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Fitness #484
Feels brah
Are motorcycles considered "fit"?
Is chun-li's body attainable for a natty female?
Jow Forums humor thread
Yup that's me. you're probably wondering how i ended up in this situation
Routine thread
Has anyone else, after years of lifting, started to realize that Zyzz was actually not that big?
There are people who struggle with not eating enough food in a day
Well now I'm convinced to never eat vegetables again
Has lifting made you happier anons?
Thoughts on this program? Is it a meme? Also is this guy a fake natty or is he legit
What do you think of this program? called greyskull or whatever
When you see your waifu in a lewd scene
/SIG/: Horny and lonely edition
Muscle boobs
Is the only thing attracting me to women testosterone?
Soon 33 years old, fit and people say i look good(both men and women)
How do I achieve this mode?
We know
In the year of our lord 2018
Tfw to tired to work out after wage cucking
Me on the right
Jeff Vid, Its Up
Its not about winning or losing or living or dying, its about giving your all right here right now
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Penis size
Name One Good Thing About Your Genetics
I'm going to do limb lengthening surgery in Russia or India for 18k USD
MIRE THREAD - "Mirin' Madness Edition"
Yep, i can still remember when this site used to be called Jow Forums
Bad Feels Thread
Why aren't you plant based yet?
I can't do it lads
Full body workout every other day
Im 5'9 and my calorieintake is at 1500 and i still cant lose weight. i tried it for 2 weeks now
What's your favourite lift to take the pain away?
Where were you when you realized all modern women are the same?
Team got put together
High test thread
The Carnivore Diet
Veganism and NoFap
Manlet here
You ARE stronger than a 17 year old girl aren't you Jow Forums?
I started keto and am having night sweats + foul body odor...
Comfy boomer gym
Feeling too old
Be me
Looking aesthetically fit is a thing people want and that's why they cycle on shit but when you're natty and strong and...
Why are apes so much stronger than humans?
Share some good feels Lads
Other hobbies besides lifting?
What are some non-cringe fitness social media accounts? Things that offer actual good advice, inspiration...
Start powerlifting
How long could this progress be made natty?
Current 1RM PRS
Did lifting help you with your self-confidence?
Anime kills Gains
Why are people so cruel to self-improves? Yes, I'm a larger woman, about 174 in a small 5'4 frame...
Fitizens i have been doing nopoo for 3 weeks ,only washing with water,hair is fucking greasy
Skinnyfat lovehandles?
How can I give my dog big muscles?
Anybody ever try a sensory deprivation tank? Please share your experiences, I want to try it
Why the fuck am I still depressed
You're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass - what do?
I've lost my motivation Jow Forums bros
Should ugly men just transition?
Post your lifting music
Public Service Announcement
Anyone have tips on how to quit this stuff?
Jow Forums
Locked hahahaha so funny
What do you guys think?
Do all guys like to show off their women when we start to look good from workin out?
Transformation thread
How do I increase my ejaculation distance?
/fast/ - #335 - Hornblower Edition
Do alpha apes fap or is it only the beta apes that do it ?
Thoughts on fencing?
Why is counting calories so fucking hard for people...
What the Jow Forums approve class?
You may not like it, but this is what peak aesthetics looks like
What supplements do I need
Flexibility gainz
Are you ready for the holiday compliments from your family on your progress?
Testosterone Thread
What kind of girls do you attract since being fit?
Explain with evidence, why I wouldn't be able to beat the fucking shit out of this fucking monkey
ITT: >that guy
How do I achieve this mode?
Anyone here filter their water from the chemical jew (F, Cl, hormone from women pissing etc)??
How yeet is your bae?
What's Your Favorite Exercise, user?
//FRAUD// - Steroid General
Expect this physique if you do ss
High test thread
Is it possible to have strong enough legs to survive a fall like this?
Haha i can beat up a monkey
Rate thread
I made a thing, do you like it Jow Forums?
Tfw unlocked
In which gyms can one find girls like this?
