Is this the ideal fit female form?

Is this the ideal fit female form?

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post lewds

Maybe if you're gay but not comfortable about admitting it, OP clearly is

>liking girls that aren't fat or sticks makes you gay

Fucking kill yourself you low test faggot

>liking girls that aren't fertile, can't have kids and are taking steroids
>Having to strawman this hard about muh fatties
>Likes getting emasculated but thinks he has the right to call anyone else low t
>Getting this defensive
>He's angry cause all these "strong girls" are gay and he'll stay a virgin forever
Keep seething kike

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i want her to bully me

I don't know about you guys, but if the face is attractive I'm down (as long as you're not fat)

Yup gay alright

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>Getting this defensive
no u

>mannish face
>fake tits
>Muh no u
>getting off to tranny niggers

yup, neither of you lift

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She needs more body fat on her
Tits are nice and her legs are amazing but if I touched her hard abs during sex then my peepee is going soft sorry not sorry.

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I’m all for a nice ass but hers does not suit her body. At all.

Low test as FUCK zoomer boy. Stop drinking out of plastic water bottles.

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tits+abs is impossible, something here is fake

>Projecting this hard
>Getting this mad
>Fucking a 'girl' with a mans body
>Basically being into reverse shemales
>Calling anyone else low t
Wanna know how I know you don't lift?

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Lmao he's still greentexting this gay shit. I rep your maxes little guy.

Fucked thing is, if they are really active and burn through their perfect fat distribution then that stuff is gone forever.
Their body will never put that favorable beautiful fat back to where it was before.
That's a permanent thing.
It's why some girls who are hot as fuck and are bordering on chubby who get spooked into getting too skinny end up rail thin.
When they inevitably put that weight back on that fat will never go back to where it was before.
Those tits go, they stay go.

This desu

No because if the females body fat gets too low they dont get their periodes anymore and become infertile. There are actually some cases where they stayed infertile even after getting back to a normal bf level.

The perfect sex toy tho.

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Her ass is really not that big, she just knows how to pose.

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>muscular but still feminine looking girl
I want her to rape me

>Her ass is really not that big, she just knows how to pose.

Fucking gross, I've seen more feminine trannies.

enlightening, thank u user never thought of it that way before

I'm sure you've also fucked more feminine trannies.


If you're gay for men or are a low t basedboy like OP (see pic related) then yes
If you get off to strong girls fucking you with a strapon and cucking you with black guys then who am I to judge

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Op didn't imply any of that. If anyone's the gay one here it's you

>wrists bigger than mine

Its OK to be gay user, I won't judge you. I'm simply describing what you people get off to using your own words.

I don't understand how a chick having muscles makes her tits, ass, and face any less attractive. I would fuck this bitch if she didn't have muscles

Gender isn't how girly or manly you look. Gender is the presence of absence of Y-chromosomes

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>seen more feminine trannies
I'll bet you have.

Feminine and masculine are things.
Gender is completely fake and made up by an evil piece of shit.

>don't understand how a chick having muscles makes her tits, ass, and face any less attractive
Clearly because you only fetishize girls on body altering drugs like the faggot you are.
tits: they disappear overtime: even faster with anvar
ass: well I'm no nig so I don't care about it as much, if they squat it might help
face: gets manlier overtime thanks to drugs
Its ok to be gay, you will never forfill your fetish, come out of the closet while you still have time.

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absolutely not

You know what I meant

Looks like a man, cringe and lgbt pilled
You need to kill yourself op. haha

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>a girl with muscles OP must be gay
>you like faggots don't you OP
>kek get strapon cucked by your gf

ROFLing at these raging closet homos. I bet you're all filthy DYELs who feel intimidated by a "strong" woman. She has well defined muscles but isn't stronger than an average strong male and if you actually start lifting you'll learn to appreciate a strong female who can defend herself from filthy DYELs. Obviously calling OP gay is cope

>S E E T H I N G this hard
Post your muscles, fag. You keep spamming these shit threads and I've already placed my bets. Cope harder, the only closet fag is you, op.
Yeah, though... I guess we're all like your projected strawman and not just people who work their asses off, avoid the roid, and try to earn their muscles unlike the hoes you find on instagram doing this for social media numbers.

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Go back to r/fitness you white knight faggot

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Good god, no.
>Makes 6 of these threads everyday
>Gets called a faggot and exposed as a denier
Do you even know what reps and sets are or do you just come here to spam your shit?

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Is this the ideal female form?

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Wow look at the big pair of copes on this guy
How many dyels and manlets will I have to shut up before child protection shows up
I'm not even OP dumbass. And roiding ig thots are cheap but if you say no to smashing that physique, then you must be in denial and insecure. Respect for avoiding the roid but you're still obviously a fag

You think I won't slam her in the back of her head as she sucks me off? Complimenting her body makes me a knight how?

