Redpill me no onions

Redpill me no onions

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All things aside, those things are retarded expensive.

>naturally and artificially flavored
which one is it?

you'll suddenly say you're trans because you're taking in a ridiculous amount of estrogen
look at cosmo wright the streamer

Nigga, your ass is poor as hell if you think that’s expensive. 36 divides by 12 to make 3 dollars per bottle which is a lot less money than most meals

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True if you leave in Norway, everywhere else you can get decent food that would be more nutritive than chemical crap if you are willing to take the time to cook. But hey we are on Jow Forums nobody is lazy right ?

>It is also cheaper than a nuclear submarine
It is not a meal.

>3 dollars per bottle

What a fucking waste of money. Whey, milk, and a multivit will hit your macros at a quarter of the cost.

Plus, you won't develop bitchtits.

>400 calories
>20g protein
When will manlets learn?

I picked some up for 50 cents/each on clearance a while back. It tastes like corn paste and was not enjoyable at all

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$3 for the shit nutrition they have is expensive you retard. It's not about being poor, I can find cheaper alternatives easily and not turn into a fucking soiboi as a result.

It's both.
>chemical crap
Boy do I have news for you.

Anyway soilent is shit huel a best
all you needed to know, OP

>tfw staying a year in Norway and surviving on whey and mass gainers because meat is sold for bitcoin prices.

Yea that's my take on it. Everyone who thinks a bottle of onions equals a meal is delusional. Try only going a week with only that and see how it goes, you'll have all deficiencies and even find new ones that nobody knew about

Guys this redpill is going to take you down the rabbit hole for a bit, but try to stay with me.

The basedboy meme is being pushed by Jewish shills. Trump is a Jewish plant and he implemented the tariffs on China knowing they would implement onions tariffs in response. Onions is grown in lots of important electoral districts like Iowa and lots of rural farmers have long voted Republican, but this is an attempt to make them hate Republican anti-globalism stances by turning them into welfare niggers who can't support themselves and have to suckle off the teat of the federal government to survive thanks to his isolationist policies. The basedboy meme came right at the time that the tariffs were hitting the hardest, further reducing domestic demand for onions. Trump is being set up to destroy the GOP. If you don't believe me now, just wait until his presidency is over and look at the state of the party and remember this post and know I was right.

I know this feel. When I lived there, my diet consisted of bread, milk, vegetables, and whey. The only things I could afford

t. soiboi

Shitty bait

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If you're an active dude, you'd need like 8 of these a day to maintain weight if you replace all meals with onions. Plus you might end up with some metal poisoning.

It's only cheap if you're a 90lbs girl.

I get a meal everyday for 2,10€.

Make your own. It's cheaper and you get to control the ingredients.

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>turn farmers into welfare babies
They have been.
For decades.