Is it possible to get this big naturally?
Is it possible to get this big naturally?
What do you think?
>Is it possible to get this big naturally?
Yes lol. What do you think it's not possible to grow muscle? Roids just make it easier
2 years of natty lifting. He looks dyel af
Shit bait
If you have the genetics then yes
Dont forget the roids tho
They make it so easy that a roid user can put on as much muscle in 4 months not working out as a natural does in one year.
Literally hacks. The ppl that say "ohh bruh you need hard work its not just the roids" are the dudes that have super shitty genetics and not even roids can save them
You could possible get that big, but you would never get close to being that lean.
A lot of heavy weight powerlifers have fuck tons of muscle, but they have a lot of fat.
Yeah but you’d be wearing a 100 lbs fat suit over it.
T. Sumos. They have a shitload of muscle mass under that
Can't they cut and get that physique, then?
>Is it possible to get this big naturally?
yes, if you naturally roid
No, it's not possible to get that big even with roids
LOL. Bodybuilding is homosexual erotica. Just look at that picture, fucking hell
Jason shouldn't you be over on misc?
you cannot cut and maintain that amount of muscle with the natural hormonal profile.
Even with clen?
it's shopped
I started lifting 6 months ago and I look like that, fucking geneticlets and their cope.
post body
is this even a real person? he looks cgi
He's real.
Who is he? no homo
Aren’t competitive body builders the natty limit?
True, but you shouldn't expect to have Arnold's physique because he has very good genetics and most people can't attain his body naturally.
chest, core and like kneecaps, yeah you can get that natty
literally everything else, even the fucking elbows, have had so much juice they're screaming from drowning
He's a hologram.
Also why do you faggots even want to look like this? He looks like a fucking tumor. I'll never understand the want to look unnaturally big like this.
got em
Seriously though, how long must I roid to look like this?
Looks like a JoJo villain
he cute
Based on his proportion, he's on steroids. He's not even as pig as shown in the picture, on steroids. look closely at his arms. He's shopped.
Mirin that 10-pack
He looks Photoshopped (and juiced) though.
Except you substantially shorten your life span and probably won't get a hotter wife to carry on your genes, as you're weak enough to inadvertently signal that you need artificial enhancement to cope with every day existence. If you over-perform and get yourself a woman that you genuinely respect and are attracted to, and get into a relationship, it will fall apart once she realizes the inadequacies you are trying to compensate for with roids.
next level cope
Lol roids ARE natural... what do u think that’s not real muscle!?? What is it a balloon??? Hhahahahahahahhhhhhaahahha... go back to your synthol faggot
No. This is the natty limit
this is Kram Eotelppir the author of ending strength
totally natty, the key is half squats and gym selfies
>You could possible get that big
>Based on his proportion, he's on steroids. He's not even as pig as shown in the picture, on steroids. look closely at his arms. He's shopped.
should take you 8 minutes of SS if you're dedicated with perfect diet & sleep
SS? This is not a nazi-friendly board