
Burned myself pretty bad bros, im dressing the wound pretty well but im abroad and not.sure if i should go to ER. its been days and im fine physically, and its sore but doesnt hurt really bad. inb4 go to dr why you asking internet etc

does it look infected to you guys?

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more pics

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How can we give you qualified medical advice if you don't share the exact details of how this happened user?

Throw some protein powder on it bro

I work at a factory and by being a retard shoved a hot metal plate (its a casing for dough to rise pretty much) in my arm

i appreciate your candor friend

put honey on so that bacterias cant enter the wound also cover it up with some band aids or someshit

It's not infected yet but it almost certainly will become so

Stop being such a turbo septic and go to an ER and then stop voting against socialised medicine. Or get insurance you dumb fuck.

i dress it twice a day w anti bacterial cream

why would i put honey on it nigga

what makes you say that??

I am in Canada as a Murican but im working here illegally bro. idk how laws work here. scared to go and scared itll be expensive.

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also i assumr lifting is off table for a while?

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assuming u dont have anti bacterial cream nigga

just watch a video on youtube how to treat the wound like every zoomers does for basically anything.

why do you hate us

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Make up a story of doing it at a friend's house. You guys were burning wood in his yard. Canadian healthcare is free and I'm pretty sure they will take care of an American in a situation like this. Just go to a clinic but be prepared for the waiting room.

Haha I saw that joke on family guy and I was just as funny now as it was then haha based haha

appreciate it friend

no ones going to believe burning wood

thats a third degree burn right there. maybe second

ignore this guy, it'll probably be fine. just keep it clean and keep a bandaid on it, don't worry mate

Hot, but what happened

Your job and your illegal residency means nothing if you get some fucked up infection on your arm. Just go to the fucking doctor m8, sort the rest out later.

Just keep it clean and slather it in iodine 3 times a day. It's not even that bad.

the fuck is her problem?

she should be deported

Wash it and smash some aloe vera gel on it, will be fine in 4-6 weeks.

Coming from a surgery resident honey is great for wound healing.
>The more you know

It's probably fine if you keep cleaning and dressing it, it will blister like fuck in a few days though. You can go to the doctor if it shows signs of infection.

im not even Canadian but fuck you. if a country provides you with the opportunity for work you should at least pay taxes in return. filthy freeloader

say hair straighteners

Truth right here.

absolutely justified, Id even defend her if he attacked back

> inb4 whiteknighting

even though that dance is one of the worst thing to be created, that punch was too much.

It's barely skin deep, don't be a pussy.
If you cleaned it properly, cover it up and wait for it to heal.

>socialised medicine
>gov taxes you to death
>next available doctor's appointment in July 2022
>insurance so expensive you sell your kidney to afford it
>have to pay with your taxes for some landwhale's trip to the ER cause they think cardio is the devil
Tripfag get off my board

she probably thought he was pretending to hump her or something, dumb reaction either way

>I am in Canada as a Murican but im working here illegally
Pierre, get the SKS

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Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Jow Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

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>paying canadian taxes

sorry bro not gonna happen. stay mad kid.

Canadian rent in big cities is dirt cheap compared to US. Foods expensive but honestly cheaper cost of living in a nice area than US. I’m going back for school soon. Just seemed logical to me bro, must be my nafri genes, sorry to all you hardworking citizens lmao

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its a lot deeper

Where abouts, big boy? TO, Vancouver, alberta?

Montreal friend

Was lifting ever on the table? He's a DYEL


Had to have pilonidal sinus surgery for my ass crack two times because the wound didn't heal the first time. First time we tried keeping it clean, washing every day, changing antibacterial wound dressing every day. No dice. Second time, I can't remember if we had the antibacterial dressing there but we used medicinal honey (and later on pine sap) in the wound. Did the trick. Honey is breddy gud for wound treatment.

why didn't you report this to your employer?

It was this bakery, wasn't it? You tax-dodging, sheckle-slurping Jew

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hey fellow MTLfag.
>tfw can't bike to the gym today.

Fuck off kid. I've been here since before you could buy alcohol or cigarettes.

Have to admit, if she did that to me I'd fucking call the police and get her locked up.

DIY tattoo removal is stupid unless you understand lasers and pigments.

And how many bets have you honoured in that span ?

Not MTL, SW Ontario (Not Toronto)
The tripfag fears the shitposter

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I'm from St. Catharines originally. Where abouts? Did you guys get a lot of snow out there?

It’s snowing right now here in Tdot

It's a bit hard to tell the degree without examining you, but a third degree burn would mean that the whole skin layer is destroyed and that the nerves that feel pain are also gone. Do you still have feeling in the blackened areas? The bloody areas seems fine, they still have vascularisation. Closest seems to be granulation, which is also a good sign.
TL;DR seems fine and uninfected, but I'd advice you to get a check later by a doctor. If it's third degree burn you might need to transplant skin.

>Where abouts
south of London, its snowing right now. Its been snowing since yesterday afternoon but its not really accumulating bc its 0-1 degree

based anonymous casts tripfag out

>Fruit of the Loom
my nigga

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canadian life expectancy greater then US.
Plus the poor pay more taxes then the rich. Rich get tax breaks, poor pays for them. Oklahoma.

Did you get your powerlifting loicence yet?

Nope good guess though. I live right next to Metro Suave. you niggas weren’t kidding about the commies here, they’re LITERALLY marxist-leninists and extremely active

I had a burn like that a while back. Just put some antibacterial ointment on it and keep it wrapped with clean gauze and athletic tape. Burns sick. But it will heal up fine.

Statists get off my board

I work with wounds on a daily basis.
That looks like it's a 2nd degree burn, but I can'nt be sure from the pic. Could use a bit of wound cleaning.
I would go to the ER if I was you, but if you live a in a shithole without free healthcare, rinse it with clean water, hypocloric solution like microdasyn and but some silversulfadiazine on there and wrap it up in plastic. go to ER if signs of infection.

You can't look like this and give advice on /fit

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Brand yourself with a swastika on the other arm

You don't need to go to the ER for that pussy bitch

2 scoops

I've had a similar burn, left some nasty scars on my elbow and shoulder

Hahaha you're getting exactly what you deserve. You have to go back if you want medical care