Guys what the fuck. Why is this allowed and promoted by Snapchat???

Guys what the fuck. Why is this allowed and promoted by Snapchat???

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why the fuck do you care lol, do you really think culture will override biology? Perhaps you're insecure?

This shit is straight from snapchats news section. NORMYS SEE THIS!

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>7.3 minutes
is this supposed to be impressive? i lasted 2 hours on my first time

Snapchat isn’t a 501c the last time I checked. In other words, (((money))).

Who gives a fuck, more fat people means I look better by comparison

Well they do waste some time searching for their penises under all that fat

Dude brother is one of the most onions Snapchats in existence. It's art of manliness tier. Seriously BuzzFeed has higher T and that's saying something

This is degenerate af
I always eat snacks but I'm not morbidly obese
Muscles are soft

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reminder that kids that are like 11 years old all use snapchat and they tab over to the news section to be fed
>nude celebs
>sex stuff
>gay shit
>abortions and plastic surgery
and much much more

its fucking demonic

Can I get a source for the study?

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Most likely made up of one fat guy and one auschwitz survivor.

Who gives a fuck. The girls who read those things aren't the kind you want to be around anyway.

Normys who use Snapchat read this bro.

incredible image user, may you bloat up beautifully

Thank you user, good luck bulking this season
And as a wise man once said, "laugh and grow fat!"

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Based and redpilled

So what?

>struggling to hold an erection
>trying to cum - can't

Lean sikkunts:
>"yeah bro idgaf I will nut in 2 minutes with this bitch and then quickly go drinking with my bros and my twin girlfriends haha"

This. More fat people = less competition and more slam pigs.

>using social media
>2012 + 5
Found your problem.

>Nut in two minutes
>Don't lose erection when I nut
>Proceed to fuck girlfriend ragged for hours until she staggers out of bed in search of water
When I was young, I thought about trying to prolong my time. That seemed like frustrating work, though, so instead I just beat my dick straight through until I no longer got soft post-orgasm.
It has really paid dividends, desu.

Based. Teach me your ways sensei

>caring about what normies think

Don't be a normy and associate with them as little as possible, and manipulate them when you do.

>2012 + 5

I just told you, user.
Beat your dick. When you orgasm, keep beating your dick. You have to disconnect the mental and physical sensations. Initially, maintaining a death grip will help, but eventually you should no longer need it.
You know how when you cum, you want to arch your body and curl your toes (when you're alone, because doing it in front of a woman is gay af)? Your orgasm is a whole-body event. You're trying to break that down. My orgasms do not trigger muscle contractions beyond my pelvis (though I still get the tingling bit that makes me want to). I don't know the technical words, but I think of them as my dick muscles. The ones you can use to twitch your dick. It almost feels like a pumping action.
Once you have full and independent control of your dick muscles before, during, and after orgasm, you are in charge of your erections. I can get a boner on command, and I can keep that boner until I'm done with it.

Show your penis who is in charge.

This guy got the right idea

Yeah, you got a problem with that, sonny?

Make sure your teenage daughters have snapchat on their phones for more important life information like this.

normal people dont fap 3x a day

My daughter used to use this app, so I started monitoring what they advertise to kids. Found this one time. They are pushing the most degenerate stuff to pre-teens and teens, in particular girls, on Snapchat. It’s pretty bad.

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Pic was the “segment” sponsored by (((MTV)))

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Based bloatlord appreciators

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It shows that fatties are less confident in bed and/or are able to enjoy sex less compared to regular people


Twinks btfo

It really does wonders for your stamina.
Takes me a solid 30 minutes of pumping even when gf is making moaning noises and shit

This isn't true at all, my mom used to date fat guys and they all busted their nut in like 2 minutes. First time I had sex I couldn't even cum and I'm a twig.

Saw this a while ago

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>Do niggers even work?

>mid-sex snacks

This is disgusting. Behavior like this guarantees you're not gonna hit it a second time.

yea but based blubbards can have sex for 2 minutes longer because they can't maintain a full erection checkmate fitfaggots

>mid sex snacks
>pounding for 5 minutes straight
>"oolie whoolie Margaret, its potato chip time"
>gulp down a whole bag of chips
>keep on pounding as if nothing happened

user...that's not stamina.
You're suffering from sexual dysfunction that will bloom into full on impotence and broken dick syndrome.
No, I'm not kidding.

>fatties cant cum
fatties on suicide watch

its the fucking kikes man, everygoddamntime

Nice try virgin

Who the fuck actually looks at the news tab on Snapchat???

I only look at oneitis's stories on the map to see whether or not she is at Chad's house.

If you're dick is hard you're good to go mate.
all these cumlets salty as fuck

How is this even a thing? Who are they measuring? The more sex you have, the longer you last. I can have sex for hours without cumming if I don’t want to. If I have a dry spell, the first time back in the game might go quickly, the next time lesser so... only 4-5 encounters and I’m back to being able to go forever.

who the fuck only lasts for 7 minutes? my bf and i go at it for 30 minutes

ITT: spastics who can't take a joke and think everything is 100% srsbsns like on Jow Forums

absolutely non halal. Non kosher. Wait, actually this is kosher.

Yeah Snapchat is cancer, too useful for nudes from tinder matches though

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Is that a kid

That kids needs to be taken away and both his parents and whoeves is groomint him needs to be shot