How long is your typical gym visit Jow Forums?

how long is your typical gym visit Jow Forums?

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2 1/2 hrs. Full body

1 1/2 hours - 2 hours, 6-7 days a week

>Ask the girl behind the counter for her number, get rejected, grab a slice of pizza, leave.

2.5 hours

Long ass rests, 5 sets, 1 hour cardio, showering/changing

As long as I can get away with, they don't allow us out of the pit.

Just long enough to blow 3 men in the locker room.

About and hour. 10min warmup with 45 min of lifting. Anything past that is a waste of time because you blood sugar levels drop off dramatically after the 45min mark

Same but I homegym while watching Netflix.


Home gym master race. About 1 1/2 hours every other day. 45 min lifting, 45 min cardio.

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between 60 and 90 minutes depends on how tired i get

t. fatty with undiagnosed beetus

Usually no more than 45 mins. No phone, no chatting, minimal rest.

Am I the only one who unironically only spends 5-10 minutes in the gym every other day?

what could you possibly get done in that amount of time?

1-1.5 hour if I'm not on gloryhole shift that day. 3 hours otherwise.

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Getting ass-fucked in the locker room.

45m - 1h

>3 X 15 dips
>3 X 15 pullups w/ leg raises, situps between sets
>3 X 8 pec flys
My legs and back are disproportionately stroger than my upper body right now and you'll just have to take my word for it

1 and 1/2 hours on a good day, 2 if I'm being lazy and taking longer rests between sets.

This is me. I don’t lift for longer than an hour, unless my sets are interrupted by buddies and I chat with them

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Under an hour. Usually keep the workout in 40-50 minutes range.

My man.

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Is that picture supposed to prove something?

averages between 45 minutes to an hour 15 depending on day and how many idiots are hogging the bars.

really wish I lived in a less crowded city.

>i dont lift more than an hour
It shows.

70 mins id say

Post body.

45 minutes

Post your bodies. You’re wasting time in the gym you dweebs

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4 hours not including cardio.

I do upper, lower. I do strength movements first followed by a shit ton of fluff work and isolations, volume high as fuck. I'm natty and DYEL tho so take it as you will.

I do 30 minutes of cardio to warm up before the workout. Then the heavy compounds, then the isolations. I take maybe 60 to 90 seconds between sets, between 40-60 sets per workout. for my heavy compounds I work between 5-8 reps, for my hypertrophy stuff I do 12-16 mostly with some 30 rep sets if I'm really feeling it.

For everything besides the compound movements I focus on mind muscle connection, and the pump. I don't really count sets, I just exhaust the muscle (usually 6-8 sets of 12 to 16) then move on to the next movement.

I'm DYEL and natty tho so your mileage might vary. Keep rest times short to keep the blood in the muscle.

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anything more is a waste

Very good post for reminding people to never take advice from this board

>snaggletooth calling a couple chads: dweebs
Damn man, whats wrong with your face.
Also clean your fucking mirror faggot.

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>angrily taking a selfie

lighten up ffs

Christ, I only do zumba one time a week and my arms are like twice the size of yours

Normally between hour and 20 mins or 2 hours at most. How the fuck do people that do 45 min sessions even have time to rest between heavy weight, low rep sets lmao

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Just because u asked bb

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~2.3 hours, as I just enter do SS with 20 minutes rest time between sets and leave.

50min-1h5min for the actual lifting, 15min for shower and dressing

50 mins to 1.25 hours if I don't do accessories and only a quick warm-up and stretch. Usually do though.
Add 10 minutes for proper warm-up.
Add 10 minutes for some walking/stretching.
Add 10 mins to 1 hour for accessories.

Is the cortisol theory pretty much debunked by now? Or do you just take a cortisol blocker or some shit?

Cutie post more

2 hours
3 days a week

45-90 mins

Curlbro spotted.

This but listening to black metal while shit posting.

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around less than one hour, I'm doing 5x5 stronglifts and the short time in the gym is one of the reasons of why I'm loving it