How do you activate lats on lat pulldowns? I can't feel them for shit.
How do you activate lats on lat pulldowns? I can't feel them for shit
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Pretend you're pulling with your elbows and try not to flex your biceps
Do wide grip pull ups
Lean back, tighten your core, and pull down the bar till you touch your sternum using your elbows as a straight line. You need to think about letting the lats do the work during each rep, and focus on the eccentric as well.
Have to focus on not using your shoulders/biceps
Thanks brahs, will try.
Try to keep tension at the top between reps.
Holy shit that’s the screenshot I made and posted on Jow Forums 2 years ago, I can’t believe that pic is still around
Irish bitches have been Dublin in size
Retract the scapula
lmao good one brother
t. low test beta
Absolute unit
Lmao I know that girl.
She used to be normal but now she’s a fat sack of “body positivity”
she was skinny?
Yup, and obviously much better looking. Just a normal girl.
Now she posts up old photos about how miserable she was just because she now gets to eat like a fucking tank while getting worshipped by sad dudes and fat chicks online.
this plus thumb over grip
She’s an anorexia survivor you guys
Quit hating
Do single arm pulldowns on the high cables
Feels so much better, I only got my traps to do the work on regular lat pulldown which is funny because I have a 2pl8 pullup so obviously the strength is there
what's this bosnian pig doing in ireland
I don’t know brother. Let the br*ts have her
Why do foreigners act so American when they come here?
Lol not Irish
t. Mongolian
Based Mongolian
t. Irishman
Imagine the fucking grip strength of this lad
Lats also have the function of pulling your shoulders down, like a reverse shrug. On pull downs remember to pull your shoulders downto initiate the movement. Low rows, think about pushing your shoulders and elbows downwards towards the ground during the movement
You cant feel them because you dont have lats and because you dont know how to use them, use a close grip neutral pulldown
>But user i do have lats!!!
Ok, learn to lat spread then
>I..I cant lat spread
Then you lack lats
Had the exact same problem
>Lower the weight so you dont work pretty much anything but your lats
>Lean back
>Puff your chest out
>Dont turn the elbows outward but to your front while going down
>Place the thumb on the bar
>Enjoy lats
surviving anorexia only to become a fat fucking sow doesn't make someone healthy or attractive.
How does that change anything actually curious
I'll give you a simple solution.
Shrug your traps up, now do the opposite. You should feel your lats.
Is he natty?
this guy is so close to being human
I would fuck this fat bitch but then toss her to the side cause thats all shes good for
Damn thats fucked her body is good for pumping n dumping but her face is ugly as fuck
Would slam and scram
Belfast user here, what part?
Whether or not you "feel" a muscle is completely irrelevant when it comes to whether it's being sufficiently worked. You literally cannot go through that movement pattern without using your lats
>One.. Two.. Three.. And we are live folks with the POWERFUL Joe Rogan
I will bury my cock in her
I don't get it.
>place of living
>place of birth
Can I join in this facebeating ritual?
Sometimes people have rouble activating them because they go too heavy....
Ireland isn't British, dum Ameritard!
>T. low test beta
T. Low test beta
Lighter weight, squeeze at the end.
I do cable pullovers before doing my pullups and that seems to work for me
>That lighting
What, are you performing a summoning ritual?
Don't think so m8
Push chest out and up like you're arching ye back
>british women are so bad Brits have to claim hamplanets as their own
Super set them with straight arm pull downs
>I beg you, return home, claim your birthright, and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching shadows of the Darkest Homegym.
Fuck off cunt. Only an english faggot would believe an imaginary line means northerners and the republic are 2 different races
Rotation of the shoulder shifts
Yeah, I don’t know the mechanics of this but fuck me did that ever make a difference when I made that change.
Holy fuck what a pig
I know it's wrong, but I love these kind of girls
This is what I do and it works, put your mind in your elbows. Really do this for any back exercise
that fucking gut in the mirror...
God I hate that Tin Man makeup look
I don't even care
thank me later, gentlemen.
A bit late for a response, hope you get to read it.
This and it prevents your forearms from activating(fully) and/or taking over especially when you're squeezing in those last reps where your mind to muscle connection is blurred. Try it out, and you'll notice that the pull up/weight is more challenging than under grip.
The fat one is pig disgusting, MG hot as fuck tho
unironically mind muscle connection, turns out it's not complete broscience
are you transforming into the great red autist? what's with the pic next to the window
Picture is awful. Just awful. Completely unfunny. But the filename made me kek hard for some reason.
>eat like a fucking tank
Overhand grip,chest pushed forward and lean back, pull with elbows.
Is she really an anorexia survivor? I mean, I can't recall ever seeing one that is full on fat as fuck afterwards
>are you transforming into the great red autist?
>tfw matching with fat girls on tinder
>want them to cuddle me through the winter as i cut
is it gay to want to cuddle more than fuck anons
i think im lonely
dat dscolouration around the braaphole
my god
Deze kuthoer moet zich niet met Sinterklaas bemoeien
Mis ik iets? Haten varkens Sinterklaas?
I'm addicted to eating fat butts
Reported for speaking French
May god have mercy on your soul
I have the same problem as OP and tried this and it doesn't seem to work. One workout I must have done something right since I was sore for days but generally nothing.
My lats are mostly inline with the rest of my DYEL body regardless.
My biceps and triceps seem to want to compensate for anything upper body even if it's not their job.
why are women like this
things like that have always left me cold. I guess the whole setting is too unnatural for me
Yoga pants going down slowly as she's lying on her back on my sofa in my flat >>>>>> strip tease in a club every time
(I have never experienced either of those things btw)