Sup Jow Forums. Its Saturday night and we're here on Jow Forums
Rate Sam Hyde's Jow Forums stats
Hello Jow Forums, I just wanted to remind you that No-porn and No-nut are real. You should only nut inside a woman
I count calories
Lifting for this
I want to impregnate every fertile female in the gym... how do I go about doing this?
Did you drink you eggs today Jow Forums?
Who here /unlocked/?
Alright so I'm bored and gonna walk on my football team next year. they're pretty good and in the ACC...
Yeah, i've been browsing here for over a year now, and lemme tell ya, this place has sure changed a lot
Facial aesthetics thread
I'm a sedentary skinnyfag(6', 140lbs) and I want to do 30 mins of high energy expenditure cardio a day...
be me
We lost Jow Forums, they're onto us
Gibbons are know to have 3.5 meters vertical leaps on average
Why do you lift Jow Forums?
Why isn't society doing more about fundamentally solving aging?
Gymcels BTFO
Wow, user, you look good ;) do you work out?
Why aren't you zero carb yet?
ITT: post good gym feels
What happens to a chubby female body if they lift heavy and never cut weight...
IPA Estrogen
Killed him
Is it possible to unlock this ratio without PEDs? The holy 2:1
Who else lift to protec the sickly and the weak?
How the fuck do i do a chin up as a fat person?
Can I be an alcoholic and Jow Forums at the same time
Accurate representation of Jow Forums in the background struggling with 1pl8 while the alpha gym roidmonkey is blasting...
Yeah I know user, isn't he the guy who always _________________
This is what 6 months of SS + GOMAD looks like. Is this the ideal male physique?
Zyzz was legitimately not big. Obviously the lighting plays a role but he looks completely average in this pic
How long would it take to fix this?
Are you supposed to measure arms cold and unflexed, or pumped and flexed?
Shes right, you know
My wife is 5 months pregnant with my first son. How will I ensure he doesnt grow up a lazy dyel like I did...
Which one of you autists is this?
He isn’t /fitlit/
What kind of clothes do you usually wear Jow Forums?
How Jow Forums can I get with just calistenics and cardio?
How to get abs
Can I go from ~15% to 10% bodyfat without losing muscle?
Guys i got a problem
Cringe thread
Post the wrestler that inspires you the most / you can most relate to
How to stop
Push up thread
How much do you need to lift to get a reaction like this?
Jesus fucking christ. Stop fucking wearing these overly tight shirts you faggots. Looking dyel in normal shirt...
Am i balding
Mfw a try-hard fuccboi wears a lifting belt for 3 pl8
Should a guy with around 400mg of natural test do a very conservative cycle?
I've seen many people say that you should be working out your abs every day. But...
Is there any better feeling in life than being in your peak fitness form?
Sympathy for the manlet born into suffering
High test thread
Is it just my body dismorphia or is zyzz really not that impressive...
Extreme fitness
Plg - powerlifting general
You should go ATG
Injury prevention thread
Just found out today my ex married an Indian manlet
How are you holding up in No Nut November so far?
How do I become a Jow Forums female? what's your exercise routine/diet like?
Kicked out of gym for mogging someone?
Mewing/jawline thread
How much do I need to curl to have decent 'ceps?
Laid mode
Why lift when it's all about the face?
Ok 4channel, what do you think of the ketoid diet?
They're making fun of us again fellow manlets
Fat and strong as fuck, still look pretty good with a shirt on
How do i lose my thigh muscles/fat, they're so fucking gigantic. It's jiggles but it isn't fat either...
Zero alcohol
Eating 4 large eggs/day in the morning for the last 6 months
Redpill me on american gyms
Can you get rid of mental illness?
So you’re telling me you sleep on the floor, meditate, take cold showers, don’t use the internet...
Can I save my friend who’s addicted to Xanax?
What the fuck bros. I’m so sick of this shit. I’ve had persistent acne since I was 14. I’m 20 now...
I could destroy any of you leancucks, FIGHT ME
Alright bros, I’ve “made it” and been with two to tinder hoes, the first a 5, the second a 7...
What things can I say to basic bitches on the town?
Hey user whatcha listenin to
What does Jow Forums use for shoes? What do you use for casual wear or in the gym?
You don't want all your testosterone to turn into estrogen like Bloho do you?
