Who here has actually successfully grown their calves? How did you manage?

Who here has actually successfully grown their calves? How did you manage?

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doing nothing at all. just get fat

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A lot of cycling (and not the hipster bikes with friends and lattes on a riverside kind, the cross-country kind)

I was a 185cm 63kg twink when I enlisted in the Army. 4 years and countless ruck marches later, I was a 70kg twink but I had gigantic calves.

Put some shit into a good backpack with a waist support, nothing crazy just around 20kg and go walk up hills for an hour or two. Do this once a week for 6 months and you will have better calves than the fags in your gymnasio doing 4pl8 calf raises.

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Running in those gay hipster barefoot shoes

Not even memeing

I'm doing standing calf raises on the machine everyday for a month now . I am seeing small improvements, early days .

By being obese for 20 years.

The fat kinda went away, the calves didn't.

7 years of marching band

In high school marching band we did something called marking time which meant if we were standing still we would be moving our heels up and down to the beat, and it was tiresome so I practiced it at home

13 years later I still get random comments about my massive calves

Yup, getting fat then cutting after a year is the best sure fire way to attain and keep calves.

Jumping rope helps.

Specialized machine in the gym. Twice a week 10series * 15 reps

Get fat, walk around, loose weight. Done

I actually was in the army for 6 months but my calves didn't change at all.

10 sets? are you kidding?

I thought you were on about roids at first

Super high volume is the only real way to build calves. They recover very quickly so you can take short rests.

5 sets til failure every day

Yes. Super hard to over-train

So now you know what it's like to walk around as a 90kg person, can't wait till you get to 135kg total.

I’m 92kg at 11% bodyfat now homie, that was 10 years ago lmao

Play drums and play along to death metal with a heel up technique, you'll get joocy as fuck

this unironically

Hiking but only in mountain, with sharp drop off

all you have to do is be a fatty for a few years. fatties have joosy calves

ride a fixed gear bike up and down hills

When I first started jogging (before I started lifting) I ran with toe shoes because regular shoes gave me shin splints.
Barefoot running really builds your calves a lot because you can’t land on the heel of your foot at all.

These guys know what they're talking about. Barefoot shoes with the wide toe box, no cushion, and zero heel-to-toe angle combined with 6-7° incline running at a 5mph + pace is goat. My calves still look like shit but they were a LOT worse months ago before I started incline walking/running.

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300 floors on the stairmaster in an hour.
Walked 125 miles in April.
Run 5 miles in an hour every other week. I don't do as much cardio as I used to.
Dropsets on all leg exercises with 100 reps on my last set. Want to get to 300 reps.

Volume stuff like that.

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ok congerts, embrace the bloat or die in the winter

Wouldn't the correct response be "No"

walking around for 15 years supporting my fat ass has gifted me some very nice calves

unironically, running

Be heavy and walk around a lot

+1 for mid foot running, shit actually works.

Start doing around 12 working sets for calves a week and work up to 20 in the 10-20 rep range cheers