
>not getting up at 4am
making it

4am master race reporting in. why aren't you getting up early, user?

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Because I don't hate myself.

Is his routine why he's so bitter all the time

i need more than 2 hours of sleep

He goes to sleep around 7 pm according to his interviews.

lmao what a no life doomer

Its only an old method of discipline that works for some people but that doesnt necessarily mean its the only way that will make people get their shit together.

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I wake up at 6am, enough time for a 30 min workout, shower and breakfast before work. I am usually asleep before midnight on weekdays

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I wake up at sunrise and go to bed at sunset

I used to. Then I fell off. Haven't been to the gym in a couple of weeks.
I'll get in tomorrow.


chris delias got a great skit on this

>shower 6am
>golf 7:30
What else goes on during that time?

Mark likes his showers, mang. Prolly got steam going, sauna, you know, megga-baller type shit.

>letting your schedule be run by the solar jew

he likes a long shower before he blasts through a round of turbogolf in 30min

I usually get up after 4 but lately have bee suffering from sleep problems and waking up way too early.

>tfw going to the gym at 2am

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>woke up at 8pm
>the day before
my fucking sides

It takes him an hour and a half to eat his first snack? This is such total bs

>Solar Jews

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>Not sleeping at least 8 hours for optimal hgh and test

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>the hour and a half snack
Mark what the fuck

>prayer time
dumb brainlet

Because I work 3pm to midnight?