Kek look at these manlets LMAO gorillas BTFO
Kek look at these manlets LMAO gorillas BTFO
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Fuck, imagine the power.
Jesus, those things'll tear you to shreds.
gorilla warfare
I miss Harambe and Koko.
When i was little i had a plushie of a gorilla and I really loved her.
Jamie, pull that shit up.
Can gorillas make female humans pregnant?
probably , ((they)) dont want you to try it out
Yes they can. Go to Detroit to see in person.
Would pay to see a Gorilla NFL.
Youre all fags theyre like 4 feet mexicans manlets, any man above 6feet should be able to kill a gorilla in 1v1 combat
Man, gorillas are really cool animals. They're probably smarter than a lot of "humans" as well
meanwhile in Baltimore
I would be interested in how much they can squat
So how come they don't attack humans that ferociously? I've seen them drag humans or just scream at them or intimidate them.
Do they know somehow that we really are weak ?
Fuck you one of these can fuck a gorilla so ez that is not even funny
do you attack little kids ?
>the one that starts the fight gets his ass kicked
how so? they have no technique whatsoever. 3 good punches would drop them easily
I think I could take one of these in a fight, unironically. It's one good hit on the head and it's all over
they know they could crush you with ease
you can take the ape out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the ape.
And an african elephant could destroy a polar bear
I don't see what's so impressive. If I were as strong as a gorilla I'd probably be just as strong as well.
*pulls microphone closer to face* No, you see
Every three years the cells in your body are replaced. You basically become an entirely new person. How weird is that? How can we put a value on life itself.
*looks at monitor*
Yeah, jesus. That must be like, what, three hundred pounds? It'd tear you to shreds.
Based autist
Russians supposidly fucking tried that once in like the 50's i think.
And was a total failure apparently
>InB4 Putin unleashes russian army of gorilla hybrid men on the west.
But in all seriousness while Gorilla's are one of our genetic relatives theres too much of a difference for crossbreeding to be possible.
chimps can
And the mouse scares the elephant.
Lol, what the hell is going on there? Who called the tow truck if apparently half the complex owns the vehicle? Why do they climb onto the van but not go to the tow truck's windows? Why is the driver completely unfazed the entire time?
This would be really hot, but gorillas have tiny penises
Do it faggot
They literally rape their harem females. They don't need to impress. Small dick is enough.
Lol. Yea right
>what are black people
Average adult gorilla is atleast 4x stronger than the average pro martial artist
then the cycle starts over again, life is beautiful guys
But gorillas lack technique and strategy
retard they can literally rip you in half
Ill take the bait
>But gorillas lack technique and strategy
Strategy cannot win from primal instinct. Just no.
Really well how did david kill goliat then
Hax, duh
>believing (((their))) version of the story
Koko had like an 80 iq and her partner gorilla could also speak american sign language and described poachers killing his pack..
>muh tenchique overcomes your strengt
with a motorcycle
Would would win?
5 gorillas or 100 top-level heavyweight MMA-fighters?
>Cross breed all types of dogs and wolves
>Entire market dedicated to this
>Cross breed two primates
>Nope totally impossible :)
>Eugenics is evil!
They're pretty bad at fighting. Brown bears are kings of banging out in the animal kingdom as far as I can tell.
Aside from Humans that is. Imagine if humans had the same strength as a brown bear. Holy shit.
Gorillas are relatively peaceful and simply don't attack unless you attack them. I wouldn't doubt that they can properly size us up, though.
>inb4 the gorilla catches your dumbass fist in mid air and stares at you anime style before ripping your arm out of it's socket.
They would always rather not fight.
If they're predators, they prefer easier smaller targets. If they're not hungry they'll only attack in defense, if you seem to pose no threat or don't walk into their territory they'll leave you alone.
Many people survive encounters with dangerous animals because animals can't risk getting injured or killed for nothing. Life is much more lethal for them even when they're big and strong. We get attacked by an animal we can go to the hospital and get fixed up, animals do not have this luxury so any scratch can mean death in the long run. Animals aren't intelligent but with survival being a second to second pressing goal, they act accordingly.
Power the imagine
Dogs are wolves. Humans and the other primates don't even walk or act similar and look a lot more different.
no weapons? gorillas wouldn't take more than 2 minutes
lol how many humans for there to be a contest?
and yeah no weapons. each team spawns on opposing ends of a football-field i guess
we are fucking humans we are supposed to use weapons
there is no point in these who would win scenarios if we aren't using our greatest assets, our throwing arms and our brains
right here, yeah that one
HOLY FUCK look at that thing
That things a fucking BEAST DUDE.
Anyone got any good Rogan pics for me?
Enough to drown them in blood.
Gorillas are not really mych stronger than people.
Can confirm, i live near 8 mile
>>literal jungle south of 8 mile
-10 mile still nigger city
Where's the zookeepers? :(
So is the average pro strongman
God if they taught a gorilla how to properly punch I wonder if he could punch my head off
That joke doesnt work in english user.
they tried womnen on ape or female ape with man and it didnt work but they didnt try the other
Stop user, that's not even fair!
Wtf man
You're dumb as fuck. It's a repossession of a vehicle that hasn't been paid for. Everyone gets on it because they want him to fuck off without the police getting involved. He's calm because he knows they won't do shit otherwise the cops will come and fuck everyone up, he's probably had this shit happen before.
You been smoking again, Joe?
why would you put two silverback gorillas in the same enclosure?
Gorillas are (mostly) herbivores. They generally only fight to defend themselves or their status as breeding male.
Humans aren't going to breed with their females and if the human was armed, the gorilla would be toast. So intimidation will work fine against unarmed humans.
Getting into an actual fight is dangerous and can result in injury, being unable to eat, and even death. That's why most predators only attack the weak/old and will back off if they put up a sufficient fight.
why is rohan so obsessed with chimps/gorillas? i don't get it
not if you strap claws onto the gorilla
What is this fighting style called?
Kekd so hard
this scares me
friendly reminder that grizzlies fuck polar bears' shit up because muh light bones
>chimps are known to be from twice to thrice times stronger the average male
>orangutans tend to be from 4 to 5 times stronger the average male
>gorilas go from 8 to 10 times stronger than the average male
Humans werent mean to envolve, we are SAVAGE, being part of the system, going to college, being civilized, having a job, dressing, having CULTURE, makes you literally a total KEK lm@o at your life, you will never be alpha status, if you didnt take the ape pill you will never get to your full potential
>How do i go apemode ?
>not showers
>not clothing
>not home
>eat nothing but fruits and vegetables, maybe small insects
>naked 24/7 SKERE
>living on the trees, always hitting those pull ups and muscle ups for MAXIMAL ancestral strenght gains
>sprint and jump over people for domimance gains
>masturbate as much as you can, impregnate as many women as you can
>no money
the only way you can get beastly strong and full alpha is taking the apepill, otherwise enjoy being that 30 year old guy at the gym doing lat pulldowns and dying on the geriatric with your pants shit
David used a slingshot. Slingshots launched hard stones not pebbles like they have you believe.
Nah son gorrilas have big penis and small balls.
Chimps have small penis and big balls.
but what if my speed is indeed superior?
thank you for this user
Where is that one faggot who said he could beat gorilla up lmfao fucking retard
it's an old copy pasta, newfag
Damn bro i got a testosterone spike by just watching this
You're fucking retarded. They fighting technique comes from instinct. Animals have the perfect technique since all they do is use their bodies without reflection. The same reason why babies squat with perfect form
Nice try, but go back to making threads
Too distantly related, same goes with chimps and bonobos which are more closely related to us
Based BAP