Any other zoomers here? How does it feel like being ahead of your generation?
Any other zoomers here? How does it feel like being ahead of your generation?
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1996 Zoom-Boomer here.
Feels alright man
what's the cutoff for this? 94 or some shit?
The millenial cut off is technically 1996
1998 here. What do you mean I’m ahead of my generation?
2000 here, I can't relate with most people as of yet, but i'm reading a book on charisma that's helping me.
>tfw 29 year old zoomer
>The people on Jow Forums calling you a dyel don't even remember 9/11
>tfw 31 year old "millennial"
I hate being categorized into a group of people my age so fucking much. I hate the word zoomer. I'm so used to lying about my age and hiding online that it's odd to see other people my age on Jow Forums.
If you’re 25+ your body is already decaying, therefore you’re DYEL. Enjoy back pain, grandpa
>how does it feel like being ahead
lol how does it be like to fail english class?
Woah watch out, we got a couple of kids over here
96 doomer here. I'm actually not ahead of my generation despite having a degree without debt and being in shape.
The average doomer seems completely lost (and because of this it doesn't seem fair to compare against) or way ahead of what I've achieved.
>2000 zoomer here
I recently realized I didn’t have to lie about my age anymore and it felt weird. Other than that, it’s great to be ahead. All the girls are miring + my generation is full of weak gay aliens. One girl literally worships me everyday even though she has some skinny lanklet bf
>also, wrestling master race
best year reporting in.
I’m still wondering what OP meant by “being ahead of your generation”. If anything, most people here are way behind
'99fag reporting in
I am a boomer trapped in a zoomer
>31 y o
> more fit than in my 20's
> better facial aesthetics
> have a career
> way more confident about woman
The male golden age is the 30's, not the 20's. Unless you suck at life.
into the gas chamber you filthy gen-traitor
91 Bloomer here, didn't make a single good decision until I was 25, things are going good now, never been happier.
t. baby face with no career
okay pops, whatever you say. don't forget to take your meds
make me, youngin
`00 fag reporting sophomore year of college still haven't made any friends other than this one guy that I think is gay because he gives me back massages and winks at me when I see him.
Ask him for a blowjob and he gives you one, he's probably gay
Male peak is 30 though
I have all that plus
>no social media
>literally don't care about roasties and thots
Life couldn't be better
you let another guy give you a back massage
wait is there something wrong with that? I thought it was like wrestling in the sense it's sort of an amicable thing friends do
you wish boomer
>just realized '00's fetuses are allowed to post here openly now
feels good to be a '98 boom-zoomer
>1988 no wrinkles or nasolabial creases yet
>start college again
>hanging out with zoomers bullshitting about internet stuff
>know enough about ecelebs to blend in thanks to /v/ bitching about them nonstop for 5 years
>my classmates faces when I order a beer
I love genz I've never seen a generation age so fast.
are you into skincare by any chance? or are you just lucky
I was a goth for a long time so I got in the habit of wearing sunscreen when I was young to stay as pale as possible. Still do. I even smoked for 12 years. So it's not like I lived particularly clean before now.
well, sunscreen is the most important anti aging product you can invest in. people spend hundreds on product to fix free radical damage, yet do little to prevent it in the first place
I dont even have a brand preference I just pick the one that smells the least.
you really don't need anything fancy. there's just two (or 3 if you care a bit) things you need to make sure of
1. protects against UVB AND UVA
2. non comedogenic (doesn't cause pimples by blocking pores
3. physical vs chemical (titanium dioxide and zinc oxide sunscreens are generally a bit more expensive but are usually better)
other than those 3 things doesn't matter much unless you care about other things such as white cast, animal testing etc
Never even knew about number 3 I'll check that one
ya it isn't an absolute rule, but physical sunscreens are generally regarded as being better because they don't require a wait time before you can safely go outside for one. there are other reasons but if you search "Dr Davin Lin How to choose sunscreens" on YouTube you will get a good educational video. good sunscreen applied every two hours can keep boomers looking like zoomers when combined with other skincare products such as peptides, retinols, AHA's etc.
send them packing and enjoy the bachelors life for a year
best year
who in the fuck knows this much about and invests this much time in sunscreen research? I mean seriously how did this become a topic you know a considerable amount on, but can also cite youtube videos about on command. The world truly is a remarkable place
Maybe a dermatologist?
Calm your tits you fag
Which one are you?
