What gives you pleasure in life?
What gives you pleasure in life?
My hand
Lifting and drinking.
Nothing anymore. I just go through the motions at this point
weak swine, i choose what pleasures me
burying my face into a fat ass and hyperventilating
Does drinking really give you pleasure? I've noticed I like drinking but only when I'm with friends. So perhaps I prefer the social aspect of drinking and not just getting boozed.
Jesus Christ our saviour
Imagine her being pinned down by that bar, unable to stand up, haha. You could just use her mouth for penis pleasure in any way you want and she wouldn't be able to resist. Wouldn't that be funny lol
your mum
yeah same
empty apathy crew reporting in
To crush the janitors
See them driven from my shitposting
And hear the lamentation of chink moot
getting dubs checkem
Had sex with a girl i really like yesterday. She's funny and kinda like a bro with a vagene.
Nutted hard after hitting that brapper doggy. She's somewhat overweight (20kg to lose to be a fitness model), but damn pounding fat girls feels amazing.
Then i banged her again this morning.
Unless the bar also knocked out her teeth, I think she would have at least one way to resist.
This. Been looking for a purpose for awhile now
Lifting,fucking, banter with broa,reading good book
>Seeing gainz from my next cycle
The best one
Yes, I feel less like shit when I'm drunk.
Going out drinking with some big titted whore, get a buzz on, walking back to my place with her, stopping occasionally to grope her huge tits with my grip strength from massive deads, make her squeal in pain/excitement. Smack her ass as she walks up the stairs in front of me. Ejaculate inside her pussy five times over the course of the night/morning. Never call her again. Repeat with different big titted slut the next weekend.
I wear a condom though I forgot to add. And I know these girls and they only sleep with me btw.
And Santa Claus is real
I'm not a faggot, the worst I have to worry about as a straight male is herpes and the occasional uti.
Writing, nofap, and reading.
The knowledge that I will be in the dirt soon
Alcohol and its not even pleasurable its just one of the only things that gets me to feel anything. Lifting is the other
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
loving my family
Fucking somebody at least 20 pounds overweight minimum
Making others feel better/ less insecure through never making.
No pleasure for you. I’ll just take it instead. Check em.
Absolutelty nothing and I have no idea what to do about it.
Video games, eating & drinking, jerking off
the cute girl doing hipthrusts in my gym
she makes everything worth it god bless her
sharing my life with a woman at my side
hate me all you want
but what i long for is companionship and a bro can't give me the same feeling as being with a woman, the intimacy and all that combined with exploring the world, living life
is my greatest pleasure and imperative
Being slightly numb all over and warm is honestly the fucking best.
I would've necked myself ages ago if it weren't for alcohol
Try things that sound interesting to you
Learn a musical instrument, start a sport, join a club, read books, travel
Anything that sounds like fun and try it out
I actually found out what gives me pleasure is just staying online and lifting
I think you gotta ask what you'd do if you had all the money in the world
>What gives you pleasure in life?
Going to the gym
Video games
Youtube videos I've seen a hundred times over
Current short term pleasure: reading on the failure that is Chris chan
Working out
Video games/ internet
I'm don't have a gf because I don't want one right now (am 21, still virgin). Completely by choice.
having a good laugh (me making someone else laugh with jokes and quirkyness")
self improvement
video games
educating myself
being around genuine nice people irl /No fake two faced people, that will talk shit behind your back once your not around)
porn..... need to get a grip and not fall victim to the jewish industry.
cold showers
Share some vids m8
Playing and watching sc2
Buying clothes
Work ie. Optimising/designing warehouses and supply chain stuff
Eating full fat raw cheese like Comte
Jow Forums
Whenever these alcohol induced throat ulcers decide I can eat without pain again
>Completely by choice.
burying my face in a slampig's disgustingly odiferous sweaty teats and inhaling a heavenly whiff of boob stank as I reach a point of climax while jamming my lil ol ding dong right up against her cervical os
>working out
>my job
>my family
>my chainsaw
>watching anime
>buying shit on the internet
>browsing second hand sites for equipment
>stocks and the market
actually a lot of things when I think about it
based haha poster
hows that based she would bite your dick off. pretty sure she dosnt want your nasty cock user
what kind of anime do you watch
i like some anime but its so hard to find anime where the male main has literally any backbone whatsoever. like for example grand blue and konosuba they had backbone i instantly liked those. it just feels like cancer watching some japanese """""males"""""" in action
>grand blue
absolutely based, my fren
I hate doing this to you but it said 20 kgs kek
Reply and tell me about yfw
That's the funniest part lmao
Dude watch JoJo's bizarre adventure morning but manly chads
there are so many
hajime no ippo
boku no hero
fist of northstar
etc etc etc
I used to watch a lot of anime. Now I'm just watching Zombieland Saga. I'm probably going to watch index after a while being a long time fan, bunny girl senpai, and goblin slayer (it's shit). For you I'd recommend Baka Testo (made by the same guy that made Grand Blue), Hataraku Maou-sama, Hayate the combat butler, Binbougami Ga!. There's a lot of good shows, but 90 % is pure shit. I watch some of the shit shows like harem shows because guilty pleasure. I've been watching anime more and less my whole 32 year old life. I was sold when I watched Kimagure Orange Road at about three years old and Moomin at about five years old.
Literally nothing at this point
Can't recommend Berserk enough, but it has no proper anime adaptation. There's 2 decent anime adaptations of the first 10% of the story, but to get the real stuff you have to read the manga.
The anime skips a bunch as well, and the manga has some amazing artwork.
Doing God's work, user. Thank you.
>Shooting guns
>My friends
>Self improvement
Fucking fat chicks
Seriously had one last night saying how she's not worthy because I'm so hot
The only thing that makes me happy is my gf
>tfw when she left me for another guy
>tfw she left after I found out they were fucking while I was at work
I can't do this any longer
>not broodwar masterrace
Let me know when you want to make some serious gainz
>Jow Forums in a single post
>spend years lifting just to take advantage and fuck a fat chick whos way below your league
T-thanks Jow Forums
Crush my enemys, see them driven before me and hear the lamentations of their woman
>Playing and watching sc2
>getting leaner
>increasing my strength
>making money
>buying new clothes
>nutting inside of new girls raw and not getting STDs or getting them pregnant
>improving every day
ironic humour
deep french kissing with teenage asian girls
kissing flat tummies of teenage asian girls
cumming inside of teenage asian girls
>Playing music
>Lifting heavy stuff
>Fixing things
>Loving and having sex with my gf
>Going on fishing trips with my friends
Life is pretty good honestly
how do you avoid prison?
sex and sucking titties
My white wife
I didn't say underage, I said teenage.
getting rekt in kingdom death monster
>Same hobbies, but older and with girlfriend I will probably marry.
Recently I've begun to be much more interested in learning how things work, the properties of the materials they're made of, and how to build them. Mostly just guns, cars, fitness equipment, and booze.
based haha poster
Having sex with new attractive women who find me attractive
Literally my only goal in life atm. I just want to bury my face in a cute thicc girl's ass and breathe in.
>nutting inside thots without condom
>not getting STDs
brah thats not how STDs work
based based haha poster poster
4chins always makes me laff.
Watching old 80/90s movies and reminiscing in the nostalgia of my younger summers, everything was so much better back then.
Lifting weights.
Getting mired by the girls at the gym.
Receiving my paycheck at the end of every month.
Waking up and having a clear skin.