Does this give you any fitness benefits?
Does this give you any fitness benefits?
There's no such thing as a stable relationship.
>A stable relationship.
Best girl on horse video? This pic always makes my dick erect, if you know what I mean.
yeah, it helps you fitness dick in yuor mouth
There actually isn’t much protein in jizz.
is that Louisa from The Apprentice
i have yet to see one where the girl is not subhuman desu
very hot though inspires me to keep up my pe routine, horses are what chicks really want desu
Yeah like where would anyone even find videos of hot girls sucking horse dick? Who would even want to watch that....haha
thoughts on the current series? this one is fucking sexy
she's a tv personality, that's whey, and the horse dick is shopped, btw.
>horses are what chicks really want desu
My sides
how is that dick shopped that is what literally every horse dick looks like
lmao my nigga they shopped a really real horse cock onto a female horse really well
There are lots but usually they're Brazillian chicks, often they do look pretty hot tho.
you just made my day user
How do I make hair gains like that horse?
Theyre all fake just heads up, the fantasy is better than the real thing. Actual horse fucking would kill someone and they cum in like 10 seconds.
There are plenty of people that do it and don't die
>everyone replying to this Reddit pun
Take this upvote and go, you clever bastard!
not really, and like I said it lasts about 10 seconds. It isnt as hot as the fantasy is
>not really
Well, ten seconds on the internet proves that wrong
I'm back anons. Yeah, women should just get off their high horse and stop making asses of themselves.
I mean it's true. Women will never get off their high horse
tell this big headed bitch to stop laughing at me
if your fantasy is only 10 seconds ok then
is dat horsecum?
plenty and plenty of footage of horse fucking out there lol none of it expect that one vid ends with the human dying
often includes sucking off too so it lasts longer than 10sec becauses horses never really seem to care about that, horses do cum fast af often but flaccid-ish horse dicks are still massive and fuckable even though it always kinda looks like raping the unenthousiastic horse desu
No you clown those are fake. Horses fuck hard and violently. They get the horse to cum for real before hand and then suck on the limp dick. Then they cut away and the girl either puts the old cum or fake cum in her mouth then spits it out. Im more into this than you and im telling you 99% of it is fake.
We have no choice but to thrust this horse porn expert.
>im more into this than you
Truly a man of culture
limp horse dick still is a horse dick
i dont see your point mang if its not a plastic dildo hanging from a horse i dont see how you can say its fake
I just kek'd so hard I threw out my shoulder and a bit of pee leaked out of my dick
I think what he's trying to say is that when you watch horse porn you're watching a person getting fucked by a post-orgasm horse. Not fake but also doesn't kill the person getting fucked.
Lets put it this way gentlemen and end this horse porn civil war, you both have a valid point, the videos are fake because they try to make you believe that the horse is having an orgasm while he's actually being raped, but also sex with a limp dick is still sex
Now let's get back to the original topic: Drinking horse cum
This thread has shattered my dreams of seeing sluts fuck horses. I'll forever doubt the authenticity of it all
like they said i just meant it isnt real horse sex, if you talk to anyone who works on farms when stallions are horny and want to fuck its 1500lbs of testosterone going ape shit.
Ruined it. Not funny.
7 calories per teaspoon (fructose)
what do you think 'horse girls' are thinking about while those saddles are pounding into their pussies
Check the sfm monster/beast threads on /gif/
>that sfm video with the horse raping some anime girl and killing her
The real thing is infinitely better than the fantasy.
That or the old west one with the girl tied up. 11/10
not sure what this even means
check out the videos he mad before that one
I don't get it