Is milk good or bad for you?
No memes here, does alcohol actually stop gains or is that a myth spread by gymcels to justify not going out
Try to eat natural peanut butter for gaining
Any other Jow Forums bros use the gym sauna after workouts?
Is the're anyone on here 6ft2+ that doesn't smash pussy?
Guys seriously. Let me fucking tell you something. I've been browsing and posting much everyday for 7 years now...
What kind of girls do you usually attract Jow Forums?
Why do I never see this guy mentioned on Jow Forums?
YLYL vegan edition
Hide your power levels stories
So where would a man buy steroids at?
Why the FUCK are you so much weaker than a natty 21 year old girl Jow Forums?
Yeah, I see no reason why I wouldn't be able to beat the fucking shit out of this fucking monkey
President of /fit
Alone again at home tonight
Who do you lift for?
Dubz names my new routine
Advertises 20g protein per serving
Jow Forums Thanksgiving Confessions and Forgiveness Edition
I think I could beat a gorilla in a fight
What is the most disgusting habit/ailment you have that you will never reveal?
Be me
Be solid 8 or 9/10, have money, looks, intelligence
/nmig/- Not Making It General
Is a 370lbs deadlift respectable?
Hunter Vs prey
You're out in public and a random guy starts staring at you. What do you do?
How do I get this body?
I'm 5'10, 180, and I'm reasonably sure I could absolutely own even the strongest female fighter in a 1v1...
Tommorow is OHP day
How do I get my ass to fill out into something more round and aesthetic? It looks fucked up
How could this happen to me
This girl on steroids and or male hormones can lift more than naturals!
Pls come back to Jow Forums. I won’t bully you. Don’t know about others
Tomorrow I'll start:
Lanklets BTFO
Where do I find a gf like this?
The BBC reports that cases of eating disorders among men are skyrocketing in Britain...
SiR - New Years comic
Admit Jow Forums, she would destroy you in a fight
Would you go through a penis enlargement surgery, Jow Forums?
What is the ideal body for a Jow Forums female?
The split happened and you faggots are posting height and boomer memes as if nothing is going on
What is the best type of row for lat gains?
How close am I?
/fit humor
Baby face
Which one is the better life choice?
New king of fit. Bow down faggots
If you're ever about to give up or fail a set, think about her. Imagine her standing next to you right now...
How do we save the west from the soi plague?
Myostatin is the ultimate gains goblin
Which is most Jow Forums: black tea, green tea, or c*ffee?
Be me
Is eating overrated?
Is love the ultimate gains goblin?
Jow Forums
Breakfast is the one meal I never enjoy. Currently, I just have some porridge with coffee...
What exercise do you hate doing the most?
Why do some chads look like attractive women?
Can you really bulk up by eating ramen like in the cartoons? Shit's cheap and delicious
Are sentinels the most BASED people on eath ?
Average height
In order to remain physically healthy...
Tfw you realize that Zyzz was actually tiny as f*ck
Bulking tips for vegeterians?
Who has that video? Also /FPH/
Redpill me on apple cider vinegar
Waht are your running shoes? I’m buying a pair and would like to kno what’s good
This is the perfect "lifts but doesn't obsess over aesthetics or gymcelling" body
How can I raise my second oldest son to be more fit?
Guys, help me out
How to stop smoking?
How do you switch up your training after injuries? The sticky says nothing...
Exercising to accentuate your best features
Enter the gym
My in laws are coming to town tomorrow and bringing their pitbull...
What do I need to activate this mode?
Brutal moggings
Mods are sleeping, post rare arnolds
How do I get shoulders like pic related
Attend to yoga class
The average Jow Forums user
Okay boys. i have the single biggest problem this board has ever seen
If you can't do :
If you're fat, just eat less lmao
What to do if you have big hips as a man?
Can you imagine ? haha
Quitting coffee would be a good decision in the long term?
Did anybody here read this book and do you recommend it?
This is my lunch tomorrow
Food while cutting
What's his routine?
What are some tips to appearing more dominant...
So I final got a dexascan. Kind of discouraginf. Said I was 30% body fat. I just lost 50 lbs. I'm 169 pounds...
