What are some tips to appearing more dominant...

What are some tips to appearing more dominant? I look like I lift but people still walk all over me and women look right past me.

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I sincerely doubt that you look like you lift
Post body

clean your damn room

your pic related is my fetish OP

Use the Hitler 'stache with Mussolini expressions and Trump's mudras

Be more dominant.

just take a shower bro

Unzip pants
Pull out penis
Youre sure to turn every eye
Drop any jaw
Appall any crowd

stand up straight

Strong steps
Hands stretched
Clint Eastwood look
Walk with your own style

do mma
train your posture with back exercises like squats
do compound exercises

6 months in and you look a lot more intimidating

Post body, DYEL

post more of op pics
my dick is diamante el grante

When you walk into a room, walk straight up to the most alpha looking guy there and fuck his ass to assert your dominance.

Admit it: you assert your dominance to fuck his ass

by not letting them walk all over you. you could be a 4 foot ugly skinny beta manlet but if you just draw the line and dont let people cross it then people will see you as dominant. if you can't stop people from crossing tthe line then you aren't dominant.

You keep saying stuff like this, and yet everyone only laughs when you freak out like an autistic child.

I honestly don't think that this is something which can be learned. Dominance is directly related to the outward expression of your confidence. You can't learn how to be confident and you can't learn how to socially express yourself. All of it comes from experience and getting comfortable in social settings. Keep lifting and it will just happen. People will start reacting differently to you and you will act differently around them naturally, eventually making that a permanent change to your personality and how you act around everybody.

stop projecting.

Just learn to say no

You do for others. If they don't do for you, or for other people, you drop them like a bad habit. People don't "project dominance" that aren't 20 something retards. Think Tom Hanks.

20 something retards or like drug addicts/trash*

>people don't project dominance
right, im telling you to stop projecting what happens when you have an autistic meltdown on to other people.

You're getting distracted by the coincidental repetition of a word. Your working memory must be very small. You must have autism!

retract your scapula

Speak with authority you fuck up. Realize that you were put here by God to lead and you're above most other people. You have a mission that most others don't

Who are these girls?

Poor eye contact and submissive body language are betraying you.


B urself brah

Firm hand shake and hold eye contact

looks like that girl from comet ping pong.. you know the one with scotch tape on her wrists.

I've got no idea wtf you're talking about m8

This is hot. Plus, the brunette is beautiful as fuck. The other girl seems pretty too.

I dont' think one can really appear dominant over a long period of time without feeling like you truly are dominant. To feel like you are truly dominant, you have to feel like you truly are better than or at the same level as the people you are around.

To appear dominant in x setting, become great at x setting.

To appear dominant overall, you have to be an overall baller. Good at partying and social stuff (low anxiety, lots of recent experience, keeping the ball rolling), having good and cool friends, and having a carreer-path thats relatively high status. You're a time-management god and you keep in touch with friends.

If you focus just on being a baller at school/job at the cost of partying and friends, you might become an anxious low-confidence stuck-up dude who looses his edge quickly.

If you focus just on partying and friends at the cost of developing a career, you might loose value at age 25-30+ if you don't manage to use your social skills to get a baller job later. You might loose some of that social confidence because you feel like a useless fuck compared to the doctors and engineers you went to school with, even though they're not as socially skilled as you.

tl;dr. You have to become dominant to really appear dominant.

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Just be your self

But you can be near the top of the social ladder and still be a soft faggot. So maybe imitate truly masculine figures? Calm, confident, competent, rough.

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Unironically this

Becoming competent in self defense or a combat sport will make the largest difference. After a decade of training several different disciplines, I can tell almost immediately that somebody trains by how they walk and hold themselves upright.

Building those motor ingrams in training has an effect on your everyday movement in ways that are hard to articulate.


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Always asserting dominance will be exhausting. If worse, detrimental if your true , softboi persona is repressed for a long time , because when asserting completely hardmode in your younger years, when the party's over, you feel that it's your fault. And so the saga of a middle age basedboy's crisis eventually begins ... unless u can rebounce in daddy numbers. so have a characteristic, or even a partner that balances your level of dominance.

I think this is a big part of it. You may be, big and strong but if you're like me you're still kind of insecure and need to be liked by everybody. Which leads you into habits of seeking out approval by never doing anything that can be seen as negative. You got to learn to stop caring what people think and if people like you, it'll be more geniune because they like the real you and if they dislike you then fuck em.

If someones annoying tell them to fuck off, if you don't want to do something then don't do it. If someones busting your balls you bust theirs back but without getting heated about it. If you're a doormat people are going to pick up on it.

Be shirtless at all times. Look everyone in the eyes.


