User, your gym obsession is getting out of hand. You are starting to look gross. Either you stop going or we break up

>user, your gym obsession is getting out of hand. You are starting to look gross. Either you stop going or we break up.
How do you respond?

Attached: istock-961388254.jpg (968x681, 33K)

Probably by waking up

Can I sniff your feet before you leave?

esta bien esta basado

You get a gf that worships your body

>being single
How's it feel to be a pathetic beta male?

*grabs her by the throat*
I'll fucking do what I want and you're going to do nothing!!
*beat her and break her nose*
I expect food to be cooked in an hour..
*Leave the house to go to the gym*

>You had your chance of getting me back before you said gross. Feel free to leave right away. Your stuff will be delivered to you in 48 hours.


Who are you and how did you get in my house?

That just points out you don't know me and don't support me
I have told you the gym is my medicine and makes me a better person
Even if you were joking I couldn't take you serious anymore and won't expect any real support from you anymore
Thank you for everything and I wish you the best
>Walk away
>Hold feels
>Burn them in gym

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Pic related

>wake up
>or turn 360 and walk into my home gym

Goodbye, don't let the door hit you on the way out

Feels way better than fucking a fat chick, disease-ridden slut or a goblina.

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delete dis

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Who the fuck are you? My girlfriend gets wet when I fling her up in the air and ohp her. She loves my body.


we'll see you then


Don't test me

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