Are you secure enough in your height to date a girl who's taller than you?
Why do nonwhites find this atractive?
I'm 40lb overweight and cutting by doing 7 days X 1 hour HIIT per week...
Thanksgiving feels thread. What's on your mind, user?
What kind of aesthetic tier do i need to reach to handle a girl like this
What kind of socks are these?
/MOG/ General
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Punching power
He hasn't taken the chill pill
How Fucked Am I?
What do you like to listen to when you workout?
This is the turkey of thanksgiving gains...
Is my hand small ? Do you feel insecure about your hands
Tell me why mentol cigs are bad for me
Why do so many people deadlift with a rounded back...
What is Jow Forums's problem with this stuff?
Do I have potential, Jow Forums?
How to achieve sentinelese mode
Tfw no gf containment thread
Any Jow Forums anons with this?
Anyone else here taking the holy grail stack?
How do I make my traps smaller?
What’s the best way your gains have paid for themselves?
At this point I think we all know that, no matter how big and swole we get...
Parents fell for the cocoa puffs with skin milk for breakfast every day meme
Ctrl+f mire
This is achievable natty, right? Bear in mind that David Laid was 17 when the pic was taken
I beat the fucking shit out of this fucking monkey
Torontobros Thread #2: Trudeau Boogaloo
I follow this guy on insta. He claims natty. Opinion?
The New York Times has a point...
Why do girls have the belly buttom so high compared to males ?
Why dont this guy picks up sprinting instead basketball
See gymcrush coming in
I Fucked Up
Martial Arts
//FRAUD// - Pedophiles Stay Out Edition
Joining a gym tomorrow
What do you do when you are faced with a truly beautiful woman?
I miss Scooby, you guys
Tfw to tired to workout after wage cucking at shitty factory job
I'm a skinnyfat loser who is going to bang a 10/10 escort tomorrow meanwhile you guys "hit the gym" then you go to/fit/...
How do I achieve this aesthetic?
Feeling unlocked 24/7
Secret lifts thread
Tfw our boy is a snitch
Pills Jow Forums refuses to swallow
Kek look at these manlets LMAO gorillas BTFO
Jow Forums, what’s the one advice you would give someone trying to improve their life for the better?
Balding at 21
Quitting Weed
Bottled water is full of phytoestrogens...
I'm confident I could beat the fucking shit out of this fucking monkey
Can someone explain why oats are so valued when it's mostly carbs
Does your family support your lifting efforts?
Why don't more of you fitties join the military
How to fix brehs. I hate wearing gloves
So, obviously steroids, but is it possible for a white guy to enter this mode? If so, what routine / nutrition plan...
Decent personality
Only thing I dislike about my body are the love handles
Will snake fast ruin my metabolism?
Friendly reminder :)
The best diet
Hey Jow Forums does anyone have this problem too...
Can women achieve this Jow Forums?
How do I make women notice me more?
How do I into this mode?
Tfw having a belly besides being a fucking hardgainer and hardly being able to put on mass. Wat do?
Redpill me no onions
What's the best stretches/exercise/whatever for taking care of your back?
Can't even get a bellow average looking girl to reply to me on tinder
Cutting too hard?
Body type?
Walk into the gym
Strength training or hypertrophy training, which is better?
Be me
This should be the body the fitness comunity should aspire to, not roided circus freaks
Do you niggers even lift? I bet most of you browse Jow Forums every day without doing even as much as a single push-up...
He doesn't eat at least 1kg of porridge a day
Tom from Jujimufu
Do This AFTER Every Workout! (NON-NEGOTIABLE)
When will you fags stop coping and realize everything is fated. You are either born to make it or you aren't...
Libido Question
Who here has actually successfully grown their calves? How did you manage?
Abs day for the remainder of 2018 for Big Lenny. Tom Platz of Abs. Never forget
Is this physique achievable naturally?
Reminder that caffeine stops neurogenesis in the brain and makes you stupid
He autistically programs his diet instead of just taking 8 scoops of protein and then eating whatever
What MC Donald's menu item has the highest amount of protein with the lowest amount of calories?
