I'm content being a fatfuck and eating fast-food for every meal

I'm content being a fatfuck and eating fast-food for every meal.

help me change

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How the fuck can you be content and also want change?

> help me change
what's in it for me?

Fuck you, why would any of us want to be responsible for some fat asses change?

>my life is ok right now but it could be better

"I earn 100k and live well, but 200k wouldn't be bad"

Tell yourself that when that diet catches up to you

good luck breaking your msg&sugar addiction lmao, shit's harder than heroin

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OP, are you overweight?

I used to be nearly 400lbs and i was oblivious to it. It wasnt until both my parents passed away from complications stemming from obesity that i realized what i was doing to my body. So you may be fine now, and you may not see the need for change, but believe me when i say that the damage you are doing to your body wont be tolerable forever.

Ive since lost 150 pounds, and feel so much better physically than i ever knew i could

i don't understand how people can eat this daily and be happy. i have fast food maybe once per week max and usually feel pretty shitty afterwards

Learn to meal prep. Its cheaper than fast food

i will not help you change, i will give you something even better


but you must watch the full thing to understand it

go on Jow Forums prove him wrong

If he wants to change then he is not content with being a fatfuck. He wants to change.

You can eat every thing in that pic and still work out and be fit, just count your calories and fit that in your macro

What do y do?

Find a reason to do it yourself.

If you cant then you arent going to make it and giving you advice is a waste of time.

you have to convince yourself
doesn't matter what anyone says
best bet is ask what are the benefits and are they worth it to you

keep on losing bro

You don't need motivation you need discipline.

Nah I don’t give a fuck just eat more shit and die faster please

Why? That looks delicious.

Healthy cooked meals are way better than any fast food, redpill yourself.

based, but keep going and mog your former self relentlessly

we cant make you change son
change has to come from within

Fat fuck, Jow Forums only helps those who help themselves. If you can't be bothered then become An Hero for all the fuck we care.

Now get the fuck out of here and don't come back until you've decided to stop being a gigantic fat faggot and get some shit done under your own steam.

Go to the fph thread

If you're content being a fat fuck, then just fuck off, there's nothing anyone can do for you. It'll be a short life anyway.

Imagine trying to talk shit as a namefag

cooking your own food is cheaper and tastes better and is better for gains

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join bjj or judo and get destroyed by a twink
pretty easy

why change if you're content? godspeed

Ate a ton of junk food/sugar for the first time in a month and I already feel the acne

Force yourself to eat shit like broccoli, salads and if you still want to go out, get half of what you normally would. Helped me a lot.

Other anons are right: you have to find a reason to do it for yourself. For me, it was being told I have high blood pressure. I have a family, and I don't want to leave them prematurely just because I couldn't get my act together. Have lost 25 lbs in 9 weeks so far.

Right? I can't be the only one that thinks home cooked food tastes much better.

This is my attempt at saving you user.

If you can put the food down and realize your pleasure from it is fleeting, the sticky, a gym membership, and a little willpower goes a long way.

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even if hes a namefag hes right