Your mouth is the #1 indicator of health. If you have fucked up teeth, you also:
>need soft foods >can't kill as easily >will never have a qt jam her tongue into your mouth to feel your posterior incisor >have blunted immune function from all the crap infesting your mouth >have shitty brain function. read Weston Price's book >will someday break a tooth on some semi-solid shit, fucking your mouth up even more
Bad breath is caused by carbs mostly and it usually comes from your stomach not from your mouth. I only brush when I eat sugary shit and my doc said that my teeth are strong as ever.
Levi Ward
Bad breath is caused by bacteria and plaque building up on your teeth/in your mouth. Sure, eating shitty food also makes your breath stink but that's not the cause of bad breath.
Jaxson Mitchell
>he thinks whiter teeth are more healthy yikes
Daniel Hill
Those bacteria feed on carbs lol, which is exactly why carbs "cause" bad breath.
Gabriel Green
They don't have diets laden with sugar, you retard.
Caleb Flores
>2018 >not having incisors at the back of your mouth How can you live with yourself, user?
Joseph Cox
>it usually comes from your stomach not from your mouth If you don't have an esophagus, you should get one.
Isaiah Evans
I'm seriously blown away that you can be this retarded. Read back and reevaluate your logic in typing that drivel
Sebastian Reed
you misspelled poor
James Phillips
Lookism incel fuck your ass off here
Juan Walker
yikes and cringe
Luke Thomas
>tfw parents spent God knows how much money to fix my fucked up teeth >tfw I started dipping
Asher Sanchez
Processed carbs? All carbs? Oats and wholemeal?
My tongue always seems yellow no matter how much I brush, literally comes back the next day. And I swear captchca is getting more tedious.