>if you're fat, just eat less lmao
70% of the calories that you'll burn will come from muscle tissue.
If you're fat, just eat less lmao
When will the fucking muscle burning meme finally die? Why the fuck would we burn away our valuable muscles what the fuck why do you think we have fat in the first place?
>Ameriburger health education
Fatcel coping. Kill yourself.
because the body gets rid of tissues that burn calories in order to stay alive for a longer period. do the math
let's say your body notices that you're having a calorie deficit. what should your body be doing? should it reduce the calorie consumption by at least 1000 kcal or should it just waste the fat stores, leaving you ill or dead in less than year?
You most likely imported the nutritional education from the U.S.
t. europoor
"y-you learned from u-"
>no you're wrong because you're fat ... obviously
So instead of burning the fat which is stored for the sole reason of being consumed when you have no other food, the body gets rid of the muscles we need to get more food?
Your body adapt to present requirements. If you're not staying busy, it'll just waste the muscle. And even then it'll retain only the bare minimum.
Hmm should we use the thing that gives us 9 calories per gram or the one that gives us 4?
The body preferentially uses fat when at calorie deficit. You are just a copecel.
>wait, 3000 kcal a day are more than 2000 kcal a day? who cares about long-term results? math doesn't make sense to me
I think u have to much fat in ur brain OP.
>cosmic hide
you literally have to ingest fewer calories in order to lose mass
your body's natural reaction to use muscle over fat to make up for the deficit is why you continue to weight train during your cut - it tells your body that you're still using your muscles and they shouldn't be used for fuel
Who are you quoting?
>your body should just make you lie there and die until you eventually starve to death instead of using your fat stores to give you the energy you need to find more food
You body will never burn muscle over fat unless you’re under 8% body fat
i was fat and all i want to be is a smol lean boi thats cute for girls so im ok with it
Why do people think they can come up with this shit and think they’re right? Like, you’re not a fucking doctor dumbass
>eat more protein but fewer calories
Wow I beat the system
Proofs? I see this a lot but how science based is it?
>the body preferentially uses fat when at a calorie deficit
The body releases the chemicals (ketones) necessary to burn fat when it reaches a low enough level of blood sugar. Studies have shown that certain diets great a much greater weight loss even while at a greater calories consumption. This is not defending fatties, anyone with basic nutritional knowledge can lose weight rather easily by focusing on eating lots of vegetables and exercising.
>this level of delusion
0 just think about it logically why would it use something essential to its survive compared to fat that’s only purpose is to serve as a source of energy, humans wouldve died out millions of years ago if that were true
You dumbfuck, if you keep lifting, your body won't burn muscle. Why would your body destroy something it's using on a regular basis?