Enter the gym

>Enter the gym
>Perform 5 sets of weighted dips
>5 sets of weighted pull ups
>5 sets of bench
>5 sets of a random leg exercice
>leave the gym

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>still gets laid more than you do

>Enter the gym
>perform unweighted squats
>take a protein shit
>leave gym

5x10 Squat
5x10 Bench
5x5 Dealift
5x10 OHP
5x10 Barbell Row
5x10 Dips
5x10 Pull Ups
3x12 Bicep Curls
3x12 Tricep Pushdowns
30 min stationary bike
100 crunches
25 leg raises
3 min plank

whats wrong with protein drinks?

>protein shit

I don't get this meme. Nothing high in protein messes with my digestion. Are you guys sure you are not just not fully lactose tolerant? Maybe whey concentrate/milk gives you the shits?

Nothing. The shits they give you are horrendous though, which is what he's referencing

>Walks in gym
>does 3x10 increase weight every set on every exercise

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They don't though, my shits haven't changed at all.

It's just dyels with bad genetics who meme about protein shits.

>enter gym
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

>enter gym
never gonna make it

I do a similar thing.
>weighted Chin-ups
>weighted dips
>3 sets bench, last one til failure
>3 sets squat, last one until failure
>Push-ups the whole day
Greyskull is based af

>turning 360 degrees
>walking away
choose one you idiot

>turns 360 degrees
>walks straight through the back wall leaving a man shaped hole in the gym wall

ye sure if you got the time to lift 4-5 hours in one session. And are lifting so light that you wont be fatigued halfway through

>exposing yourself as a newfag
Welcome to 4channel!

That's what I do every other day.
Except the cardio. That is for the days between.
CNSlets need not apply

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Fucking newfag, get out!!!!

myprotein internet defence force plz go

This is the terrible routine kek

>Enter the gym
>Take a shower
>Leave the gym

You are doing to many sets user.