What's the greatest shoulder to ratio you've ever witnessed? How high is yours?

What's the greatest shoulder to ratio you've ever witnessed? How high is yours?

Pic related.

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This nigga needs the neckpill and facepill ASAP

His upper arms look ridiculously short.

Mines good, but it could be better.
My left shoulder is jammed up in some way - it spreads much less than my right shoulder so there is a clear difference in the mirror. I have other problems like I cant do overhead tri extension on my left side, shoulder doesnt allow it.

I spent a lot of time with my left shoulder hunched forward gaming as a youth, now I cant fix it. I've tried stretching my pecs and working my back, but it doesnt fix it

Some people are commenting i have wide back but idk i think my hips are pretty wide

Im 6'2

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Thick as fuck user

smaller than op's

Same. Left shoulder always looks shrugged up. But I can still OHP fine, left arm locks put a little bit earlier sometimes. And I'm benching 300lb with no issue.

I've tried stretching traps and other shit, didn't help. Probably going to see if I can book a physio.

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My v taper is like my favorite thinking about me. I think too big of a ratio looks odd, there's a happy medium for best looks

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looks absolutely ridicolous

Am I getting there goyz?

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hows mine brehs

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La creatura

I got pretty nice shoulders from genetics. Trying to get bigger tho.

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Not sure if good or not. What ya think /fit? Also pls no >twink

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i think its pretty good, right now fucked by love handles but after cut i guess it will be alright.
mirin, who is this?
nice back user, too bad you got high lat insertions
mirin delts
would pat head and kiss

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I feel like your body is one bulk of being perfect user


I don't have a tape measure handy to find out, but I've been told by me mom that I got pretty broad shoulders

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based and whalepilled

>tfw framelet

feels bad man

6'3 210
First time boasting, r8 lads?

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looking good brah, what are your lifts?

I don't squat more than 285 since a back injury last year. 1rm bench 245. My real strength is pullups, I can do as many as 16 from dead hang. Fucking love pullups

>6'3 210
these are a real man's numbers. mirin

Are you a twink porn star?

you almost had me with that pic, OP

This is pretty close to my own body except I have slightly bigger legs.

What are you talking about? It's not shopped.

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This is just what he actually looks like.

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>Liftan 3 months pls no bully

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... how did you take the photo like that? Did you press the shutter button with your dick?

Timer bruh

dude how fucking easy are deadlifts for you

not mine

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24 inch shoulders
32 inch waist pants

>those tattoos

That's gonna be a Yikes from me champ

54 inch shoulders
32 inch waist, when I'm leaning it goes to 28 inches

>tfw even with a 28 inch waist I have to buy 32 inch pants bc of big thighs and glutes

wtf post pics

Nice posture, Quasimodo.

Not mine, I'm a typical Jow Forumsizen aka a dyel lardass

This guy

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Eddie Murphy?

>that posture
Stop being a tryhard.

now tell me, what are your.tits

Holy shit just noticed

I wear 30 inch waist but I’m probably 28

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stop hiding that gyno

No but eat lots of vegetables and make sure my diet is pristine. Why do you ask/ what made you ask?

I have shit v taper/ shoulder width.

been trying to get better at pullups and chin ups, what are some good lifts to add to my p/p/l to help with lats/width I wanna be a wide boi

what body fat%

Post body and stop projecting your insecurities onto others nigger

like 4

You look like a vegan

What does a bulky framelet look like? Basically my shoulder width is just acceptable and I wonder if I'll look better if I just pack on a shit tonne of weight.

fix your chest and you will be looking good. nice traps and collar bone uwu


wtf is this considered aesthetic?
small waist looks retarded

nice body also very comfy house user

Is this shopped?
This turbo manlet is wider than Dwight Howard, absolutely pissening

ur arms are long asf

this kid is natty and only 16 too. insane genetics

Based sithposter

47 inch shoulder
28 inch waist
Both without flexing or pump.
Idk if that's good.

by fix chest you mean grow it out? More Bench?

Thanks user perfect comfy for the holidays (pic unrelated)

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yeh just fill it out more. upper chest, lower chest, just make everything a bit bigger. it will really make ur traps and collarbone look nice

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any Specific exercises your recommend? Doesn't matter much tho I'm taking month long break from lifting due to rotator cuff issues.

inb4 twink
my waist is smaller than that of a fucking woman

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