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you do not want to dominate everyone you meet. makes everyone uncomfortable including you. how to naturally gain people's respect and be the default leader:
>give up validation. lets you think through a situation from objective standpoint. even if people dont agree at first theyll probably come around and respect you more because of it
>do it for the right reasons. if you give suggestions etc to people and it comes from a place of genuinely wanting to help they'll listen, and it will prevent you from forcing it which causes people to realize immedietely your dik small
>relaxed until you need to flex
>when you need to flex or tell someone off be deliberate and honest about it. passive aggression will let people know you are a pussy and keep you in the mindset of doing anything you can to avoid real confrontation, even verbally
>dont go too hard too fast. practice calmy but firmly saying shit like 'i disagree.' 'nah im good.' if they get more obnoxious/heated 'yo. chill.' 'enough.' if you are actually going to fight 'do you want to step outside?' dont prop yourself up like some paragon of violence. a fight with someone you know who isnt going to kill you is mostly about win or lose, he'll think twice before being a jackass.
>practice not apologizing unless you actually did something wrong, and never because someone misinterpretted you or their feeling got more hurt than they would have if they actually acted like an adult.

good luck giving up the angst op

carry a loaded gun and point it at people
then if they're not intimidated enough flick the safety off and start screaming
usually works. If not pull the trigger

learn to fight, probably either boxing, muay thai or bjj. possibly all 3 so basically mma.

It will give you confidence and when it comes down to it you know that you can fight it out. So I think thats the best way to gain confidence and develop a different "aura" so to speak.

thank you mr peterstein

just get a big ass beard and long hair..

all beta fags do this, u can confront anyone with this style and they are deep inside megapussies

Eat more, short haircut (nothing too messy or overly styled), neutral colored well fitting clothes. Try to keep strong eye contact with other people but dont go full autismo and stare them down. Claim space in the room and keep it, dont dodge other people when they come near you, make them move around you. But dont be oviously rude. Aside from that train to avoid filler words, speak clearly and loud . Stand up straight but relaxed

Wash your penis

What do you mean think Tom Hanks? I couldn't think of a softer Hollywood celeb that's why I ask.

push females down stairs in front of other females and then stair them down.

When you say people walk all over you and women look right past you, can you give some examples of this?

A lot of people who think that others walk all over them and women ignore them are not actually taking actions which would prevent this. Or misinterpreting normal social situations as personally unfavorable rather than neutral.

Is there a name for pictures like this?



>long hair
sorry, not a fag


yes it's called degeneracy



get better genes

Be confident, be emotionally distant, be unavailable.


This, never be the first to break eye contact

Probably template-5 etc

Stick your chest out, walk with your weight on your back foot at all times, tense your glutes and tilt your pelvis slightly forward, acknowledge people when you walk past. Make yourself as open as you possibly can.

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Your arms should rarely be at less than a 45 degree angle at your elbows.

When possible your hands should be out beyond your shoulders, well beyond your shoulders if you can. Wrists straight.

If you try to do a comedy bit and are doing an impression of a woman, do the opposite. It's very handy to recognize we all use these cues to recognize dominance/masculinity

>autistically has a 20 min stare off with a girl

oh man how wet would she BE


The Chad stance.


>eyecontact at all times
>cheeky smiles
>wide stance
>shoulders to the back
>chest up
>talk loudly
>when you find something funny, laugh out loud instead of trying to stop it

>What are some tips to appearing more dominant?
Lateral delt raises you stupid fuck.

Hunter eyes.


Easiest way to appear dominant is to not show emotion. For me it's easy because I don't have any, for the exception of anger sometimes. Also have your own sense of style, dress like an individual, not like a member of the flock, and you'll stand out.

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More like easiest way to appear you have some degree of Aspergers

Remove one of your eyeballs from its socket .

Not if you act like a normal human but without emotions. People are afraid when they can't read someone and it makes them uncomfortable, but for me it's enjoyment because I get to fuck with them.

People aren't uncomfortable around you because you "don't show emotion," they're uncomfortable because you act like a fucking sperg.

Wow, the brunette is so cute.

She's got a big ass forehead. The blonde is where it's at

Please sauce on pic or where i can find more like this

I like her forehead. The blonde looks too young. Fuck off.

low test detected


Do these all at once

Weak bait.

reminds me of something

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Never shower again, people will know you mean business.

As someone who's type is dominant, I usually look for the guy who holds himself like superman or Thor. Look at the brutes or superheroes with power and how they hold themselves. Back straight, head high, moves with purpose. More or less.. Think Gaston with confidence and looks but less about yourself and more about demanding respect by just being in the room. If you're dominant by nature, people (me) notice. If you look like you have physical power you have my interest.. Strength is sexy, good hygiene is sexy, being comfortable with yourself is very sexy. Silence speaks loudly, catching a gaze speaks loudly.. Fending off other males by just looking at them.. Sploosh

why don't you have one man you're loyal to?

I haven't found a man who's worth my loyalty. I'm dominant and aggressive by nature but for the right man I'm submissive.. Real dominance on someone I am attracted to isn't very common.


Clearly you've let many aggressive men ravage your vagina

Did none of them want you to stay?