How many time per day you take a shower Jow Forums?

How many time per day you take a shower Jow Forums?

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Once. I might wash my hair twice if i have product in it.

3 today usually 2 because my ex of 2 years apparently has been saying I don't wash my dick so I don't take any chances


Once in the morning after I train, usually. More than one shower a day makes all my skin try to fall off.


I only shower when I leave my house. I haven't left my house in 4 months.

1, after working out

no soap
no showers
no shampoo
no deodorant
use the same underpants for a week for pheromone gains
sleeping on the floor
hanging trees 24/7 for maximum ape gains

Like 8? I take little mini showers throughout the day just to clear my head. I used to smoke cigs and now I do that. No idea why.

Is this very unhealthy?

One of my sedentary former roommates years ago showered twice a day and was the greasiest motherfucker. He was always shedding flakes and was already balding at age 18

this, showers are beta and make you age like shit

I don't really care about getting clean I just like the hot water
I don't even use soap or attempt to clean in any way

I shower once a month

ur not gonna make it until its once a year via rain

Absolutely holy based and redpilled

one in the morning before work and then one after the gym but without soap, just letting the water rinse the sweat off


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2 times a day in the summer cause its hot and himid n shit. 1 time a day in the winter cause i dont want to dry tf out of my skin

Once, first thing I do in the morning.

1 shower in the morning
no soaps/shampoos, water only
rock crystal deodorant

you fell for all the memes if you are doing it any other way, and I feel sorry for you