>that guy who sips water between sets
That guy who sips water between sets
you're not working hard enough if you're NOT drinking water between sets.
People who wear niggerball shorts piss me off.
Post shorts
What about football players who have a basketball logo on their uniform?
>that guy slapping himself to pump himself up between reps
> that zoomer hakf repping the bar on the bench
>that guy who surfs Jow Forums between sets
> that guy who is so autistic he comments on people drinking water
>that guy reading 'the culture of critique' between sets.
>that guy who pretends to casually look around between sets but who is actually analyzing and storing a mental image of each braphog
> that guy who breathes during sets
That guy who has a fitness app on his phone and checks it after every set. Who autistically turns down the brightness out of consideration for the other people in the gym. Imagine being that guy? haha.
I started getting self consious when you all started commenting on basketball shorts. I wear these training shorts... they go above the knee but now I'm worried they look too much like them. God dammit I actually am a dyel rookie, but I dont want to be the full package.
>that guy who randomly pulls on a nearby cable machine between sets
>that autist who keeps making these threads and pretends these things bother him
>That guy who cares enough about what autistic weebs think that he goes and buys special shorts for the gym
No I already bought them before finding this shitty board.
>That unathletic dork who can't play sports and gets racially triggered when others do
Leave now or abandon all hope and self esteem.
Too late, its all gone now.
>not getting a quick sippy so you can superset your sets with sips
don't bully please
Imagine being so racially booty blasted that other people wearing shorts hurts your feefees. Grow a pair.
If you're at xsport or some shit, the staff wont even let you lift the kind of weight that would require this type of shit.
But if you're at like.. Some goon ass powerlifting gym, doing some heroic blood coming out your nose/hernia lifts, by all means.
>that guy who lifts
fucking FAGGOT
That huge muscle guy who never takes a shower at the gym becouse he has a small dick
Post full package bro
>that guy wearing RUNNING SHOES
>being this mad
you're either pathetic for getting mad over someone elses race, or you're a shitskin and subhuman LMAO
Yup, thats me :D
and 1
>that guy that's always flaring his nostrils while trying to seem nonchalant
We know you're sniffing
>the beta that isn't taking enough creatine to have to constantly be drinking water
You're missin out on orgasmic pumps faggot
>that guy
What if I'm too poor to buy two types of shoes and want one pair to wear to the gym so I can do both cardio and lift?
I feel this. I wear the same running shoes I have been for 6 years now.