Core Gen Y reporting
>ywn again go over to your friends house to play Sega Saturn games after school
I had an ex that was into makeup, and good skin lets you buy cheap makeup with expensive results. naturally, she gave me good skin care tips and i took them so as not to look like a boomer when i turn 24. When we broke up, i used my superior male brain to do better skincare research than she ever did and get good info. i found that sunscreen was the basis of anti-aging, even among dermatologists. hopefully, when I reach 23 and turn into a boomer, I will look like a zoomer for a little while longer
Feels not that much different desu
More mires from girls is nice
They kind of hang around me more as well now,
like when i'm outside class girls will sometimes stare at me and smile,
eavesdrop on my conversations,
sit near me when they can
or start conversations asking stupid questions they already know
6'2 90kg leanish master-race so strangers are sometimes intimidated by me now, especially now that I've shaved my head.
Have to be extra nice now
A lot of guys from my high school ended doing steroids, which was surprising desu
Almost all of them look like shit though, well within natty limit
Early Gen Zoomer
I was an edgy 12 yr old cod mw2 360 no scoper
born in 2000 and feels pretty good desu, been lifting since 15 and just started getting more serious about it but still have years to make progress before i'm old
And you don't remember Vietnam. So what?
92' here. All you kids are fucking pathetic. You probably didn't even play pokemon blue.
>literally don't care about roasties and thots
The cope!
Truth, to a point. Being fit and disciplined by early 20's will turn the tables real quick though.
Many old 'popular' acquaintances from high school (3 or 4 years ago) have become fat and work shitty jobs. Literally peaked already.
Might be what OP is talking about
sure buddy
It;s impossible for your 19 year old brain to believe but some people dont' have autism and can actually function in society.
You retard, the implication was obviously that you wouldn't be referring to girls as roasties and thots if you wouldn't really care about them.
Man, the world was so goddamn different before the durka durkas fucked everything up.
This is now a boomer thread.
Early gen Z tho my kids culture era belongs in late gen Y
Tfw 29 but don't have to cope because banging 20year olds on the regular and can relate to zoomers because of vast meme knowledge
1998 is millennial. Fuck off.
Reminder: You aren't Gen Z unless you were born in 2000 or later.
You're a Millenial.
>>The people on Jow Forums calling you a dyel don't even remember 9/11
I'm 35 and honestly, we'll be better off when everyone forgets. Adults that lived through it should have grieved already and moved on. We're all that fat annoying girl that can't get over anything bad that has happened in her life, that forces everyone to hear about how she got the bad touch when she was 13.
It sucks, but ultimately it didn't matter, and we've changed our world to react to a one off thing.
The terrorist won. They changed America for the worse..
>Israel won
'99 early zoomer or late millenial. I'm not ahead of my generation, my friends started lifting at 16
>born in 96 and I literally remember ALL of these
Who is that in the back left? What an absolute unit
Anyone else notice that zoomers are souless its like they are chinks or poos, probably growing up with iPads that have fucked them up
Anything born in and after 00 is a product of kikery and satanism. 98 masterrace. The year where demigods ascended
Can confirm
1996 is the worst year the zoom-boom inner conflict is very real
Late gen Y, some core gen Y because growing up with an older brother. I miss blasting Linkin Park and launching ourselves of a skate ramp into our years bros. We'd ride anything off that beast, skateboard, bike, wagon, razor scooters, roller blades. crack. sips. Yeah good times.
no, the cut off is 2000
Im 97 and can relate
I'm in the same situation sorta. I just turned 25 and went to uni a bit late (im graduating in december actually).
Anyways people are usually dumbfounded when i tell them my age. I was thinking about lying and saying im 21 permanently lol. I didnt even take care of my skin that much but i want to now.
Is there any way to stay tan when using sunscreen daily? I love when im tan
97 bois here. Am I a zoomer or a boomer?
>He missed out on Ben 10
98 fag here feels fantastic to be taller and outlift every boomer and zoomer on my gym
except this one tattoed manlet that benches 3pl8 but barely rows 1pl8 and never deadlifts or squats, he is my gym nemesis i hope to one day mogg his bench
>Mfw '94 here
>Z O I D S
I have scrapbooks of all the zoids I used to draw and color. I used to give the best ones to my dad as a gift. He still has a few hanging in his office room at home above his computer. Even though we don't have the best relationship, its one of the things that still let's me know he cares and maybe we just suck at communicating.
Lanklet still fucks her tho, stop coping. But you're on the right track, babyboy, godspeed
Ughhh agreed.People talk to me like a little kid because I’m 15 but I’m very mature for my age and feel comfortable in the company of adults.It’s not fair, I’M A BIG BOY!!!
who else is '97 is wasting 21?
>am*rican college freshmen can't buy a beer
Land of the free everyone
Core Gen Y. '89
When the hell is the "Not quite 90s kid but not 2000s kid" cutoff? I was born in '98 and remember 90% of this stuff, and I know people from 2000 who also remember it
Right here with you bro. Feel lost in life, directionless, I don’t like school, I know I won’t like a career.
ive never understood why other generations feel the need to tell me what I do and do not remember
do you not remember anything from being a todler?
is that not a common thing?
>t. 98 fag