If you could make one fit-related wish what would it be? Mine would be a home gym
If you could make one fit-related wish what would it be? Mine would be a home gym
Jesus comes to earth and gives everyone 2 years to get fit. Anyone who fails gets fucking cast into the lake of fire.
Neverending supply of top quality testosterone esters, GnRH (or even better, enclomiphene citrate without zuclomiphene, which is not industrially produced yet), and some letrozole just in case.
This way I could maintain TRT indefinitely with no problems and virtually no side effects.
a gf
Damn, thats a good one.
But if it was any wish I'd wish TRUE LOVE indeed as in pic related.
> Money you can get if you work smart enough
> Gains are hard for me but even I can get some if I'm disciplined enough
> Having money I can roid up properly if I decide to do so
> I'm already relatively healthy
> The true love of a woman is harder to find than an unicorn (just like unicorns I don't believe it exists), so having it would be the most wholesome thing possible.
a GF who loved me for me.
He should've had asked for all jews to be gassed. In the end he would get gains, money and true love as would everyone once the parasites are removed.
To become demigod-tier fit with no effort
He's here
The betterment of society and cultures the world over. The rest will follow later.
Become the kwisatz haderach
But is it true love, when you gained it trough the well?
immortality so i can get Jow Forums and rail chicks until heat death of the universe
It's true enough so she won't cuck me with the first superior male she has the opportunity to without getting caught; won't divorce me and screw me over in a family court; and won't disrespect me without apparent reason just to see if I pass her shit test.
That would be enough love for me, if it only existed.
Many have tried and died.
I wonder if people actually believes this.
B&R vampire
I mean, we wouldn't have the likes of Soros and Rockfeller messing with governments worldwide and pushing for 4th wave feminism, BLM and other divisive movements from the left.
But to claim that this absence of jewish interference would be enough to grant everyone money and true love is indeed naive.
I'd wish to Monkey's Paw everyone else's wishes.
e.g. your true love develops cancer, your super strength accidentally kills a loved one and the like
Straight up remove the poorest 50% of the world population and the richest 1%. Its what the world needs.
Ideal genetic potential. That would get rid of my dietary limitations, eye glasses, circulatory issues, make it easier to breath, fix my bad shoulder and, finally, make putting on muscles as easy as possible without being a fraud.
Based and red pilled
Being the strongest man alive p4p in all lifting related sports - owf, pl, strongman, heavy athletics etc.
steady gains forever without any major stalls or injuries or other things that interfere with lifting
Fix this
be confident
i saw a aussie in a hostel with that and he got laid. he was just massively confident.
Pretty much to be Bruce Willis in Unbreakable. I don't care much about the clairvoyance as much as the being indestructible.
I'd do ego lifts with terrible form just to watch people enraged over the fact I'm never going to snap city
Oh no, I've got laid plenty of times. The only girl that's ever commented on it was a long term partner and only cause I brought it up (I'd balance a bowl of cereal in it). I want it fixed because of aesthetics and long term health concerns. I believes there's even an olympic silver/bronze medalist swimmer who has it.
I can get it fixed on private healthcare from my job, the only concern is that it takes you out of commission for about 6 months. If I can work from home after 2 I'll probably do it.
world becomes like a shonen manga and everyone can train all their physical abilities with no limit or diminishing returns at very rapid pace, resulting in things like olympic discus throwers shooting b22s out of the sky and sprinters breaking the sound wall
become zeez
$10 million USD and a 8x6 inch cawk thank you very much
1bilion dollars
Or the ability to gain steroid like gains without the injuries and health dentriments
Every adult male weaker than me, at any given moment, instantly dies. Every adult female, if she isn't as loving as mine at any given moment, instantly dies.
The first one won't be as deadly as the second one, trust me.
So you'll be the weakest guy with the least loving girl?
Everyone not in Montana (and finland) suddenly dies
I would wish for more wishes
If that's what it takes to make a heathlier and happier mankind, I'm willing to bear that idea.
If everyone is fit who would there be for you to look better than?
Christ for he is the most aesthetic.
Now this is epic
god I really hope he made a good choice in going to nevada and it wasnt his bitch of a girlfriends idea to do it so she can blow all his money on gambling. also the fact that another guy is living with them is highly suspect and hope there is no cucking involved
Be immune to the effects of aging.
Full body editor like in the sims 4, being able to adjust bf%, amount of muscles, frame and other minor details. Strength would still require training.
