I don't have time to go to the gym 6 times a week. What are downsides in just ditching leg-day and doing Squats on Push day and Deadlifts on Pull day?
Legs on PPL?
>i dont have time
Okay, let's say I'd rather spend that time on other stuff than doing 6 variations of the squat to build my t-rex legs coming off of SL5x5.
you dont have an hour spare a day? sounds like bad time management, if that picture is what your doing cut half that bullshit out
Do it, nothing wrong with that at all. Push Pull splits twice a week used to be common around here, using that exact modification.
Always remember, the program you find fun is the one that will help you succeed. Even if a seperate day for legs is more optimal, if they aren’t a concern for you right now then fuck em. Build the body of your dreams and don’t let the trolls shame you.
Just do upper lower tard boy
Nah, pic was not related. Time management isn't the issue, driving 20min to the gym is. I'd rather lift 4x1.5h than 6x1 hour a week and sit less in the car.
>you dont have an hour spare a day?
The one hour meme
My gym is 20 minutes away, change clothes before and after workout, shower, etc. All in all 1h Training takes at least 3h of the day when you're a dyel faggot. When you're build masterrace like me, make it 4h, cause training takes longer.
The lower body contains like 3 to 5 major muscles while the upper body contains atleast 7. talk about shit being unbalanced.
Not OP but I bought a home gym because of the othe time that’s involved in lifting.
These idiots try to trick themselves into thinking they’re only taking out 1 hour of their day. Reality is they’re taking X time to travel, X time to get changed, X time in traffic, X time waiting for equipment, X time having the local boomer talking to them that they’re too afraid to tell to fuck off, X time cleaning gym specific clothes, etc.
At least with a home gym, I don’t have to deal with any of that crap. Overall saving many hours per week.
Also, It’s only “just an hour bro” if you’re doing some DYEL pump and fluff routine where you’re just going through the motions and don’t have any specific goal in mind, so really, you’re just playing around for an hour then leaving when the hour is up.
Just buy some 30's and 50's maybe some 15s for lateral raises and use as pushup handles. (This assumes you're a skeleton) Do full body DB workouts every other day. Break it up a little like half an hour here half an hour there so you'll actually have enough glycogen to get the good lifts. Once you can DB squat over 120×10 get a barbell. You'll still make gains of you do high rep but you should prioritize getting heavier weights or adjustable weights once you're going over 10 reps in anything. You'll probably have to get new weights or plates monthly at first then it will slow down. Before you know it you'll have a home gym for less than a gym membership.
>get off the train at one stop to go to the gym
>get back on and go to work
I laugh at phaggots who tell me how amazing PPL is theres no way Im doing that shit more than a few times a week
Why would you ohp same day as bench. Sounds like a bad idea
One day is 3x5 bench and 3x8-10 ohp
The other day is 3x5 ohp and 3x8-10 Bench
Then the isolations come after
I've done SL5x5 for a good whileand wanna move on from it. I used to go to a commercial gym but I bought a squat rack with a barbell and dumbells that I have at my parents farm 20min dribe off. I can't do any workout at my place as the neighbours complain.
Are they unemployed or something? Even my shittiest neighbors were amenable to a morning work out.
I hate to be this guy but... Never skip leg day. I judge people at the gym, but in a very fair manner. How much they lift doesn't matter, it's how much they try. Example being a guy curling 10s but he's juicing his biceps to their max >>> a guy curling 40s with 0 effort. The second biggest thing is method, I can't fucking stand the phrase "arm day" or "back and chest day". Go ahead and work opposite groups in the same day like a retard all you want, more gains for me. This brings me to your question, splitting legs up is a bad idea. Deadlifting on pull days is the exception, but it depends on your form. All other leg things should have their own day, but that negates the need to separate deadlifts. Working opposites = more stress with less recovery = less gains.
>not living literally across the road from a massive gym
Never going to make it.
Idk, but I'm not. I work 7am to 15pm so morning workouts are really not a valid option. I did some dumbell workouts at some point but the landlord didn't like me "banging" 45lbs dumbells on the floor.
Okay, how's this for a routine? I can't come up with other pulls that aren't too similar.
A: Push 1
>BB Bench
>Front Squat
>Seated DB press
>Lateral Raises
>Tricep Extensions
B: Pull 1
>BB row
>Romanian DL
>DB Curls
C: Push 2
>Back Squat
>Incline DB Bench
D: Pull 2
>DB One-Arm Rows
>BB curls
What do you drop the weights or something? Get like some yoga mats or distress mats to set them on maybe cut one up and line your rack with layers of it.
PPL doesnt need to be 6 days a week. It can be 3 days a week if you want. Or 4 or 5.
No, but neighbours complained none the less. Whatever, I still enjoy working with a barbell more.
3 is too little as you're just hitting each body part once a week. Doing legs just once a week is an option of course. Like PPLPPxx
Message both the landlord and cc them when you plan on working out and that you've made preparations so that the property is not damaged and that you're not breaking local noise ordinances. So there's nothing to really bitch about considering you're not doing it for an unreasonable amount of time. If they have an issue with it say you can coordinate with their schedule to find a time that works but dont budge on days. If they still have issues start filing complains on them for every little bump on the floor or every dish they put away too loud. Look for zero tolerance clauses in your lease like smoke in common areas or coming through your window and use it. If people are pushing you push back.