Daily reminder this is the ideal female form
Even she is ugly without makeup, what do
Does height really matter that much?
CBT - current body thread
Latsbrah aka the nazione before the roids
I'm so fucking lonely bros
Spend countless days losing weight and lifting
How do you make the first move on girls in the street?
What's her name Jow Forums?
This is what you’re up against
Do I need a hair cutt
Edging before workout
Jow Forums Food D-Day Edition
Post the 2D girl for whoms't you lift
What's your experience with Zinc?
/fast/ #334 - Thanksgiving Day edition
I give up
How do I 10% bf Jow Forums?
What mode is this?
No Fap November ended in my Sleep
Still dyel by Jow Forums standards
I drink 1 monster can everyday
Transformation Time?
Friendly reminder that the person who cares the most about how much you lift and the person who cares the most about...
Baldfags how are you holding up?
Post best female chest
Today, we were blessed by the gains gods
So my gums started swelling today and it's horribly painful, I cannot eat or drink and I can barely shitpost...
Any good meal plans for chronic IBS? Like Im eating stuff with low FODMAPs but the weight gain is still pretty bad...
Can I eat raw gluten?
An user in another thread made an astute observation that there's a growing industry based on "selling [S0iboys] back...
Post Jow Forums text conversations
Let's settle this once and for all: does masturbation affect gains?
Lifting for Stacy
I find it hard to believe someone like me who weighs around 230 at 12 percent body fat needs 230 grams of protein a day...
What's the dicklet cuttoff?
Torontobros Thread
Has anyone ever done any porn?
She kept leading me on
Ready for your pilates lesson, user?
Can this be fixed?
The stronger your deadlift, the more gay people you can throw off of roofs, Akhi
This is joe Rohan. He is 5’8 and on steroids and looks like a child next to a normal adult male (6’4)...
Is there a way to acquire the skill LOOK WOMEN IN THE EYES without no fap?
Face it: If you're natural and aiming for aesthetics, forget all the other bullshit that is being posted here...
Is it possible to have a high quality of life as a physically unattractive male?
Where were you when you realized girls that lift are the patrician choice?
Sup brahs, its thekurdishprince
How do I become more manly and intimidating, Jow Forums?
Cares about lifting as much as you
Rare Motivation
Mog thread
He sleeps less than 8 hours a day
D3 and K2
ITT we flex on bald based boys with bonafide brappers
Rate me Jow Forums
Who else is watching the lenny insta livestream? going to see a tranny
I'm 6'4"
Mom said im too big and should stop lifting
Went to the gym
I always wobble when doing bench press and incline bench press, after 2 months of gymming. what do?
15% fat
Do you think you will be mired when you meet up with your extended family on thanksgiving...
How long do you guys think it will take me to lose a considerable amount of weight?
Roommates think I'm retarded?
Uuh ng ng ng gnhnh hg gh h ooooOOHHHH FUckkkKKK
Any one here enjoy college drinking culture?
A girl at the gym told me I had nice shoes and asked where I got them from. I just froze and said nothing...
How do you activate lats on lat pulldowns? I can't feel them for shit
Need to be able to do 18 full pushups in 1 minute
Skincare thread
Post satisfying looking squats. Pic related is Lu Xiaojun and he has the most majestic, pleasing to the eye...
Are you Jow Forums enough to get out of this situation alive?
Stronglifts 5x5 vs. Stating Strength?
Do i count the bar if lifting 2pl8?
Push-up thread
What do you call this build?
What's your MBTI and favorite lift?
Didn't see any swimming related thread
Have DYELS shit on you for becoming muscular?
3pl8 squat but 1pl8 bench
If you have a 500+ deadlift, you don't need to squat
/plg/ - powerblogging general
Jow Forums fashion thread
ITT: Good gym feels
If you could make one fit-related wish what would it be? Mine would be a home gym
Mfw loosing weight while sitting on my ass and eating things like eggs and sausage with pancakes and syrup and butter
Question about my workout program
Based or cringe?
Lifting for girls
Be squatting ass to grass
"so what else do you do besides... lift things?"
If i'm 5'2 100lbs is there any hope to get a butt like hers? what do i do?