I'd wish to be constantly molding to fit society's view of peak physical performance
>Strength would still require training
who needs it at this point?
Metabolism that converts most excess energy directly to functional muscle mass, forever maintaining 12% body fat percentage.
You don't wanna look like he-man and be as strong as a s0iboi do you?
be on gear without side effects and have an infinite legit supply
Get 1/2/3/4, but in multiples of 1000 (i.e. 1k OHP, 2k bench, etc) with proportional strength for all other movements
Hey user, I had corrective surgery and I just wanted to give you some advice regarding that. It's an extremy lengthy procedure and will take realistically an entire year to heal. It will never fix it completely, but significantly better it. I still have it to some degree, but its better now.
Just be prepared, it is extremely painful. The first weeks will be literal hell, because they entirely break your ribcage. Everything will hurt, and theres no way to mitigate it. Your immune system also plummets. I got bronchitis and was coughing during the first week, never had so much pain in my life.
Outcome was worth it, but you will go through hell. Think it over extremely thoroughly before even considering it.
Maybe that's all I need.
he's not stupid or spineless like his on screen performance would have us believe.
What procedure did you have? How severe was your case? How old were you? At what point were you able to sit and play videogames? At what point did you go home?
Yeah, thats enough. Fuck true love
I would wish that the limit on muscle mass and strength would be gone. We would all go as far as we want not as much as we can.
get my knees fixed
>user instantly dies
Hello r e d d i t
I'd wish that as a kid i knew the importance of fitness and started to lift in my early teens. Would probably swerve the "awkward fat kid" life that got me where i am now physically, socially, and otherwise. That or that I'd be effortlessly fit for the rest of my life no matter what.
>you got guts kiddo
to have a bloat crew that will train with me at my home gym
>an unicorn
This hurts
That's the biggest hoax. I wish it was real too. Then my heart wouldn't be a stone.
I have no bar or something in me, I got the traditional surgery as I was recommended it would be worse initially but better in the long run.
I was 18 and had it quite severe. I was allowed to sit permanently after 2 weeks, took me a week before walking. Went home after a week and had to lie for a week there.
that we'd all make it
That doesn't sound so bad lol. I've heard nuss (bar) procedure is way better in terms of pain and outcome. How long did it take for you to healed enough to (you were 18 so I assume you didn't have a job but) go to work?
god bless
just inhale deeper man
the last 5 years of my life back
1960s-70s Mr Olympia genetics
Would you truly want that though?
Having a tall gf who would then be my loving and loyal wife and bear my children
Aw yeah, I made the cut. Where in Montana are you, Montanon?
how is a home gym difficult to obtain? what more do you need than a barbell, 2 dumbells, a push up bar and some kind of arretation system to stop you from getting smashed by too much weight when doing bench presses?
all these things should easily cost under 1000 dollars combined and will last you longer than you live
this except replace tall with "literally a fucking neanderthal cavewoman with superhuman genetics and fertility levels off the charts"
I really hope that my gf loses weight. Shes not fat. Im just over her being chubby now....
Oh damn I didn't try that.
Then I wish for 1000 dollars
TRUE LOVE from WHO, user?, I can give you true love from a horse for all I care
choose your wish carefully
I know I girl that loves me but she is like the ugliest woman on town
based and redpilled
Don't say that about your mom
become the dictator of the planet by the sole strength of my muscles
she is not a girl anymore user
I get my goal body, with my goal athletic achievements and capabilites. And the ability to become an expert in any physical field I attempt. With the knowledge to retain them and improve as I will of course get loftier goals
this can be fixed with a simple surgery user
>not fucking her until she becomes fit again
not gonna make it
To be immortal, and to be able to expend my lifts for other abilities
>work out for 2 years, get to natty limit
>spend my gains saving my parents marriage
>another 2 years, spend it to raise my IQ
>another 2 years, spend it to get taller and/ or more handsome
>another 2 years, spend it to have telekenisis
>another 2 years spend it to be able to bend spacetime
>another 2 years, spend it to be as smart as a singularlity driven AI
>another 2 years, save NA from yellow stone
then after becoming Dr. Manhatton PRIME, i fuck off to mars
The complete and utter destruction of industrial society and all mass scale centralized technology.
Wow you're on another level of autism
ikr haha imagine the smell from the well hahah get? the smell from the well haha
>Mine would be a home gym
I'D wish for a fucking hyperbolic time chamber
Just wish for a perfect body I guess.
She was never fit, also i never said anything about that. She is hot as hell. i just wish she would lose some weight.