You're coming to the post-sermon chest-session right user?

>You're coming to the post-sermon chest-session right user?

What will you do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Have the Techno Friar block his path.

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Imagine how many little boys that guy pounds after a hard workout haha

Heathen detected, priests are always greeting and chatting after mass, and then usually getting ready for the next one. Besides God said Sunday was REST DAY because he wanted all his flock to have gains too


Unironically based and redpilled

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Too buff to be desu

Sorry father I don’t do crossfit

Kek. Only lmao1cross

>tfw you will never be a little boy safely nestled between his hairy pecs with his strong arms around you.


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*vapes* & *tips*

based haha poster

fuck I just realized today was monday and im going to have to go to the gym during the dreaded 5:00-8:00 normie primetime

People who believe in God are stupid lol

>ywn be a young boy again with the opportunity to be raped by this pastor
why even live?



Primitive Christianity cunningly appealed to the imagination of a world of superstitious slaves (eager for some mode of escape that meant not the giving and receiving of battle-strokes.) It organized them for the overthrow of Heroic Principles; and substituted, for a genuine nobility based on battle-selection, a crafty theocracy founded upon priest-craft, hell-craft, alms-giving, politicalisms, and all that is impure and subterranean. It is a doctrine at once disgraceful in its antecedents, its teachers, and in itself. Truly has it been called ‘the fatal dower of Constantine,’ for it has suffocated, or is suffocating the seeds of Heroism.
Both ancient and modern Christianism and all that has its root therein, is the negation of everything grand, noble, generous, heroic, and the glorification of everything feeble, atrocious, dishonorable, dastardly. The cross is now, and ever has been, an escutcheon of shame. It represents a gallows, and a Semite slave swinging thereon. For two thousand years it has absolutely overturned human reason, overthrown common sense, infected the world with madness, submissiveness, degeneracy.

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>Gospodi pomuili
>Not Eastern Orthodox
Never gonna make it, bro

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You hurt my feelings

so they found whey on d6

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i started going to churches for a few months because i heard that there were traditional non-trash qts there but all the girls were pretty ugly and/or fat although the people were nice and welcoming. i tried baptist, catholic, and and general protestant but there were no qts there so i stopped going. i wanted to join a rec-league or something to meet girls.

>not going to the vigil Mass
>not doing a chest session afterwards with the father to get fucking joocey for the Lord's day
i shiggy diggy

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user, what you did was massively disrespectful and you need to repent ASAP

i don't believe in god or magic so i have nothing to repent for


Try a korean Christian church dumbadd they hate fatties

>not resting on the lord's day

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Forgot pic

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>reading comprehension

do you believe in right and wrong?

Catholicism genuinely creeps me out. How can you just sit there and think the vast amount of child rape is ok? Like what the fuck. Do you really think Jesus Christ approves of the Vatican? With its infinite wealth and rampant pedophilia?

it's pomilui

i believe that they are human constructions

what makes you think humans can construct things that aren't first possible to construct?

the catholic church =/= the vatican

>feasting from the tree of knowledge and literacy

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What the fuck is this supposed to even mean? The Vatican IS the Catholic Church.


congratulations, you managed to say nothing in 140 characters or fewer

You just had to invite these redditors to Jow Forums with this thread, didn't you OP?

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the church is the entire body of believers, the vatican is just the guys who keep shit running and make sure the church is united, they are sinners same as anyone. similarly, america isn't simply the senate and the president.
congratulations, you managed to not make an argument

>congratulations, you managed to not make an argument
you started it. you thought you were making some deep philosophical/theological argument but it simply boils down to "we can only to possible things if they're possible." cirgular logic
>how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real
top fucking brainlet

>he believe we are the product of randomness created out of an explosion of nothingness

Fucking atheists are worse than Pagans.

Join a volleyball league or yoga classes if your only goal is to meet women. Other sporting leagues/clubs are good too but volleyball has the most women.

I wouldn't be at the fucking sermon in the first place, because I am not a puppet.

It'd be more realistic for them to invite me to the post-chest-day sermon, because we bumped into each other in the gym.

Yes, one of my created images has now been adopted by Jow Forums culture and is being reposted by anons.....Should I be proud?