I'm not the fucking OP, professor. Sure, juicing is bad. If she weren't on it I would smash, probably even if she is.

Looks like a trap to me.


>that physique
>looks like a straight up man
>I'm not gay for liking muscles though because she has a vagina (that's slowly turning into a penis)
>unable to deliver children
>takes steroids
You just went insecure as fuck, holy shit. She won't fuck you for defending her honor or Jow Forums you know.

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Every women who is muscley as fuck HAS to be
taking roids. It's quite literally physically impossible to be swole asf and a woman. Anyone who has attraction to muscle girls is just attracted to a proto trans man.

This is undeniable fact.

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Women can build some muscle natty, it’s not binary skinnyfat / roidbeast scale

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Basically this, assuming you aren't the guy I was responding to, he might be writing a big essay for you. I have a thing for fit girls, yes. But ugly dog faced steroid pumping freaks like in OP and instagram look like gay men and have their drugs paid for by these kind of betas
>coping this hard
>phone posting
>still posts juicer instathot
Unironically kill yourself

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I know she is old but she would get it all day, everyday.

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I bet you'd get a diamond solid erection watching him fuck black guys infront of you

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Can’t be juicing that bad if she is preggo right now. Also I’ve been phoneposting since 2009, which is probably longer than you have been here faggot

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>proud of phoneposting
>denying he took drugs in his lifetime
>think he can still have a kid with all those drugs he took
I cant wait for his kid to come out as a miscarriage, lmao.
I've seen more feminine trannies, lmao

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>fake ass
>fake tits

ur guy bro

If you think that woman is on steroids you need to go to a gym sometime.

>the tranny spam incel is back
hey faggot, wanna know how I know you dont lift?
post body

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Can I get a similar body as a natty male?

No, too plastic.

pic related is the perfect woman

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>that thing
>a woman
>that thing
>fake tits, ass, muscles
Are you retarded?

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Who knows what she has taken, but the amount of muscle she has in the pictures I posted is obtainable natty. Also
>conveniently doesn’t address the point of how long he has been here
It’s ok to be new brah, someday you will fit in as well. Here, have some more prime wheyfu to get you started

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This is your brain on reddit

alright dude i see where youre coming from but either ive seen too many feminine muscular dudes or she looks like a man

Sorry about your non-existent test levels.

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clearly you're retarded and don't lift
You just spend all day on Jow Forums talking shit to people who try to lift inbetween work hours, cherry picking instathot steroiders, and trying to push your (((big pharma))) sponsored steroid psyop.
No better than the chicom government agents who shill their stolen technology on Jow Forums

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>you don't like masculine women who take roids?!
>l...low test! I...Incel! Dy...Dyel!
>won't post body
Ya got me user, argh, like kryptonite! I should just take gear and anvar like a good little goyim so I look like the hollywood actors, I don't need kids anyways.

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>post body
How about I post me moving more than you've ever considered loading on a barbell before?

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Nice projection faggot, feel free to stay mad

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I saw that webm too and can claim random videos are mine. Its not that hard, especially here

bru luccas is unreal

Look in the archive. I'm the only one posting it, I posted it after my meet on November 4th for the first time.

yeah user im pretty good

post more

>haha you tell that alt right nazi
>who cares if the girls on steroids because drug tests are misogynistic and girls should be able to do whatever they want
>Girl power!

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I've never seen so many strawmans in one post before.

Just watch the video faggot

>babby's first logical fallacy

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Nice projection faggot, you are still free to stay mad

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>ideal female
>posts masculine tranny on roids with fake ass and tits

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>that 19 year old zoomer taking his first logic class

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No, those tits are fake

>tripcucking outside of generals


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Looks like low wages.

>If I keep telling myself I'm not gay and they're just projecting it will all go away
Follows the script like clockwork, we won't need to update the tidf.exe for a while, stay mad closeted npc.
You're only angry cause these "strong girls" taking so much steroids/test are gay for women and you will never get laid, pathetic

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I like it, maybe I’ll fund it if I ever make it big. Right now I do it for free though

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keep posting.

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>so insecure about his homosexuality he'll deny it and white knight these trannies on his freetime
s e e t h i n g tranny internet defense poster is s e e t h i n g

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>reddit meme
>strawman this irrelevant
Fascists and Nazis are both faggot socialists and even they get off to buff girls, unironically.

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how the fuck is this real
that girl is literally one in a million

Her user id on reddit is naughtythrowaway

>on reddit

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Jesus christ thank you.