What ruins ppl for me is bench and OHP on the same day
It's called a 6 day PPL
It's not that bad, especially if you're not an advanced lifter yet.
I did it for years, but now the volume is not enough to progress anymore so I have to do the leg days properly.
Also it will get grueling because you will squat/deadlift heavy 4 times a week, which is unsustainable after a while.
Try it if you want, but adding those 2 extra days is worth it.
Training legs is overrated.
This, lifting more than three times a week is not time efficient if you're a natty who sees it as a hobby.
Both are pushing exercises and use ralatively the same muscles i don’t get whats wrong with it
>unironically doing flies
You'll be fine. Squats and deadlifts will give you plenty of lower body strength.
Lower body is half your body so you need to dedicate half your time. Keep eating onions.
Fake and wrongpilled
You want to be fucking juicy you need DISPROPORTIONATE development.
"Oh wow. Much impress."
Crazy, but no one gives a shit about your quads and hamstrings beyond being not-chicken-legs mode. You should aim for- bulging arms, juicy delts and plastered on pecs. Also ass. Have that you're built
>Working opposites = more stress with less recovery = less gains.
Where did you get that from? The broscience bible?
Your core will be weak as fuck. Also juicy quads are important for aesthetics in addition to general strength.
Just do some 3 or 4 day intermediate programm and bro it up a bit for the extra volume faggot
Don't do PPL, nobody should do PPL because it's dogshit. Training more than 5 days a week is asinine and I'd argue that training more than 4 days per week is just as dumb.
Sounds like nobody gives a shit about your lower body because it's shit.
>doesnt utilise massive test gains from training legs
Never gona make it
Can you expand on what you mean by properly? I've been on PPL for a while and I'm hitting a wall on legs
>cut half that bullshit out
Not OP, but I am currently on PPL for ~2m with decent gains (mostly newby gains but still).
Why should some of the listed exercises be dropped? Genuinely asking
>how to get evicted 101
Not him, but he probably just means that quantity of exercises is too much for one day, which I agree with. I do 6 day ppl and do 5 or 6 exercises a day
You could honestly just split those three in half and make that your 6 day plan, they're all decent
What the fuck are you doing that's making so much noise then?
Pretty similar to mine, except I just do the same exercises on each pull and each push day. Working well so far though I may start doing hex bar diddlys once per week
>BB front squat
>BB bench
>DB incline press
>DB standing press
>DB tricep extension
>Hex DL
>BB bent over row
>DB incline curl
>Banded face pulls (NON-NEGOTIABLE!!!)
>Pullups (working up to 15 clean reps so I'm doing 3-4 reps and like 6-7 sets, slowly increasing the reps and decreasing the sets)
This is the ultimate all around PPL you ever need
A, B, rest, A, B, rest, rest
You may add accessories, but you shall not subtract from the above. Sets/Reps will vary based on your goal and type of exercise.
single dad here, quit being a faggot. theres more time than life.
Yeah, lots of people include squats as a "push" and DL as a "pull", it's no biggie.
I'm biased but I would say do a Upper/Lower split, they've always been my favorite and you can get a fuckton of quality work that way.
Imagine not having a gym 5 minutes away from your house lol
this, if you had good legs people would absolutely comment on them.
Ah, so its not that you don't want to get into shape its just that you're lazy
isn't that just GS LP?
im a brainlet so i need to count this
>major muscles
okay so
>upper body
back width
back thickness
>lower day
lower back
I mean i can see what you are saying but the lower muscles are bigger thant the upper muscles, so it makes sense to need more stimulus for them i guess?
atleast for me i cant train my pecs that much, my shoulder gets weird.
Some say you can train with more frequency your back and shoulders, both for different reasons, i train shoulders on lower day too, so i already covered that, but never tried working even more my back. Training biceps and triceps with higher frequency is a semi meme for me, im doing only 2 times/week and only 2 sets and my arm has grown a cm this month, so i guess that works for me
is it? im using ohp as an accesory, what would you do user
looks cool user, in my experience loading as much as you can in the horizontal pulls makes for nice lats.
Is that infographic a good routine for the week? Or should you really be hitting body parts more than twice a wk?
its a lot of volume and you wont progress at all, but idk
I'm going to do this.
I have genetically big legs for a tall dude.
Fuck legs. Only doing Deadlifts for them
Thank you.
Bigger muscles get more stimulus fron the fact that they move more weight
that makes sense, anyway i have no idea about leg training, did a normal leg routine for a month and they grew so quickly that i got awful stretch marks in them, so now i only do some squats and call it a day
switch to upper lower split
if do more than 4 movements per day nigga u dumb
all you need to gain mass is a heavy ass bench, squat and deadlift
stop spreading reddit tier routines here
That's the original pure push/pull split and it's great. There's zero question about which day you should program deadlifts on.
What is your progression scheme?
Why not just do antagonist muscle groups in b2b super-sets?
Saves you time, increases your max, and gets your heart rate up so you don't have to spend more time doing the dreaded "CARDIO"
This is the best image ive ever seen on Jow Forums
>i don't know how to program the post
you don't have t rex legs your just fat
>back width
>back thickness