>try to count calories
>only ate 2300
>weigh myself
>Gained half a pound
Try to count calories
>only 2300
are you 7 feet tall? If you want to lose weight eat less, or for faster results just fast.
Weigh yourself every day for a week at the same time and take the average.
Is that supposed to be a lot?
It's like half as much as I usually eat and I'm only 20 pounds over what I would like to be.
You should be eating 1500 Max
>eat 3700
>lose 2 pounds
i wish i could gain weight
if you're still not losing weight then just eat even less and move even more
If you wanna lose weight you gotta drop those calories to like 1000 or something. Preferably between 500-1000
Literally impossible
Weigh yourself in the morning after a shit. If you dont shit in the morning do cardio until you do. It'll be the closest to a true weigh you can get. Since how you eat, drink and how much shit is in your colon varies a lot from day to day.
Nope, I've done it. Lost 25 kilos doing no workout what so ever, only cut out sugar and other garbage and maintained a diet on around 500-1000 calories a day, with 1200 being the absolute most I would eat.
i dont fucking understand it. Dont you guys train? i eat around 2,500-2,700 calories a day and i maintain my weight and lose some, depending on what im doing on the weekend. Arent you guys training? or arent you training enough? dont you have muscles that need some more calories? i dont fucking get it.. you eat like fucking girls and still gain weight? you must be doing something wrong.
im at 75kg 1'80cm
>6’0 159 lbs
>Lean bulking at 2300
Haven’t gained any weight whatsoever in two weeks
Adjust for tdee
were fucking short retardo
and no cardio just 1 hour lifting thats only a 600+ on our bmrs (manlet bmr = 1700)
user 180cm is like 5’10 or something
5'10 is manlet?
b-bump for this
Take a shit.
yes. and not even king of the manlets. i am the 5'11.5" king of the manlets.
>Busy day at work
>Come home
>Count calories
>Only 2300
>Still need 1300 but too full and tired to eat
>Goodbye gains
because the food is still inside you ya knucklehead, weigh yourself in the morning post shit
I'm 5'11 can only eat like 1700 a day without piling on the fast food and shakes. I never thought lifting would be like this. I hate this more than ab doms.
Smoke some weed. When you're high, eating less than 3000 is a challenge.
I do already it's why I eat fast food at all.
I, too, am an orangutan
Is that the halo sniper?