Who was in the wrong in this scenario?
>be me
>just after lifting in my uni gym, changing in the locker room
>theres like 4 people there and I was just kinda zoning out miring this guy
>staring at him as he undressed but I was still putting my shit away so it wasnt like I was doing nothing but staring
>he notices
>"whatcha looking at, dude?"
>snap out of it and turn red as fuck and mutter an apology
>everyone is silent
>he laughs uncomfortably
I guess I shouldnt have been looking but if he hadnt said anything it wouldve been a lot easier for everyone what the fuck this was like 20 minutes ago
Locker Room Etiquette
Also not gay btw
>Who was in the wrong in this scenario?
you were, obviously. YOU got caught staring. You are the one who was dong the awkward shit. He was just doing his thing.
Next time, either keep it low key or just don't fucking look.
OP here, btw I'm gay if it makes a difference.
He was in the wrong, OP, for making you gay
thats what I thought
Well he would've reduced overall awkwardness for everyone if he just didnt say anything. Plus hes in a gym locker room and its not like he was being shy. He made me feel like such a faggot its not fair
He also has a right to not have to be stared at if it makes him uncomfortable too. He's calling your faggotry to stop staring at him. He didn't care what you or others around him think. He just cares about what was bothering him. Be mindful of your eye contact next time. Or don't if you don't mind being called a fag.
no fuck him. What was the point of him saying something since he was heading to the showers anyway
>nice trips
What is the point of asking a question when you're only going to accept one answer? Different user, but you're being petty. You looked at him and he was right to call you out. People don't like it when other people are staring at them naked. Learn from it and move on.
Fucks sake user, he wanted you to say
>Just mirin' those ceps bro, do a flex!
So you could have gay sex.
>The rape would have gone so much better if that bitch did say anything
See how silly that sounds. You're victim blaming. Its YOUR fault and if you think otherwise you're autistic
well exactly. I acknowledge that the rape I committed was wrong but it wouldve been so much more comfortable for both of us if he hadn't said anything
>It's not fair
You really are a faggot
since I was ALREADY raping him, the best thing to do at that point would be nothing. Instead he created a needless moment of awkwardness
To shame you into not staring at people in the locker room and to alert everyone around that there's a pervert staring at people in the locker room. Quit being a creep
I wasn't like fully intentionally staring at him I was zoning out
From the OP
>I was just zoning out miring this guy
Look mate you were drooling so hard over this guy your mind went to space. Yes you were bloody "intentionally staring", both with your real eyes and your mind's. The guy probably thought you were an astronaut considering how over the moon you were looking at his body.
If you "zone out" admiring changing men you are legitimately a homosexual. The fact you turned red with embarrassment instead of simply saying you were wondering what his routine was and harmlessly sidestepping an awkward moment makes you a double faggot
nice b8
You really do want him, don't you OP?