>bragging about making a meme
>not realizing pride is a sin


>we can only do possible things if they're possible
if something is impossible to do, we can't do it. this isn't circular reasoning. also,
>resorting to "muh brainlet"


>this is the kind of reasoning christcucks base their beliefs on

>if something is impossible to do, we can't do it. therefore, god

>not even making an argument
alright let's try this, if morality is a social construct, then so is gender identity

>biology is the same as philosophy
false analogy. not an argument

yeh I agree Christ fags are just fuck heads. You want a real religion? paganism.

gender isn't the same thing as sex, gender is the form of sex, it is immaterial. if a man isn't beholden to an objective form of gender, then he could be a butt fairy or think he's an 8-year old girl trapped in a man's body, and that's okay with you, as long as he has a penis.

kys rabbi

based based haha poster -poster

Based and redpilled.

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What a fag. I lift for my ancestors and blood, not some fucking semite named Yeshua.

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t. Seething christ cuck
Though I will admit your strawman pic made me kek a little bit

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Based #pagang brethren

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Douche gevalt

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>post sermon chest session


Pagang? Not anymore. We are brothers though, keep up the good fight. Make our blood proud, keep these kikes and their shabboz goys in check.

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History shows us Pagan fags were easy to convince to convert and didnt have any real convictions,So if the christian empire didn't mass convert everyone, it probably would've been islam. Plus every single Modern day Pagan is a cringe larp lord

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Unironically wish we had Islam instead of this degenerate religion of the weak. The only good person in the Bible worthy of respect was Pontius Pilate
Even the strongest of beasts can be killed with poison

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Maybe if it had actually killed paganism I'd agree lmaO

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100% based, 100% redpilled

Begone jew

>Unironically wish we had Islam

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Literally "hebrews", you're a jew worshipping faggot.

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>not gaining mass at mass

At least then we wouldn't have democracy, feminism, faggots etc. Basically everything that's wrong with western culture. Only down side is Islam is pretty fucking retarded but I'd take it any day over this

>Implying pagans were "peaceful" and never killed other europeans or enslaved euros en mass.

>Implying pagan europe would have had any reason to fight in the southern europe or amass a large enough organized force to liberate those lands from muslims and wouldn't be constantly infighting,raiding and not care about southern europe etc.

Go jerk it to HISTORY channel's "Vikings" while struggling to grow an actual beard cringe larper

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>democracy, feminism, faggots
all three of those things are incompatible with christianity. those are liberal and, ironically, pagan values.

Pastors lead a sermon. Priests lead mass.

That guy looks pretty big and redpilled. Mask is a bit cringy though, reminds me of this.

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>confess your fucking sins
This is perfect for confession threads

You do realize that Pagan Europeans slaughtered each other as well? The Romans were constantly at war with the Celts, Germanians and Gauls, to say nothing of the northern barbarians perpetually warring among themselves.

Go read Nietzsche since you're clearly too dumb to figure things out yourself. Christian morality is what has led to this. Christianity co-exists happily with those values.
>pagan values
Ah yes. Poetic eddas, my favorite piece of feminist literatue. You're a bit of a dum dum, aren't you?

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>"pretty big"

(same guy)

this must be what you look like irl lol

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La luz extinguido....

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>Go read Nietzsche since you're clearly too dumb to figure things out yourself
>You're a bit of a dum dum, aren't you?

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>Oh shit I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about
>Now's about the right time to play that reddit card I've been saving up

Attached: Nietzsche_36.jpg (607x608, 38K)

you're fucking retarded. democracy is the most primitive, pre-christian form of government. pagans worship the feminine as the judge of all things. faggotry is expressly forbidden in the bible and was rampant in pagan societies and legends. hypergamy is also a pagan value. i genuinely don't understand how someone could be be so cringe, do you have no self-awareness?

>Using Masonic infliltrated, Jesuit Homosexual Apologetic, Vatican II, Novus ordo, Anti Traditionalist Pope

Nice try Larper




Implying Nietzche thought that "God is dead" was a good thing for society as a whole and that Paganism was the solution lol, you need to reread it man. Also, basing your life on a single philosopher

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Don't forget to snip the tips off of baby penises. Very important

Mixing up religions buddy

Mudslimes, Jews, and King Jew worshipers all do it

This has got to be the most retarded post I have ever read on this website. Why so you bother to attempt to debate people online when you know you can only spout nonsense?
Of course God being dead is a bad thing for the average herd animal man. He absolutely btfo'd Christian morality. It should be obvious that anyone who follows Christianity is clearly inferior and weak willed. I don't base my beliefs on Nietzsche, but he happened to believe in the same things as I do. I like him because he is able to spell my thinking process out to me better than I ever could.

>democracy is a bad thing
Kill yourself, athiest fag.