Face gains thread

Face gains thread

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After. The difference 2% lower body fat makes is huge.

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yeah and a professional photographer you moron

He is the professional photographer... Enzo Carini

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my folders are a mess but i can probably find a few

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His face a fuckin BEAN lmao

Looked so much better as a fatboy

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Norman Reedus?

God damn user, sucks about the skin tho

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the fuck is an old picture of mine doing here. Weird......................

Jesus you looked like absolute death in that first picture.

by a few i mean two because this is probably the last one i will find

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wait i got one more

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Here's me now-ish.

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I was never a fat fuck. So I am just ugly.

damn boy. hows the loose skin now

How long did this take?

actually kinda flattered people had saved my progress pics. Kind of just felt nobody gave a shit...

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still there. been slack since I started a PhD but getting back into cut mode.

Damn what's your cycle?

4-5ish slack years.

never taken a PED in my life. Just 15 years of bulkin'. Kinda sucks, I get that a lot, brah, what you runnin', brah you on serious jooce. blah blah. I'm doing my PhD in exercise psychology and have a degree in sports science. I know things.

nice work dude

Alright teach us what you do that other nattys aint doing

Holy shit. Same nose. Same mole on the temple. God-like transformation.

With a PhD what job are you going to get in this field?

He eats clen, trens hard, anavar gives up.

starting to look like right pic after looking like left pic for 21 years
if you still have excess skin even looking like this, you give me hope user

Great job user

I do a lot of gymnastics. Mainly things like ring handstand push ups, weighted dips and chins, lots of levers. add high volume barbell exercises, OHP & rows are best. I've been training for so long I know how to regulate my training perfectly, I train every day with high volume and intensity.

Just do a high volume push pull every day that doesn't cause too much sheer force (bench/deadlift) and you'll find your recovery will improve to manage that. Avoid shitty exercises, I rarely bench, and don't deadlift. No cables or machines. It all impacts recovery.

bretty simple.

If you guys haven't achieved this without steroids you are lifting wrong holy shit.

You dun good.

Did you get any surgery for excess skin?


>and don't deadlift

all those gains for nothing, damn shame

My max is 260kg. I just think beyond that is silly DESU.

You're getting a PhD too? Fuck man, I give a shit. Good on you.

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>avoid bench and deadlift

Fuck you mean bro. I literally only do those plus pullups and frontsquats. And i look better than you.

you give me hope user, this is 130-90kg for me. Went really quick, any tips for continuing progress?

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Deadlifts and Squats are shit stfu

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high protein diet. Barbells, weighted chins and dips. Lots of them. more weight. Always add more weight.

Fuck that dude. I'm mirin hard as fuck right now.

Mirin progress. Gonna make it for sure.

what a fucked up frame, poor lad


How many reps do you do??

how do you deal with man boob and skinny fat?