Post pictures of people you thought were jacked until you started lifting

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You don't think Jason looks jacked here?!

Post body fag

Most high schoolers are as big as him. Plus he's extremely short. 5'10 I believe. This background is fake.

His back/core is still bretty massive after taking a Jow Forumspill, but his arms n chest are definitely mediocre though


deluded dyel. post body. statham is juicy as fuark


Bait as weak as OP

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I used to think the guy from the "Style" video was jacked and body goals.

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>ripped, huge jason statham, "extremely short" =5'10, above average height.

This is bad bait.

You forgot to say that his "9 inch dick is small"

He’s bald
It’s over for him anyway. I’m pretty sure he’s a virgin

Are you anons gonna post pics or just can't cope that your favourite actor was a small bald manlet that probably can't bench 1plate

here ya go

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"Oi mate, hold on and lemme flex for the mugshot real quick"
"ok now my back as well"

Started off as goal body until I realised it only took 1-2 years with proper training and nutrition

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He absolutely is jacked here

Yeah he's only married to a supermodel, too bad he's bald or he'd be married to a gigamodel.

Attached: Jason-Statham-and-Rosie-Huntington-Whiteley-attend-the-Manus-x-Machina-Fashion-In-An-Age-Of-Technolo (615x923, 87K)

>has to stand on the steps to be taller than his wife

Attached: E636A845-3EE3-4DF9-9FCA-3BDE0BBBD72A.jpg (390x310, 26K)

why does he have these garbage tattoos

post body then

He is taller than her. She is wearing high heels.
Because he actually used to be an actual criminal, a fence. Someone who sold stolen Rolexes and stuff on the streets of London. Guy Ritchie coincidentally came across him on a walk and was impressed with Stathams showmanship as he was peddling the stolen goods to random passersby. So Ritchie asked Statham to star in his movies Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, and Snatch.

you can see the difference between the steps, her heel and toe due to her high heels, and the difference between their heights right?
only an idiot or a woman would look at that picture and fuck up the geometry that badly to come to that conclusion

The manlet delusion. He is 5’7.5 at best

>Jason Statham may always play the stereotypical masculine male who just like, loves cars and guns and babes, but he clearly understands that dating a taller woman isn't a swipe at his manhood. The 5'10" action star is regularly dwarfed by his wife, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (who's supposedly an inch shorter, but uhhhh)

The age of coping is over for you little men

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I would have thought you Manley’s would have grown out of coping so hard by now

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look at her feet, she has massive heels on
weird how in every picture without heels he's taller

imagine being so insecure you think somehow you're better than a jacked millionaire celebrity who fucks a model just because you're taller, manlets may cope a lot but you're making up lies about jason just to feel good about yourself

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>be shredded
>be successful actor
>be considered very attractive by many women despite being bald and short
>have supermodel wife
only one coping is the lanklets with their misplaced sense of self-confidence. height didnt stop jason.

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I'm 5'11" so not really a manlet, slightly above average height. And you again posted an image of her in high heels. Without those, she would be about the same height as Statham, who is 5'10".

Yes it's obvious that anyone calling Statham a manlet is pretty jealous of his life. He is clearly a bit taller than his wife, and even if he wasn't why would it matter, he went from rags to riches and married a fucking supermodel. I'd say he wants for nothing in his life.


mirin that back

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>be shredded
>be successful actor
>be considered very attractive by many women despite being bald and short
>have supermodel wife

Yet he still needs to lie about his height to make it
Manlets BTFO yet again
Go back to watching AlphaDestiny lmao

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>Yet he still needs to lie about his height to make it
he hasn't done this, unless you have some proof he has? in fact his wife claims to be 5 ft 9, in this picture he is taller than her so unless you think literally everyones lying to you in some grand conspiracy?

Reply to this post with “keep coping, little buddy” or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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you are fucking retarded

his wife is 5ft9 he is taller than her

>most high schoolers are as big as him

I swear to Zyzz this is the stupidest fucking meme this shithole of a board ever produced. Have you fags even seen high schoolers? Have you seen what even highschool football players look like? They’re kids. They’re not huge, they’re not “jacked”, they’re fucking normal human beings between the ages of 15-18. Most highschoolers are actually lanky and skelly as hell honestly

>look at her feet

you dont have to tell me twice, mmmm

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Is this what you like?

superior picture

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mirin his back honestly

tyson is a fucking twink compared to what i am right now, im free to post pics if you ask me

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dating a woman taller than you and being the dominating factor makes you more of a man than short wamyn daters

how do i build a back like that?

>tyson is a fucking twink

only dyel fags will argue about that. And inb4 "he could kill u with one punch!", we're talking about his physique, not fighting skills

Sauce on the right?

He is definitely 5'10", which he claims. I don't think it would be easy to find another man in Hollywood as or more confident than Statham.

he looked pretty good for not being a bodybuilder. Pretty lean and big. The dude is still over 200lbs of muscle

please post pics