The cheapest meat I can buy is ground pork, at about $1 per pound...
I'm 25 and have never had a gf and I am almost certain to never have a gf or experience any form of love or happiness
I get so frustratingly horny after lifting but fapping is so boring
Feels Thread
Crippling anxiety ruining life
WTF, I just got banned from the gym
Is quitting coffee worth it?
So let me get this straight
What's the most Jow Forums bike?
Posterior Chain Check
Podcasts and butts #2 - mods are cucks edition
I’m an above average looking girl
Lets be honest
25 years old
Neet here. I know a girl and wanna get fit for her. Be a big boy and stuff
I don't understand weight at all. I'm 19 and 5'9" at fucking 240, far from fat but I don't see the muscle I want to...
Is getting visable abs worth it for the girls? I"m like eternally 15% body fat but built it seems like
Is the focus on fitness and "looking good" going to far...
Jow Forums I need your help
Legs on PPL?
How many eggs does Jow Forums eat a day?
Is he right about this or is this retarded bullcrap?
How long until Cole ends up in jail?
Hi guys...
Stop lying to yourself and grab a slice
Tfw ever since becoming fit I can't resist plastic bimbos
Got my first black girl mire today
Ass rate thread?
I asked the girl I have been seeing for the last month to "Focus on fitness"
A horse's entire life is basically one long pushup
/fat/ - Eat up Edition
What is the best place to find a milf to fuck?
Self Improvement Images Thread
Progress thread
Sexual Health & Escorts
I KNOW I'm cheating with the light
With the amount of fat-shaming rhetoric thrown around here...
That guy that writes his progress on a notebook
What would you do, Jow Forums?
Beating the New Years Resolution Rush
Got your protein here, big boy
Tfw way below average cognitive abilities
Any of you losers ever try a ephedrine//caffeine stack?
Training Little Bro to Lift
Hit squat depth
What is the most evidence-based non-medical treatment for anxiety / depression aside from exercising?
Redpill me on OMAD
Anyone else thinking about becoming a male psych nurse after the recent threads?
Why do you lift?
Smash comes out in 17 more days... will skipping a workouts for one - two week be that bad?
So you love going to the gym too user? Lets hit the treadmills :)
How many time per day you take a shower Jow Forums?
Mire thread
Reminder that kike mods hate jesus and don't want you to make it
User, your gym obsession is getting out of hand. You are starting to look gross. Either you stop going or we break up
Will Jow Forums be lifting weights tonight in his honor?
itt fit chores you did as a kid but didn’t realize your pops was setting you up for gains
Quints and we all make it: Jesus edition
2/3/4/5 is a meme
Be manlet
Lost 50 lbs and gained a lot of muscles
Cried while watching forrest gump today. is this gonna affect my gains?
Imagine your face when hes about to rip the shit off from you...
Thinking about buying ibutamoren MK-677. What sites are legit? Been lookin at a site called sarmsglobal...
How do I look like this?
Should your gf have thicker legs than you do?
Benched 225 in his prime
Wow... we just btfo by japan
Christopher Reeve was 24 y.o. when he filmed Superman
Hey can you spot me?
Is it better to be a thicc manlet or a shredded manlet?
Brand new Jow Forums redpill swallow it
Why are teenage boys so skinny?
What is the most Jow Forums city in America?
Why aren't you squatting 560lbs yet, Jow Forums?
You fucks dont get it
This is outrageous, who will hype me up during my last rep? Who will help me understand socio-economic complications...
Post pics that will trigger
Would it be a douche bag move to take a picture like this with my gf when I go on vacation with her
Does having children ruin your health?
Which is better for those gainz?
Be 6'4''
Alright, you are Jow Forums
How do you kill depression without evil jew pills?
This is the user who posted about his wife cheating a week before we were supposed to move overseas together...
Has anyone ever dated/hooked up with someone from their gym?
Is there a better time of year for bulking? And is anything better than boob-bulking?
Finally copped a case of these. Drank two already but no hairloss. What's the deal?
TFW Never
Tfw started to take fitness seriously as I put on 5 stone to due binge eating and alcholism
Kryptonite Foods
Jeff memes
What's your pre deadlift ritual?
