Strength training is a meme

When did you guys realize strength training is a meme.
For me it was when I talked to Chad in my class
>Be me
>Be 19
>Meet new guy in class cuz I don't wanna be lonely in uni anymore
>Talk about lifting
>I strength mog him in squat and dead, but I have a 10 pound stronger bench than him
>my bench is 245 and his is 235
>He clearly looks like he lifts and is swole
>I shook his hand once and he absolutely man mogged me
>me on the other hand
>a sad virgin who doesn't even look like he lifts

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A thread died for you to tell us you look dyel

That's because you have shit genetics and had to train autistically to get to that point but Chad just fucked around and has higher test. If he did a proper program and trained hard he would look even better

OP is redpilled

Just do brosplit you fucking retards

This is written by a dude that lost couple of years doing FBW

Just start pinning 500mg/wk

> Babyweight bench
> Thinks his opinion on strength training is worth a damn

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Just imagine being this delusional. a 2pl8 bench shocks normies sweetie

Maybe, it's hard competing in uni with chads who clearly pin and don't give a fuck

You have to be 18+ to post on Jow Forums, zoomer

Lol, just imagine not understanding how society works

Just eat right you stupid fucking faggot and you'll look good too

wow, post body. I don't know why people try defending strength training, seriously buddy, stop, ur embarassing urself

>just eat right you will magically add in enough training volume to your show muscles like that without actually training them more!
based retard poster

This, every single person who has been on FB workouts looks like shit unless they do a ton of arm and shoulder work.

test has literally no association with muscular potential at natural levels, it's mostly all determined by androgen receptor density in your skeletal muscle tissue.
this is why even guys on roids can manage to look like garbage

>19 years old newfag teenager faggot tries to give advice
shut the fuck up and come back in 5 years you fucking mouthbreather baby

Ur a fucking boomer who's hoping that some day u can become big and strong and not piss ur pants while u fucking deadlift 225. Fuck off m8. I'm trying to enlighten u

Lmao every 2nd normie benches 100kg nowadays you genetic deadend coper

Really now, u seem like ur coping with the fact that u can't even bench a pl8

>user is weak, doesn't do any volume, and is surprised that he looks small

Nothing to see here.
Little bit more than a plate

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thx for proving my point friend, u don't even look like u lift

I do more weekly volume than u jack off a week. So a lot

What would u consider good numbers to hit to look decent

Depends on the lifter, but strength and size are not mutually exclusive. There comes a point for every lifter that the only way to get stronger is to get bigger muscles.

I literally warm up with at least your max bench, so unlikely.

Im 182cm 101 kg with visible abs but if some zoomer 2pl8 bencher says i dont look like I lift it must be true i guess


what would u say the average is I'm just morbidly curious. I'm young so I have time to destroy my body strength training

>pls spoonfeed me im a retarded zoomer
Fuck off do some research

Based and redpilled.

Once you have a base of strength, hit your shoulders, pecs, bis, tris and ass with whatever isolation lifts are effective. That's all that really separates a virgin DYEL from a beefy Chad.

Now what you perceive as the average strength level really depends on your gym. I'm in the upper third of strength at my gym with 550/340/620 s/b/d but there's guys that have me beat by 100lbs+ on every lift. I'd say in a random sample something like a 2pl8 bench is pretty average, as is a 3pl8 squat and 4pl8 deadlift.

I guess I'm impatient, thanks based boomer, I'll take the knowledge and make great gains. I do a lot of volume tho, so I should be fine there

only a fag would lift for pussy.

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at the end of the day the only people who care how much you lift is other people who care how much they lift.

majority of people dont give a shit. but if you look swole, you get attention and you dont even need to lift heavy, just fucking train for size.

reality checks really tend to sting people posting on this anime board.

>i lift to get attention from other people
Never gonna make it

weve already made it.

>enjoys getting handshake mogged

Jesus fucking christ you're a retard
Strength training does NOT guarantee you better looks, it's STRENGTH training you dumbfuck

You need strength first to be able to do bodybuilding-related workouts, you can't flail a 1kg dumbbell around expecting to look better after it

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Is strengh training a meme for beginners though? Can anyone check my plan please -

>Spent the year losing weight via cardio and diet
>started SS in the gym while still on cut 8 weeks ago
>made no progress so 4 weeks ago upped calories to around maintenance
>Can now at least bench 60kg 5x5 and making progress
>switched to PPLPPL lifting for strength
>planning to continue like this for 3-4 months to build a good strength base
>Then switch to higher volume lower weight for size
>continue that and start cut into summer next year

Is that a sensible cycle for beginner in his first year
>6 foot
>195lbs/88kg down from 300lbs at the start of this year
I wanted to cut down more than this before i upped my diet but i couldn't stand feeling weak anymore.

what is go to intermediate routine then? upper lower with high reps? generic brosplit with once a week frequency?