Help me brehs I’m about 7 weeks in and I don’t want to die a squatlet. Is there a reason it’s lagging so hard? Does this just happen sometimes. I’ve been stalled for fucking ages
Help me brehs I’m about 7 weeks in and I don’t want to die a squatlet. Is there a reason it’s lagging so hard...
>7 weeks
>bench 195
Yeah it’s a converted 5 rep sorry. Actually 167.5x5
are u fat?
A little bit I don’t think it’s too bad though. Deleted first pick cause it was less recent
5’8 170
For sure not fat to the point where it would affect ur squat numbers. Might just be because of your leverages. Some people just arent built to squat. Try changing up you form and see if that helps. Juggernaut fitness on youtube have some pretty good videos on variation to squat form.
nice lifts for 7 weeks btw
>some people just aren’t set up to squat
God I hope it’s not this I jus wanna be strong. Thanks though I’ll check out the vods
Thanks bruv been working hard. Probably helps that I’m NEET though lol
Chest up and out, core tight (very often overlooked), deep breath from you diaphragm, FLEX YOUR GLUTES, and the rest you already probably do well. Tightening my core and deep breaths (more support and oxygen) allowed me to overcome my plateaus.
I do most of this but I haven’t been actively flexing my glutes I don’t think. I’ll give it a shot tomorrow
You're probably pushing yourself less for squat than you think you can.
how the fuck are your bench and squat only 20 pounds apart
unironically try SS
I do this I’m pretty sure the squat load is the same though
what is your image trying to say?
Presidents at right would stop for mcd’s, president at left would get a black coffee to get the kids hopes up then crush them, top would go home because it is more practical
you are going up by 5lbs every workout, right?
I haven’t been I get to 4 on the third set then stall so I just maintain weight
where did all of your lifts start?
like what were your numbers for week 1?
Ever done a deload?
What is the name of this app, strength standards?
Dead: 185
OHP: 80
Squat: 155
Nah I’m beginning to think I should though. I was under the impression initially that my squat was too pussy to consider a deload
>Ever done a deload?
I thought about asking this as well, but I wouldnt think he would need to deload on squat first and much less on week 7 before repping 2 plates on squat
Ye the app is strength standards on ios
My squat is also shit tier while all my other lifts are decent, filmed myself and while my back angle and bracing is good my elbows/shoulders are uneven and can't get them to allign, any help?
Could be postural. You might have rounded shoulders look at athleanx for stretches if so
>Clinton/Trump not chowing down on Macdonald's at every opportunity
>FDR not distributing Macdonald's to the hungry masses
>Ike not being a good steward to the family's finances and skipping the fast food.
Great idea but horrid execution.
Alright I'll try it, thanks user
Are you actually stalled? How long?.
If it's been a couple workout definately try a deload and watch some form videos/ look at what you are doing. Videotape yourself or remember what muscle or section of the lift is weak.
Then you can address what needs to be fixed.
Do you put all the reps from all sets, or just the amount of reps for one set?
Yo I'm 5'8 and 170 but I still look fat as fuck
What gives