What's your deep dark fantasy gains anons? Achievable or not...
Are you kidding me?
FPH/FPS: Antifat Edition
Daily reminder that being cut all year round leads to the best face gains
Sexual Health Thread
Man, balding is making me depressed as fuck. Any anons gone through it at a young age?
Podcasts to kill my boredom
Cardiofags BTFO
Does this give you any fitness benefits?
Strength training is a meme
Tfw tinder girl is into giving footjobs and send me her feet pics without me asking
You do listen to Jeff right Jow Forums?
Why are so many of you so obsessed with staying lean and weak and not getting big and strong...
Higher testosterone
Gains after 30
Nothing beats smoking a good spliff after a workout...
Do you have tinnitus? I discovered I have it...
How do prisoners get so buff when all they can do is a bit of weightlifting...
Im dating a black girl but she doesnt want a relationship because i am not christian. im not converting either
Why aren’t you banging 8 and 9/10s, Jow Forums?
Turns out the gains goblin were you all along
ITT: bad gym feels
How can I avoid this happening to me apart from staying away from suicide grip?
Ab routine
Tfw finally accepted that I'm a genetic dead end and will never procreate
This frightens the basedboy
What do?
Will becoming fit make getting a girl like this easier?
Help me get my oatmeal down. I have a really hard time swallowing it because it is very slimy...
People still falling for the HAVA meme
Could someone mimic a bear and eat a ton of shit during summer to rest and sleep during winter without losing too much...
Jow Forums hairstyle thread
Will your sons have chad jaws if you reproduce with a girl with a strong jawline
6 feet tall
I don't like momscience but are Ashwaganda...
What do you have for breakfast Jow Forums?
Why are ghetto black kids all 10x skinnier then everyone else without having to work out or watch what they eat?
tfw been working out for 2 years now
There is no magical pill that burns your fat off
Can I get a bf %
Looking for a routine
Why is hiking/biking so white?
Can they be saved, Jow Forums?
What is the fastest way to cut, preferably only fat. Meat only Keto or full low calorie Auschwitz mode...
Is getting a dog a good idea to help you stay fit?
ITT: complete scrubs ask fucktarded questions
If you were going to prison for 25 years to life, what would you do in terms of fitness while inside? ()
Do You Have A Gym Crush, user?
Jow Forums literally can't refute this
So, Stacy says she met you at the gym. What else do you do besides work out?
Tfw 1 rep squat
You can squat at least 260, right?
Its wrong to judge women on their sexual past isn't it
I don't have to read 200 pages to start lifting r-r-right? I can barely focus on 1st grade level books
Just ate a whole one of these. How fucked am I?
I don't really squat, but I wanna start. I'm 5'7", 130 lb, very lean
Whats the best kind of pasta sauce to use when dieting?
So, like what do you do besides working out
I hospitalized myself being retarded
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Novice routine thread #674382758325
Do people actually wear shit like this unironically?
What motivated you to pursue fitness?
Anyone with experience using HCG?
So is this shit bad for you or what?
Is it autistic to watch anime fight scenes before I do a lift on my phone...
/OWG/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
He is afraid of muscular women
Help me brehs I’m about 7 weeks in and I don’t want to die a squatlet. Is there a reason it’s lagging so hard...
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
I've lost 10 pounds in two weeks. AMA
Deadlift Thread
/fat/ - Brainiac Edition
Legitimacy of eye exercises
Memorable Gym-goers thread
Been trying to gain weight, here is me in mid-October
The most Jow Forums animal
Do these do anything? Should I get a pair?
Hi! I'm a high school student that is currently overweight...
Go vegan
What's the greatest shoulder to ratio you've ever witnessed? How high is yours?
How to realistically get good looking abs?
I cannot gain weight
How is everyone not talking about this guy? His breathing methods are a literal panacea and proven by science
Guys what the fuck. Why is this allowed and promoted by Snapchat???
T-time for oats
How do I get absolutely stupid big pecs?
Nofap is dangerous
Is this the ideal fit female form?
How long does it take to go from 120lb twink to 160lb twunk?
