problem. You need to change the way you think about the problem.
Progressive muscle relaxation + total darkness + chamomile tea. That’ll knock you out for sure. Try a cold shower too for good measure, it lowers body temp closer to sleep levels.
Drink some warm milk before going to bed, then meditate and think about whatever (not important shit). If you begin to lose patience, tell yourself that you are in fact resting and sleep will come.
>cannabis withdrawal
Aawwwww its retarded, how cute
2 weeks is nothing and replacing your addiction with another isn't the solution.
t. 16yo stoner
Cannabis is addictive, even if it's far less addictive than many other narcotics.
>16yo on an 18+ vietnamese kazoo forum
Weed is just a gateway drug, real druggos use heroin. These dubs prove my point.
>CBD is non-psychoactive
>CBD is a partial HT-1A agonist
What part of this do you not understand, Mr. Ad Hominem?
Lol i smoked an ounce like every 2 weeks in fucking college and then quit as soon as i got a job.
There was no withdrawals thats just what weak willed cucks with literal mental illness tell themselves.
Feel bad for you, youll never amount to anything
I hope you guys understand that cannabis is a psychoactive drug and will affect every person differently
>im different! Im special!
Lol ok sure
>doesn't that stuff lower test?
Hey man i hope i can help.
I haven't slept well as long as i can remember. I tried everything. I won't give you my life story but I will tell you the only thing i found that helped after trying to find a solution for 6 years now (im 25).
I take a magnesium supplement that includes something called 5HTP. This + 4 days lifting means i can sleep well 6 nights of 7 and sometimes 7/7.
I have in the last 6 months changed my entire life by finally being able to get to sleep before 1am.
Good luck!
Nobody realised that this posted by an anti-drug loser? Shameful