
So any anons here have really thick , deep , and defined abs?

If so what is you opinion on ab thickness? is it genetics? do you have to do ab workouts to get deep thickness?

Is the ab even a muscle that can be trained to get thickness or is it 100% insertion genetics?

Attached: abs_muscular_muscle_ripped_main.jpg (1188x1028, 259K)

Abs are just like any other muscle in your body. You need to train it, in order to grow and make it thicker . You should also be using weight resistance for mad ab gains

Actually train them, don't fall for the "abs are built in the kitchen" retardation that comes out of online dyels taking advice from roidfags.

this is what i thought. I did heavy lifting for awhile and never touched abs and never got any results

I fell for that meme too, wasted my time starving myself in order to get any abs to show.
Turns out in order to have abs showing you need to have abs developed enough, just like any fucking muscle.

jesus fucking christ tho - you can have 3" insertions you wont see them if you are eating a fucking x-large pizza everyday fatty

this isnt true at all because you can have fat dudes at like.... 20% bodyfat still have their adonis insertions showing where untrained people wont have anything


I was anorexic and had 0 abs showing despite having veins running down my obliques.
Under developed abs are the NORM in people that don't have athletic backgrounds, like the vast majority of people that post here.
It's also the norm in dyel gymcel circles that avoid ab training because it's not "hardcore".

Everyone already knows that diet is important, but even if you starve yourself to single digit bf% you are not gonna have abs that show unless you actually develop them.

that sounds right

It’s training AND diet. Anyone that says other wise is a) retarded b) a faggot c)both

Attached: 45A2B555-87C3-4077-BA74-56D581BE3799.jpg (4032x3024, 2.42M)

well duh but there are people who say all you need for abs is muh compounds


>decline reverse cable crunch
- secret for the lower abs when doing 3x33-50 hanging leg raises isn't enough and you need actual resistance training added.

Abs are made in the gym but revealed in the kitchen

Attached: 1541019204720.jpg (606x960, 47K)

Everyone saying they need to be exercised but noone showed a good ab exercise.
They all look fucking gay. What can I do at home?

u are agreeing with me then

again, you are agreeing with me then
learn to read

ab roller

Yeah mine are pretty defined. You can easily feel the groves as you run your hand over and just core is hard af even when not braced.

Hanging leg raises
Front squats

Attached: IMG_20181115_130513.jpg (1093x1608, 250K)

this is the only accurate response

fair enough but my example would be hard to 'fit' on a regular basis

I'm trying to picture how to set this up, and I'm at a loss

August 9th

Attached: IMG_20180826_194330.jpg (3968x2976, 3.31M)

This monday. Just lose bodyfat and do hanging leg raises

Attached: IMG_20181114_121755.jpg (3968x2976, 3.15M)

Nice gyno doughboy

Nice cope

>99.99% training
>0.01 % diet
>techincally training AND diet
least insightful post of all time

Fat dude with buried abs
Technically has abs

Tanks pal :^)

Dios mio...

I want to have the same feeling

50 hanging leg raises. What the actual fuck, post abs and form video.

Been mostly targeting obliques to try to make my wide hips not look so flared out of place. And I have high ab insertions so thick obliques will probably look best as far as abs go.

Most days doing either standing side raises or side bends on the back extension or swiss ball set-up, using weight added for each. Tried hanging side tuck raises and I can feel it but don't think they do as much. Anything else I can do, or is one of these superior so I can simplify it?

what are your stats? you honestly have a pretty under developed core, your body fat is low but I have bearmode powerlifting friends who have more defined core than that.

>just do hanging leg raises

honestly i think this post is the antithesis of what the thread is about. This is an example of how a core looks if you don't train it.
spoiler: its not good

5'11 157lbs
I'd be really surprised if you knew anyone that could do dead stop hanging leg raises to the bar for sets of 15.

u need some upper chest big time

this is a good, strong looking core. you have an atheletic or atleast background carrying heavy shit. You probably do squats.

this is not a good core. you look weak, thin and frail m8

Attached: 1541885544194.png (498x498, 173K)

If you say so pal :^)

Damn you are dumb, what were you expecting for ?

You too, you are dumb

it's partially true though, the muscle is super thin and it can get big easy. no shit you still have to train them but 70-80% of getting abs is diet

>heavy lifting
Sure thing buddy. Post webm of your deadlift 1RM

this is fucking stupid.
You work abs like any other muscle
but abs will be the absolute last thing you see until you have low and I mean LOW BF%

So in comparison to every other muscle abs are made in the kitchen
No lifting redit faggot

I have the same wide hip problem. What’s been REALLY working for me is weighted Russian twists. I’ll hold a 20lb dumb bell in my hands and twist. 4 count exercise. 10 repetitions for 3 sets.


Thanks for tip. I was trying these, but not at a 4 sec tempo, a bit faster. They were more like wood choppers; I could feel some effect mostly after I'd already done something to target obliques. Good fro stabilisers though.

Also, for form do you try to keep your core stable so you don't actually twist you just tense in order to resist the twisting force that is generated from passing the weight side to side, or do you fully rotate (upper back at least) which is supposedly bad for your back?

pretty small, can't get closer to a mirror than that

I believe in you pal

>giving advice on abs when your core looks like this
not mirin. maybe you need to finish that cut and have a slice of humble pie

what's a good abs routine?
how do you hypertrophy them?

Those are defined but still very shallow cuts. OP is asking about thick and deep abs.

I think my core is pretty good though dude! Show me an example of what you think is good

but he has gyno lmao

>I think my core is pretty good though dude!

Yeah no shit ive read your responses faggot, look at the guy that posted above he has a bretty good core considering how undeveloped everything else is.

could be the myspace angle but your core makes you twinkmode.

Oh never mind I'm just gonna discard your opinion altogether. I like my own way better than my boy skeletor's core you're talking about