What would you do Jow Forums?
What would you do Jow Forums?
Ditch that hoe
>How do I tell him to stop improving himself and instead spend his best years in degenerate indulgence that will be a detriment to the progress he has made so far so that I can stop being bored on the weekends without coming off as selfish
Damn this is just impressive
gfs are gains goblins, one and all. You heard it here first.
pic unrelated
>zero night life
UGH, I can't whore around every night, like literally???
Kill and eat her
Dump that dweeb and go out with Chad. He parties every weekend and still has bigger muscles
>you're too skinny but if you try and improve this I will leave you!
Women are so fucking dumb
>Big city
>Restaurants and bars are the only thing to do.
Goddamn women are ignorant and stupid.
Fellas, how do you feel about going out with your girlfriend? As in clubbing together or going to a bar to have drinks?
Ask me how I can tell she didn’t reach her weight loss goals.
How can you tell?
The guy in the OP was overdoing it a little when he said he wouldn't go out to eat. You can still have something like a steak without eating the sides, chicken wings at a pizza restaurant etc.
I also don't understand why the OP couple can't do some activities together (sports, sight seeing, movies, yoga,...)
Clubbing is a dumb idea if you're with your gf. The majority of people there are looking for sex, and even if you aren't, you'll be surrounded by people who are.
I'd just order more meals at restaurants, but if she needs to get drunk to have fun with me, I may just save my money and move on.
I wouldn't obsess over it. Yeah, restaurant portions are often small at certain places. I still like eating out. Just eat more there or eat more when you get home.
This girl seems decently logical. The boyfriend seems like he went straight from skelly to body dysmorphic autist immediately.
I know tonnes of places with meals big enough to fill me up and I eat heaps.
Also the dudes probably only eating 3 meals a day. If he's going out he should have another meal in the afternoon
>night life
>Bf was too skinny and i too fat
>told him hes skinny
>he told me im fat
>He went full beast mode and is progressing so fast
>im still fat
>so jealous now, what do reddit?
its obvious she tried to lose weight but failed and now feels slighted
then again the bf seems like hes overdoing it
Really embarrassing that people still fall for meme gymcel lifestyles like this. The only reason he has to eat "4-6 times as much as a normal person" is because he is eating low calorie foods that aren't particularly anabolic, which in turn requires eating a large amount of food by volume. Entirely refusing to drink is also autistic, the impact on gains is absolutely minimal unless you're drinking heavily every night.
They're both idiots. The man can find something to eat at a restaurant that's suitable yet still have enough time in the day to eat whatever else he has to at home. The only specific issues the woman has (or is willing to admit) are with the fridge being full and him not drinking alcohol. There's no way those two things mean his lifestyle isn't compatible with hers and the second issue is completely her problem not his. There's clearly something else wrong that she won't say and has to use these weird excuses to cover up for it.
I expected her to bitch about getting fat herself because he started eating more.
Which is basically what happened to me and my gf. She feels like she can eat as much as me. Which is a bad idea considering I'm lifting 3-4 times a week, am 3 inches taller than her and I'm (duh) male.
Like, girl, if you want to lose weight, you probably shouldn't eat as much as a taller, more active guy trying to put ON weight.
Anyway, she finally realised this and has started eating smaller portions compared to me.
i have a feeling she's also massively overeaggerating to cope with it and get more upvotes desu famalam
nice blog, should post on reddit
Agreed do you have a website by chance?
To be honest they just sound like incredibly boring people. Can't think of something to do besides eating standard meals at restaurants and going to sit at pubs and drinking.
He's going to dump her sooner or later because his options will improve.
The dude seems a bit autistic, you can still go out to restaurants and hit your macros.
She's fucking retarded though, perfect couple.
me nothing becuase no girl would ever be my gf
Bye bye thot
tbf unless you're going to big chains you aren't going to have any idea how many calories you're getting. And even if you are at a big chain there's going to be a huge variation in your actual portion sizes who knows what you're getting.
That said unless you're cutting, a bodybuilder or really fucking poor it shouldn't matter too much.
or just eat a bit before or after. if you supplement nice foods with a bit of rice and whatever when you get home you can still enjoy it and hit your macros
ditch the bitch
>This girl seems decently logical
i bet this story is sensationalised to high hell to make the change seem more extreme but ueah i agree. they are both taking it too far and communication seems to be down despite what she says. she needs to tell him that he isn't socially satisfying her and he needs to work around other shit in his life. you can still have fun and get fit (not that i call clubbing fun)
yeah she probably didn't lose the weight
Call me nostalgic, but the nightlife seems to have lost its old charm.
>only 3 inches taller than your woman
are you a lesbian couple?
Mang my gf is 3'' taller than I am
Being a manlet has its perks sometimes
Some people just dont enjoy drinking.
Exactly. Notice how she never mentioned ACCOMPLISHING her weight loss goals, just that she was working on them.
She is jealous that he has more options now. She is scared because he is moving out of her league.
>portion sizes too small
Just eat a small meal before/after, not fucking hard.
Gay af but I don't do that stuff even while single.
This desu.
Counting calories and not drinking for the sake of your appearance is effete as fuck, and she already views him as doing it out of insecurity.
It’s over.