/fast/ #333 - Trips edition
I'm 5'11 and and 23 years old, I would really like to grow to 6'1. is there any possible chance?
How do I stop getting tonsil stones?
Sleep is very important for good health and gains, so let's have a thread about it...
A chick from work wants to go to the gym with me
Running Shoes
What are some Jow Forums careers that require strength/physique and pay well?
That guy who sips water between sets
Cooking chicken; olive oil or butter
Is he going to make it?
Why is Jow Forums unable to decide if SS+GOMAD is a meme or good advice?
What is the point of lifting when this is just going to happen to me. No lifts can stop it even if I bench 300 l. b
This is the average brazilian woman
You're coming to the post-sermon chest-session right user?
FPH/FPS: Read Edition
*steals your girl*
How do you get rid of cottage cheese ass? Squats? SS?
Forearm DOMS
Uberman Sleep
How do you guys handle having extremely hot women at your gym while you train?
I'm might get a sliding genio next year
Fatty looking at surgery. Any other fat dudes here got a bypass/band or some other weight loss surgery...
International men's day
Was ryan reynolds natty in this movie?
Fix your fucking posture
Mires Thread
Getting strong on the over head press is the single most important thing to look big as a natty
You look better when you lose weig-
Can no fap help my social anxiety?
Official Jow Forums Playlist
You can bench 200lbs for 13 reps, can't you Jow Forums?
What are Jow Forums thoughts on vidya?
It's important to sometimes remind men, who got the power
Stacy said thay you lift. Why you dont look like it?
Happy international men's day. We're all gonna make it, brahs
Woke up and found this on the side of my gut. is this a spiderbite?
Can you get jacked on mcdoubles?
He lifts naturally
Your mouth is the #1 indicator of health. If you have fucked up teeth, you also:
Oneitis feels the same way about me and we've been non-stop texting and going on dates the last few weeks
Post natties
What is your HR?
Can we stop perpetuating this calories in calories out nonsense?
Alright which one of u made this
What would you do Jow Forums?
Post pictures of people you thought were jacked until you started lifting
Tfw too brainlet to understand 5/3/1
Walk into the gym
I declare a bicep thread
How to acquire Lucifer's body? It's so aesthetic
Why does nothing ever get better?
Do manlets even have a chance?
Decided to break my one year dry spell with a fat girl I met online
Lifting natty is pointless and the biggest joke ever...
Why is Jow Forums so obsessed with height (something you can't change)...
Zyzz thread
Be me
High-test organic cooking
Foods for a deficit?
Ate raw protein powder
How long do I need to lift to get a gf like this?
Who /barrelchest/ here?
Is this actually a good cardio?
Ask a guy that just ate an entire Costco pumpkin pie anything
My girlfriend left crying after she opened my instagram to a slut page. Idk what to do fellas
Is kettlebell enough for home workout?
Why are there so much overweight people in the south?
Who do you lift for,Jow Forums?
How long is your typical gym visit Jow Forums?
Upper power
I need a beginners lifting routine that isn't starting strength or stronglifts which one is good brehs
User here. I'm curious to see if the manliest exercise aka the bench press max relates to the number of guys yall fuck
Motivation thread
Do beards make you look more swole?
Has anyone tried sleeping on the floor to improve posture?
I know this is probably a really dumb question... But what does 12 stand for in this example:
Should I talk to my ex
Everything Jow Forums comes to an end
Jow Forums humor thread
How can I do this without surgery?
Why aren't you building your own gym in the jungle Jow Forums?
I cannot gain weight at all. I have done a 5000 calorie diet a day for like 9 weeks and lost two pounds...
Since you got fit, have you gotten more sex?
Jow Forums
Brain Fog
Take 3.2g phenibut on full stomach
Spent $200 on MTG instead of whey and supplements. How do I fucking stop Jow Forums...
Why do tall people look skinnier?
When you get Jow Forums how do you go and meet people...
This is the truth
Jow Forums i've just discovered my gf has a 'farting' fetish
Why does everyone recommend strength training programs?
Why are women allowed in gyms?
How do i make this not taste like dogshit
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship