Mogs your entire country

Attached: Aboriginal_men_1939.png (1330x1166, 986K)

Other urls found in this thread:–_before_1788


this is what does generations of sun exposure, a rugged face and a natural muscular body and therefore a very strong one

yet /fit thinks the sun will make them age like shit, this is why they cant do pull ups with 160 lbs strapped on them or run a sub 5 seconds 40 yard dash

Dude on the right is like a darker version of a Greek statue , damn
Mirin hard.
Are these Abos?

Sunscreen on the face, none on the cock and balls. It will give the best test boost and save you from looking like an old man at 30.

Tell me have they managed to invent the wheel?

yeah theyre abbos, only downside for them is they almost always have a fuck ugly face and average 60 IQ–_before_1788

>worlds first feature length film same year as first surf film

isn't the average aboriginal height like 5'6 or close? they aren't impressive at all, just low bodyfat. guy on the left looks like he has 10 inch arms, they aren't mogging anyone

If this is true I'm fucking moving there bloody hell only girls who love me give me puss here please god give me midget heaven

yeah but theres fuck next to none of them around, im 6"0 and im only a little above average

>races adapted to hotter climates react to sun differently than races adapted to colder climates
Really makes you think, it’s like they have different skin or something.

>aboriginal women
Literally op pic, but fat.

Low body fat more than anything, abos are piss weak.

What about boomerangs user


Not really lol

Dude in the middle is old guy bod goals

litterally the common link

Ayy dardy that’s my uncle Melvin
He died from sleepin on the road cuz

my nephew was wondering through my room, looking for my other nephew.
he saw the pic in the op and asked "is that you?" before catching site of his cousin hiding behind my door and them both running out of the room laughing

i'm not sure how to feel.

Fuck that's deadly brudda

It's weird how indians are partially descended from abbos and not africans.

Sometimes I think it would have been nicer if we'd have just wiped them out entirely. They're really not suited to modern society.

based zoomers

Stop saying the word race unless you precede it with human

I look like this after a week of beach drills and running and eating only raw food like leaves and nuts. The difference is my wealth of first world advantages. Ive already reached animal mode its not something im jealous of anymore

Australia would 100% be a better place without them my guy

All prehistoric men in Europe were once like this (although maybe stockier with some bodyfat for the harsher climate). Living as they were designed by evolution to live, at peak fitness in state of constant survival mode.

Civilisation has insulated us from these pressures and we have become soft in mind and body.

Half-cast ones can get white features and end up looking good.

i knew a half cast that was fucking beautiful, she lucked out with big full lips and perfect light brown skin

imagine some cunt was desperate enough to fuck an abbo

All pink on the inside.

yeah but gorilla and cavemanskull on the outside

Attached: aboskull.jpg (636x477, 52K)